
Ric Flair’s Last Match press conference held in Nashville, Jeff Jarrett appears

A press conference for Ric Flair’s Last Match was held today in Nashville, with Flair, David Crockett, Jeff Jarrett, and Brenda Heywood, the Deputy Mayor of Nashville.

At the start of the press conference it was announced that the robe that Flair will use for his last match will be raffled off with proceeds going to First Step Foundation, an organization who helps people fight addiction. Raffle tickets go on sale this Monday at Noon ET.

Tickets for Flair’s Last Match, now moved to Nashville Municipal Auditorium, will go on sale tomorrow at 10AM at RicFlairsLastMatch.com. Those who already have a ticket do not need to purchase a new one for the new location.

Brenda Heywood, standing in for Mayor John Cooper, said that the Mayor has declared July 31 Ric Flair day in Nasvhille.

Jeff Jarrett, who now holds an executive position with WWE, said it was an honor to be there and he’s very glad to be part of this event. Later in the press conference, Jarrett said that he was there as Conrad Thompson’s business partner and was representing Thompson and Starrcast and won’t be part of the actual last match of Ric Flair.

Flair took the stage after Jarrett and said this will be the biggest moment of his life if he can prove his critics wrong. He said he won’t be the Ric Flair of 1989 but he will be better than the Ric Flair of 2009. He said he will give 120% in his match and this will be a show of a lifetime.

The Nature Boy did not name his opponent and offered no hints whatsoever of who it or they will be.

“By the end of the night, you’ll be wondering, ‘What the hell did he do?'” Flair said.

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Colin Vassallo
Colin Vassallohttps://www.wrestling-online.com
Colin Vassallo has been editor of Wrestling-Online since 1996. He is born and raised in Malta, follows professional wrestling and MMA, loves to travel, and is a big Apple fan!

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