Home WWE French commentators Philippe Chereau and Christophe Agius get hero’s welcome

French commentators Philippe Chereau and Christophe Agius get hero’s welcome


WWE French commentators Philippe Chereau and Christophe Agius were given a hero’s welcome at the LDLC Arena last night before Smackdown as the whole place came unglued for their entrance.

Chereau and Agius have been doing WWE commentary for over 20 years and are hugely popular and beloved among the French wrestling fans, with pretty much every French fan growing up hearing their voices on television.

Some of the chants heard yesterday were actually phrases that the two announcers use on the broadcast, especially the “simplement deux” after every two-count which was then turned in a chant every single time someone kicked out of a pinfall.

Chereau and Agius will go for round two tonight at Backlash and you can definitely expect a similar response from the patriotic crowd!

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