
The Vertebreaker 04/24/2013

Just a basic take on a few things. Hit me up on Twitter @TheVertebreaker or georgebrazzel@gmail.com to share your opinions.

After watching WWE RAW last night, I kept asking myself certain questions… questions that, on the whole, were easy for me to answer.

I asked myself, and I quote: “How can we have RAW in the UK, and have Undertaker, Layla, and William (Steven, thanks King) Regal lose?” Well, I’d love to say “shock value”, but we all know that WWE Creative is and has been lacking in that department for awhile now.

Short and sweet: AJ is still the “it girl” of the moment (sorry Nikki, a.k.a. the bigger one), The Shield have to maintain credibility, and the Fandango push must go on.

That being said, there was an even easier question that came to mind last night, and this one I’m going to get some evil tweets about, I’m sure.

“Who would I want to back me up in a fight… Ryback or Foley?” Short answer – FOLEY.

I know, he had a chair… shows he’s not a total moron. In my opinion, and that’s what this is, Foley has few limits. Is he super strong? No. Incredible high flying ability and in-ring prowess? No. Ability to banter well with heels? Oh yeah, in spades dude. But that aside, he’s a genuine tough guy. He’s not the product of any fluff push to superstardom. He’s the real deal.

Ryback has had how many title shots in the past year? I’m going with too many. Hell, Ryback rivals John Cena in title shots lately. I’d love to see Foley ref the match at Extreme Rules between the two, which may be where this is heading (wink wink).

I am a bit bias when it comes to Foley. I’ve met him a few times out in public, and he always takes time out for the fans. Also, many moons ago, he had a gym down here in the Panhandle, and I was a proud member. That, and his wife looks amazing. Not sure what Ryback’s “lady” looks like, but I bet she’s inflatable. Lots of patches as well.

This brings me to John Cena… Super Cena, as is the latest.

Just about every guy between ages 18-34 wants Cena dethroned and flogged. Me, being somewhat over 34, have a different view.

I’ve addressed this before, and my views haven’t really changed. John Cena IS the WWE Superman It’s meant to be this way. In this age of PG television and astronomical t-shirt sales, why would WWE ever change him? Hell, my son conned me into buying that damn spinner U.S. Title belt a ways back. Hundreds of dollars for a piece of Cena nostalgia. He’s got cred with the kids.

All I want to say about this is that when I was growing up, I had Hogan. I wouldn’t change that for anything. I would love to think that my son looks up to a persona like Cena’s, as compared to some alternatives out there.

That being said, the flip side. Cena gets on my last freaking nerve sometimes. Always running his mouth about what the right thing to do is. I don’t blame guys for wanting to see him get the piss kicked out of him from time to time. He’s politically correct, he’s banging one of the Bellas, and he’s got the only gold in WWE that means anything.

When you got it all, damn near everyone wants you to fall on your ass. So, let the kids have their hero, and I’ll just blast him under my breath I guess. If he’s truly the next Hulkster, he’ll turn on the fans soon, start a cool faction that can’t stay heel, and retire out a face. Begs me to wonder, who would be his Kevin Nash?

Back to inflatable for a second, because it’s what I know. I love the ladies in the business. Some of them are so talented, and very unappreciated.

It’s nice to see Mickie James getting another shot at the Knockouts Title. TNA has some beautiful women on its roster, and they can take some bumps. I love the “Rear View”, by the way WWE. Solid move.

It just seems to me like TNA actually puts, I don’t know, THOUGHT into what it’s women’s title is. Now, I think Kaitlyn is cool, but AJ has draw right now. In TNA; Mickie, Tessmacher, Gail Kim, Velvet… they all can get over with the fans, and actually get a reaaction. The Divas have that with AJ and the Bellas. They need to use it more.

Random Thoughts:

Divas are getting their own “reality” show on E. I’m not sure if I should get excited about this or not. I love me some Divas, but this sounds like a financial trainwreck.

I agree with the point made in a previous column that the internet ruins the surprise of the prerecorded shows. Sucks really. Then again, most sites warn you of the spoiler posts, so just don’t read them.

Alberto del Rio seems nice, but I’d rather see him as a mid-carder. Maybe have him feuding with guys like Wade Barrett and Big E. Si?

I’m already missing CM Punk. in a big way. Please come back soon.

The Rock IS going to have surgery now. Not sure what the truth is behind the whole “rewrite” after he supposedly just bailed on RAW. Rock, please don’t come back soon. WWE can use that cash to pay the lower half of it’s Smackdown roster… for the next several years.

I am one of “those guys”. I miss the Attitude Era, in a big way. I want chairshots to the head, wardrobe malfunctions, and swearing on live TV. Good times, my friends…

WWE Network… debuts when now?

JBL likes to use the word IMPACT lately, a lot. Dixie thanks you.

My Ryback, I did make some rude comments about you, and maybe your choice in mating partners. I also gave away my general location. I will keep a folding chair by my front door. Have a nice day!

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