
Top tips: how to promote your YouTube channel through Instagram

Nowadays everyone has numerous opportunities to express their unique personality on the Internet, as well as promoting their business with the help of social media and finding new potential customers.

On the largest video platform, YouTube, you can find a lot of successful channels with unique names, current topics and breathtaking videos. These YouTube stars gain thousands of new followers every day and are successfully selling their products and services. That can only be a dream, right?

However, marketing on a single social media platform and keeping the audience interested is not as easy as it seems. Then the additional use of another known social media platform could be very helpful.

YouTubers are no longer just distributing their content via YouTube – being represented on several social networks at the same time is now an obligation for many. In addition to Twitter, Facebook and Snapchat, Instagram in particular is one of the most frequently used platforms as the most important dissemination platform for images. The whole idea of ​​Instagram is creating and sharing visual content – exactly what YouTube itself is aiming at.

So we’ve put together a list of tips and tricks that can help you promote your YouTube channel through Instagram

  1. Pay attention to your Instagram bio

If you’ve already created an Instagram account, the first thing you should take care of is its appearance. Please note three most important things: username, profile picture and description.

If you want to link your Instagram account to your YouTube channel, both should have the same name. This also applies to your individual logo, which you only designed for your channels. The more eye-catching and understandable your profile photo, the better.

It is recommended that you share the link to your YouTube channel in your bio so that your new followers subscribe.

There is no doubt that shorter links are easier to remember. With a URL shortener  you can shorten links that are too long to a few characters in a few clicks of the mouse.

  1. Share your Instagram with your YouTube followers

Don’t forget to post the link to your Instagram profile on YouTube and invite your followers to your Instagram page. If you have decided to post content on YouTube and Instagram, you should be active on both platforms from now on and inform all your followers about the new posts – that would look positive on your part.

  1. Find your audience

Anyone who wants to promote their account on any social media platform encounters the same problem: looking for “real” followers. Of course, it would be great if Instagram users fell into the category of interested people. But how can you find the “right” users as quickly and safely as possible without pulling fake pages onto your Instagram account?

Many entrepreneurs resort to the help of trusted sources. SocialWick could be a good example. This platform is aimed at the safe and organic growth of the Instagram audience. With this platform, you can buy Instagram users and have your account in safe hands.

  1. Let your followers take a look behind the scenes

One of the best things about being a YouTuber is the bond you make with your subscribers. A great way to strengthen these relationships is to stay active and approachable.

Most of the followers of a particular YouTube channel want to know more about its author and life. Instagram, with its most numerous tools, is a perfect way for you to creatively show your subscribers what your everyday life is like.

Instagram Stories is a useful tool in interacting with your followers. Everything that remains behind your videos and does not match your content format can easily be transferred to your stories. Let yourself be creative: share your background, your work goals, recommendations and other news, conduct open polls with your followers, tease the audience with a preview of your new YouTube video and don’t forget to leave links.

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