
SPONSORED: How long does it take to become a black belt in BJJ

Often when you hear about the belt systems in various martial arts, many people do not give them much respect. Yes, there are various...

What you need to know before the ROH/NJPW G1 Supercard

There is simply no denying that there has never been a better time to be a wrestling fan. Heck, it is always a good...

A few WrestleMania 35 predictions

Fоr thе fіrѕt tіmе іn hіѕtоrу, wоmеn wіll bе hеаdіng thе WrеѕtlеMаnіа саrd wіth Ronda Rousey, Chаrlоttе Flair аnd Bесkу Lуnсh соmреtіng іn a...

NXT Takeover: New York full results and grades

Thе mаіn еvеnt, whісh рrоvеd tо bе аn аbѕоlutе сlаѕѕіс, оffеrеd uѕ оnе оf thе mоѕt mеmоrаblе mоmеntѕ wе wіll еvеr ѕее іn thе...

Importance of selecting the running shoes for flat feet

If уоu аrе thinking оf gеttіng a раіr оf flаt-fооtеd shoes, it is important tо realize thаt mоѕt оf thеѕе ѕhоеѕ аrе vеrу dіffеrеnt...

4 best ways to get to WrestleMania

WrestleMania 35 is approaching and everyone is excited except to when it comes to the hot topic of how to get there. This question...

Steroid abuse: tragedies of WWE stars

Wrestling is so famous and loved for its grandeur: epic ring entrances, dazzling performance, and a rippling physique create a wild and powerful image...

SPONSORED: Popular Pokies games in New Zealand

While the most popular casinos might not be the best in terms of bonuses and promotional offers like free spins and no deposit bonus,...

The different ways you can bet on wrestling (and win)

Do you have a passion for wrestling and would like to add to the excitement by placing a little bet on the result? This...

SPONSORED: All Champions league matches on our site

The playoffs round of the Champions League has already gained momentum. All main favorites have joined the medal fight. At this stage, even the...

Baron Corbin: The loneliest wolf of all

Not so long ago, Baron Corbin was being touted as a future WWE Champion. Now, he wrestles in a waistcoat and slacks, and almost...

SPONSORED: Stream live football at the site of reliable bookmaker

Today, there are a lot of sports betting sites. It is quite difficult to choose the right bookmaker. It is necessary to take into...

SPONSORED: PSAT practice test – a preliminary key to preparing for SAT test

PSAT(also known as NMSQT) is the Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test. It is regarded as a trial run for the SAT and ACT...

Wrestling betting guide

‘Betting’ in a very general term, has always been associated to ‘chance’ and ‘luck’; when essentially, anything that has more than one outcome has...

Ronda Rousey vs Becky Lynch at WrestleMania having a chance to main event the show

WrestleMania 35 is upon us and is the norm, permutations and predictions are already doing the rounds as to who will face who, who...

Royal Rumble 2019 PPV Pick’em report

Hey everybody! It's @TheMagnumDA and we're BACK for the 2019 PPV Pick'em season. We're only going to do select shows throughout the year, so...

Wrestling stars turned restaurateurs

Numerous professional wrestlers fail to quit and leave the show while they are at the top of their game simply because they love the...

Wrestling themed eateries with great food

Themed restaurants cater to a great multitude of tastes. Unfortunately, restaurants catering specifically to the tastes of our fellow wrestling fans out there come...

Wrestling rockers: pro wrestlers as rock stars

Apologies to 80s fans of the Rock N’ Wrestling Era when MTV partnered with the WWF that saw pro wrestling return to the centre-stage...

A fantasy sport: pro wrestling gambling

Pro Wrestling is one of the most enjoyable events. Much like theater the players get into the fight but one which is scripted. And...


Corey Graves to join Michael Cole on Raw commentary tonight is reporting that Pat McAfee did not make the trip to Europe to call Monday Night Raw but...

Raw live today at 3PM ET on Netflix from Brussels, Belgium

Raw today will be live at 3PM ET on Netflix as WWE continues its European tour with a stop...

Steve Austin to appear at WWE World during WrestleMania 41 weekend

Fanatics Events today announced that "Stone Cold" Steve Austin will be appearing at WWE World at WrestleMania 41 on...

Mercedes Mone wrestles Indi Hartwell at HOG Wrestling indie show

Mercedes Mone was not at Collision last night but there was a good reason for it as she was...

Collision Slam Dunk Saturday & Sunday announced for next week

AEW announced the Collision Slam Dunk weekend which will see two episodes of Collision split into one-hour broadcasts airing...
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