Home General Eva Marie cast in new movie playing U.S. Army veteran in leading...

Eva Marie cast in new movie playing U.S. Army veteran in leading role


Former WWE Superstar Eva Marie has been cast to star alongside Randy Couture, Neal McDonough, Oleg Prudius, Bai Ling and Rashad Evans in a new movie titled Phoenix according to Deadline.com.

Phoenix is an action-thriller which centers on Eva Marie’s character Fiona “Phoenix” Grant, a U.S. Army veteran Sergeant who is teaching hand-to-hand combat skills in Afghanistan when she receives word that her father, played by Randy Couture, has been killed in Florida.

“The police report says it was suicide, but Fiona doesn’t believe it. Encouraged to take a leave of absence by her commanding officer (McDonough), she heads back to the U.S. and soon learns that the prime suspect is Maxim Vasiliiev (Prudius), a ruthless local drug kingpin with an army of mercenaries and enough legal, political and business influence to keep him outside the law. Armed to the teeth, she plans to take out Vasiliiev with her bare hands, and nothing is going to stop her,” reads the rest of the description of the movie from Deadline.

Prudius is former WWE star himself Vladimir Kozlov and of course both Couture and Evans are former UFC champions.

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