
Crown Jewel pick’em report

Hey everybody! It’s @TheMagnumDA with yet another installment of the PPV Pick’em! This time, we’re returning to Saudi Arabia, THE LAND OF THE PLUSH FLOOR SEATS, for Crown Jewel, the second show in a ten-year deal between the Saudi Sports Group and WWE. As citizens of the world, we completely understand fans’ outrage towards this show.

There’s a lot of controversy with the ongoing business deals between WWE and the Saudis, but we’re not here to report the news. We’re simply here to deliver the picks…and tonight, we could blow the door wide open on this Pick’em Season.

Here’s the scores so far in the 2018 WWE PPV Pick’em Season (after Evolution):

Heel Turn Tom: 70 (+6) = 76 Points

MagnumDA: 69 (+6) = 75 Points

Colin: 70 (+3) = 73 Points

Tricky Don: 69 (+4) = 73 Points

What makes tonight extra special? The WWE World Cup, a one-night ‘King of the Ring’ style tournament to determine ‘the Best in the World.’ This is, in no way, shape, or form, a knock on CM Punk…right? 😀 Anyways, the tournament is special because we have the following points format laid out for each round:

Each First Round Correct Pick – 1 Point

Each Second Round Correct Pick – 2 Points

Pick the Winner of the Tournament – 4 Points

So basically, if you go 7-for-7 on your bracket, you can win up to 12 Points! YUGE!

 Here’s how the Crew thinks the World Cup will shake out:


Tom’s First Round:

Seth Rollins d. Bobby Lashley, Kurt Angle d. Dolph Ziggler, The Miz d. Jeff Hardy, Rey Mysterio d. Randy Orton

Magnum’s First Round:

Seth Rollins d. Bobby Lashley, Dolph Ziggler d. Kurt Angle, The Miz d. Jeff Hardy, Rey Mysterio d. Randy Orton

Colin’s First Round:

Seth Rollins d. Bobby Lashley, Kurt Angle d. Dolph Ziggler, The Miz d. Jeff Hardy, Rey Mysterio d. Randy Orton

 Don’s First Round:

Seth Rollins d. Bobby Lashley, Dolph Ziggler d. Kurt Angle, The Miz d. Jeff Hardy, Randy Orton d. Rey Mysterio


Tom’s Second Round:

Seth Rollins d. Kurt Angle, Rey Mysterio d. The Miz

 Magnum’s Second Round:

Dolph Ziggler d. Seth Rollins, Rey Mysterio d. The Miz

Colin’s Second Round:

Seth Rollins d. Kurt Angle, Rey Mysterio d. The Miz

Don’s Second Round:

Dolph Ziggler d. Seth Rollins, Randy Orton d. The Miz


 Tom’s Final Round: Seth Rollins d. Rey Mysterio

Magnum’s Final Round: Rey Mysterio d. Dolph Ziggler

Colin’s Final Round: Rey Mysterio d. Seth Rollins

Don’s Final Round: Randy Orton d. Dolph Ziggler


WWE Smackdown Tag Team Championship

The Bar (Cesaro and Sheamus) (c) vs. The New Day (Big E, Kofi Kingston, and/or Xavier Woods)

Tom: They won’t flip the titles so soon. Also I wonder if they have plans for the New Day as single stars. The Bar holds on to the titles.

Magnum: I like The Bar retaining here and moving on to their next program. I had a feeling New Day wouldn’t hold on to the titles long, and I was right. They won’t win them back anytime soon. The Bar retains.

Colin: Again. And again. I’m sick of seeing the same tag matches on every show. Lost interest in this program. The Bar retains.

Don: I am trailing in the points, so I am going to have to put on the killer bee mask and make the hot tag to BIG Patt. All of the predictions are courtesy of BIG Patt. This match will be a match that gets the people standing on their feet and chanting New Day Rocks. Big Show will interfere and The Bar will retain. The Bar wins.

D-Generation X (Triple H & Shawn Michaels) vs. The Brothers of Destruction (Undertaker & Kane)

Tom: I see Kane taking most of the brothers’ bumps. I see Shawn Michaels looking great in the match and getting another match or two. Probably one against HHH. DX wins.

 Magnum: I remember when I was 14…this would have been a marquee matchup when I was that age. At 34? It’s kinda surreal to see HBK back in the ring, but hey…$$$ talks, doesn’t it? Since DX got the win last time, I’ll take Kane and The Undertaker this time around.

Colin: Eh, tough one. Will HBK lose on his return to the ring? Very unpredictable match. Thinking that HHH had the win last time in Australia, I’m inclined to say that the Brothers of Destruction will win this one. If Taker/Kane lose, I see Kane doing the job because, well, he’s going back to his mayoral job. But I don’t know. I’m undecided…..Screw it, Taker and Kane win.

Don: My prediction is the entire match Kane and Taker will have the advantage then Michaels and Triple H will get the win. After that both teams are going to show a lot of respect, but as we all know this will lead to a feud with HBK and Taker. Maybe at the Rumble 20 years after Taker retired HBK for the 1st time. Tonight, DX wins.

WWE Championship match

AJ Styles (c) vs. Samoa Joe

Tom: Great matches in the past but no story for this match. AJ Styles retains.

Magnum: No story?! Samoa Joe was downright CREEPY on SmackDown Live when he was trespassing on AJ’s personal property. There’s plenty of history between these two, but the program ended sometime back. I don’t see anything picking back up, or any major shocker here…so I’ll take AJ to retain.

Colin: AJ Styles is close to 365 consecutive days as champion and while I certainly think that Samoa Joe deserves a run with the title, it won’t come at Crown Jewel. Too bad we didn’t get a proper AJ/Bryan match at the pay-per-view, but this match should be great as well, judging by the chemistry these two have. AJ to retain the title.

Don: After seeing AJ’s luck lately, I feel like WWE is trying to let AJ have the title for a whole year. Samoa Joe will get himself disqualified during the match, allowing AJ to retain. AJ Styles wins by DQ.

WWE Universal Championship match

Brock Lesnar vs. Braun Strowman

Tom: I do see Brock going to an ‘Undertaker Schedule’ and showing up to big money shows and WrestleMania. So Braun ‘gets these hands’ on the WWE Universal Championship. Strowman wins.

Magnum: This one has “Suplex Through The Ring Ending in a No-Contest” written all over it. However, since that doesn’t really net any points for me, I’m just going to take the obvious pick and run with Braun.

Colin: I would be very, very, very, very, VERY surprised if Brock Lesnar wins here. Unless he’s in it for the long haul, WWE should keep him away from that title. He had his run, now it’s time for someone else. While I am picking Braun Strowman for the win here, I’m more interested on how the finish will be.

Don: I feel like this is finally Braun’s time to hold the title since Brock held it for so long. Braun will beat Brock because Heyman will betray Brock and Braun will win the title. Strowman (with his new manager Paul Heyman) becomes champion.

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Magnum DA
Magnum DAhttp://www.twitter.com/themagnumda
@TheMagnumDA writes the Raw & Smackdown Live TV reports, and he is also the PPV Pick'em reporter for Wrestling-Online. He currently resides in Minneapolis, Minnesota. He enjoys traveling, reading, and playing PSN (ROCKofJERICHO).

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