Tag:Jeff Hardy

Jeff Hardy undergoes successful shoulder surgery

Jeff Hardy underwent successful surgery yesterday to repair a torn rotator cuff in his right shoulder. The surgery was performed by Dr. Jeffrey Dugas...

Jeff Hardy tears rotator cuff, to undergo surgery on October 3

Jeff Hardy received the worst possible news after he was diagnosed with a torn rotator cuff, requiring surgery and a long rehab process to...

Jeff Hardy has shoulder injury, may require surgery

Ryan Satin of ProWrestlingSheet.com is reporting that Jeff Hardy has a shoulder injury and might need to undergo surgery, putting him out of action...

Jeff Hardy to perform live at a concert in Clarksville, TN on 09/30

Jeff Hardy will be performing live at a concert with his band Peroxwhy?gen in Clarksville, Tennessee on September 30 which will be held at...

Jeff Hardy becomes the #1 contender for the Intercontinental title

Jeff Hardy will have his first shot at a singles title since the Hardy Boyz’ return at WrestleMania after winning a 15-man battle royal...

USPTO refuses initial applications for Broken trademarks filed by Anthem

Anthem Sports & Entertainment were dealt with a bump in the road to trademark three Hardy-related terms that are the center of the fight...

Update on Hardyz/Anthem fight over Broken gimmick ownership and rights

The Sports Illustrated website has a story up recapping the whole Hardy Boyz vs Anthem Sports and Entertainment fight over the Broken ownership and...

Jeff Hardy to host CD release after party following Raw in Nashville

Jeff Hardy will be hosting a CD release after party in honor of his band's latest album, Precession of the Equinoxes, on July 17...

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