Tag:RAW ratings

RAW rating for 09/17/2012

This week's RAW drew an average of 4,051,667 viewers for a composite rating of 2.9. It drew the lowest average of viewers since RAW...

RAW rating for 09/10/2012

Monday Night RAW from Montreal did a 2.88 rating for the three hour show with an average of 4,136,000 viewers. Hour one did 3,777,000...

RAW rating for 09/03/2012

The Labor Day edition of RAW this week drew a 2.8 rating with an average of 4,203,000 viewers for the three hour broadcast. Hour...

RAW ratings for 08/27/2012

Monday Night RAW scored the second 3.1 rating in a row, with an average of 4,482,000 viewers off hours 2.9, 3.3, and 3.2. Hour...

RAW rating for 08/20/2012

The post-SummerSlam RAW this week drew a 3.14 composite rating with a total average viewership of 4,352,000. Hour one did 4,352,000 viewers, hour two...

RAW rating for 08/13/2012

Monday Night RAW this week drew a low 2.84 rating for the three hour show with an average of 4,134,000 viewers and no competition...

RAW rating for 08/06/2012

Monday Night RAW pulled in a 3.1 composite rating with an average of 4,367,000 viewers for this week's show off hours 2.8, 3.3, and...

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