Tag:Roman Reigns

No legal fallout for Reigns following alleged ties to steroid business

TMZ.COM is reporting that Roman Reigns, along with Hollywood movie stars Mark Wahlberg and Josh Duhamel, will not be probed by the DEA for...

Roman Reigns denies being a client of Wellness Fitness Nutrition steroid business

A few days after allegations surfaced that Roman Reigns was a client of the Wellness Fitness Nutrition steroid business that was busted by the...

Roman Reigns’ name tied to steroid distribution ring which was raided by DEA

One year ago in Miami, a team from the Drug Enforcement Agency raided the Iron Addicts Gym, arresting multiple individuals, including one of the...

Intercontinental title match set for New Year’s Day Raw

Not to be outdone by Smackdown who will have a Tag Team title match on the first episode of 2018, Raw General Manager Kurt...

Roman Reigns tops most disliked WWE video on YouTube for 2017

Forbes.com combined a list of YouTube videos uploaded by WWE in 2017 which got the most dislikes from the WWE fans. Unsurprisingly, a Roman Reigns...

Roman Reigns becomes Grand Slam champion with Intercontinental title win

The Miz' long Intercontinental title reign came to a halt last night on Raw after he lost the belt to The Shield member Roman...

Roman Reigns returning on Raw next week

Roman Reigns will be returning on WWE television next week as Raw rolls into Atlanta for the Survivor Series go-home show. Reigns has been sidelined...

Roman Reigns out for around another month

Ryan Satin of ProWrestlingSheet.com is reporting that Roman Reigns is expected to be out of action and off television for a few more weeks...

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