Tag:WWE Network

Legends’ House season finale tonight on WWE Network

The WWE Network original series Legends’ House will be airing its season finale tonight starting at 8PM EST. The preview for tonight reads, “Pat Patterson...

WWE Network to air NXT Takeover special tomorrow

The WWE Network will be airing an NXT Takeover preview tomorrow night starting at 10PM EST hosted by Renee Young. The show will feature an...

George Barrios talks WWE Network at J.P. Morgan conference

When delivering a presentation at the 42nd Annual J.P. Morgan Global Technology, Media and Telecom Conference in Boston, Massachusetts on Wednesday, WWE Chief Strategy...

Over $100 million spent on WWE Network so far

The WWE Network was another major topic during today’s conference call with investors, hosted by Chairman and CEO Vince McMahon and Chief Strategy &...

WCW’s Clash of the Champions comes to the WWE Network

WWE has added all the Clash of the Champions shows starting from the first one from March 27, 1988 all the way to the...

Refer friends to WWE Network and get WWEShop gift cards

WWE is starting to reward fans who refer their friends to subscribe to the WWE Network with up to $250 in WWEShop.com gift cards. The...

Tough Enough returning on WWE Network

During the conference call held today to talk about the Q1 2014 earnings, it was revealed that Tough Enough is making a comeback on...

WWE Network generates $4.4 million in first quarter

By the time the first quarter ended on March 31, 2014, the WWE Network had 495,000 subscribers which generated $4.4 million in subscription revenue. From...

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