Tag:WWE on A&E

WWE on A&E block (2023) ratings for week 7

Week seven of the WWE on A&E block had the highly-anticipated Biography of Dusty Rhodes and the Rivals episode of The Undertaker vs Randy...

WWE on A&E block (2023) ratings for week 6

Week six of WWE's block on A&E saw two Biography episodes, the first one on Charlotte and the second one on Yokozuna, and Rivals...

WWE on A&E block (2023) ratings for week 5

The WWE on A&E block this week had two Biography episodes, on Jerry "The King" Lawler and Paige, and a Rivals episode featuring Trish...

WWE on A&E block (2023) ratings for week 4

This week's WWE block on A&E featured the Biography of Kane and Rivals had the feud of Triple H and Batista, with the shows...

WWE on A&E block (2023) ratings for week 3

Week three of WWE's block on A&E featured the Biography of Chyna and WWE Rivals tackled John Cena vs The Rock. Biography: Chyna drew 481,000...

WWE on A&E block (2023) ratings for week 2

Week two of the WWE block on A&E featured the Biography of Jake "The Snake" Roberts, currently employed by AEW, and the Rivals episode...

WWE on A&E block (2023) ratings for week 1

WWE's newest block on A&E drew higher numbers than what the season finale of each show drew last year. The Biography episode featuring the nWo...

WWE Biography and Rivals restart tonight with new seasons on A&E

The latest WWE block on A&E Network kicks off tonight with new episodes of Biography: WWE Legends and WWE Rivals. The Biography episode, featuring the...

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