
TNA name “deleted” starting from next week

With a new regime comes a new name…well, sort of! Starting from next week’s Impact, TNA will no longer be TNA as the initials and the Total Nonstop Action name will be dead and buried.

Going forward, the company will solely go by the name of Impact Wrestling and the new folks running the show made sure everybody knows that during the tapings yesterday, blasting the previous management for their screw-ups and letting big names like AJ Styles, Samoa Joe, Bobby Roode, and others leave.

Dropping the TNA name has been in the pipeline for quite a while with parent company Anthem thinking that the name is “damaged goods” to wrestling fans. The TNA name has been around since the first show which aired on June 19, 2002.

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Colin Vassallo
Colin Vassallohttps://www.wrestling-online.com
Colin Vassallo has been editor of Wrestling-Online since 1996. He is born and raised in Malta, follows professional wrestling and MMA, loves to travel, and is a big Apple fan!

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