
Dynamite TV report for 12/14/2022

Arena: Curtis Culwell Center

City: Garland, Tx

Last Week’s Rating: 840,000 overall; 0.29 in 18-49 demo

Last week I wasn’t too hard on that Regal explanation.  On the assumption that they wouldn’t have been stupid enough to do the whole angle if they knew he was leaving.  Well, turns out they were.  In which case, the whole thing absolutely sucks.

It made Moxley look dumb and leaves Bryan Danielson defending his heel mentor against a heel champion the fans rarely want to boo.

And they had such an easy out.

Max uses the ring after promising not to: ‘I lied and you were stupid enough to believe it’.  He can still clock Regal to set up his exit except now there’s genuine sympathy as Danielson defends his guy.  And Ricky Starks could threaten to take away Max’s ‘secret weapon’, the only reason he’s champ right now.  It would’ve built the ring up as something MJF desperately wants to keep.

Perhaps with ROH doing its own thing now, creative will improve?  Because it needs to.

It’s Wednesday night, it’s Dynamite.  Let’s go.


Welcomed by Excalibur and the classic mid-90s NBA theme, Taz and Tony were then introduced as they ran through the card, including casually informing us that Jericho was no longer the ROH champ.

The Elite vs Death Triangle, Match 4 of 7, Trios Titles

Backstory: The Elite snagged a desperate W last time to prevent them going down 3-0

Mixture of boos and people singing along to the Elite’s entrance theme.  Fairly fitting given how confusing the Trio and their entourage’s presentation is.

Nick and Penta to start us off – Callus joined on comms – the announcers made a big deal about the Bucks and co. still being 2-1 down.

Interrupting the ‘Cero’ part of Penta’s slogan, Nick grabbed the hands, Penta went for the legs and a takedown before the pair popped right back up.  Series of ducks, dives and dodges; Penta setup Fear Factor, Nick countered out into an arm-wringer and hit the buckle for a spinning armdrag off the top.

Bringing Fenix in.

Nick was ready, drop toe hold into the Elite’s corner where Matt sprung in with a legdrop before quickly tagging back out as his younger brother rejoined via hurracanrana, sending Penta over to Pac to tag out.  As the Bucks were double-teaming the Brit, Kenny was tagged in – getting a loud ovation from a section of the crowd – double team wheelbarrow/kintaro crusher for two, continuing the focus on Pac’s broken nose.

Tilt-a-whirl backbreaker to Pac as the LB’s tried to interfere – Nick took to the sky, selling his ankle after landing, which Taz pointed out on comms.

Rapid start.

Nick didn’t want the tag, Matt in instead, he and Kenny continuing to double team Pac via suplex.  The Elite’s whipping boys were shown attending to Nick on the outside, then the ringside doctor.

Matt blocked Pac’s rebound German by grabbing the ropes, until Fenix ran them and kicked him free, Penta then used Pac’s back as a springboard to drop Omega with a slingblade, Fenix followed up with a tope between the ropes as Pac got two on Matt.

After the preceding, Kenny was selling the shoulder which’d kept him out much of last year and Nick had headed to the back.  I’d like this much more if they were very clearly the babyfaces – but the crowd cheering everything DT does says otherwise.  More muddled psychology.

Matt was in trouble as we returned until catching Rey out of the sky into locomotion northern lights.  Mid-rollup-attempt, Penta came in and the northern lights continued – to a big ‘ooooh’ from the crowd.  Two count.

Desperate to tag out, Matt had his legs grabbed by Pac but finally brought Omega in – another big cheer – cross body off the top, shot to the face, OWA setup but instead rolled through into You Can’t Escape for a close two.

Omega fighting 3-on-1 with Matt still down, he ducked a shot from Rey, hit an enziguri to Pac, a pair of snap dragons, everybody down but Kenny as the crowd chanted his name.  Setting up the V Trigger, Penta interfered, then Pac did the same as the Terminator Dive was being readied – the numbers too great.

Pac launched a pump kick in the corner, Omega replied with an elbow, then a German – Pac landed on his feet, setup a brainbuster which Omega turned into one of his own with Matt ready for the tag until being dropped via Fear Factor on the apron.

Leaving Kenny to be double-teamed by the Bros – Spanish Fly from the top, Made in Penta, inverted frog splash – kickout at nearly three.  Pac up for Black Arrow – Omega rolled clear at the last as Nick Jackson returned, begging for a tag, Kenny crawling, big cheer as Nick came in, throwing shots but unable to perform his usual repertoire.

A springboard by Fenix saw him dropped via cutter as Nick begged him to get up and eat a superkick, but the injured foot was caught, Penta blasted it with a hammer as it was still in his brother’s arms and the previously hesitant Rey went straight to a leg grapevine to win dirty.

This was a nice synopsis for the company as a whole atm – great action amidst it not quite being clear who was supposed to be what.  Though the crowd – a very good one so far – basically cheered everything except the hammer blow.

Would’ve been a perfect story heading forward if not for two things:

If the Elite are supposed to be the good guys, and this strongly suggested so, they need to ditch the entourage.  And if DT are supposed to be heels, well, they ain’t getting any boos.

Lastly, not a fan of a team going up 3-1, basically tells you who’s going to win the rest of the way.  While it’s possible Death Triangle will be retaining their titles, they damn sure won’t be doing it before match seven.

Post-match, Omega grabbed a microphone, emphasizing that ‘in sports’ going down 3-1 is basically a death blow.  So challenged DT to make next week’s match no-dq.

WINNER: Death Triangle

Straight to MJF with Alex Marvez backstage, who mockingly referred to Ricky’s ‘star-making moment’ last week.  It’s nice that he finally made a hit because MJF is ‘batting a thousand’.  And Starks wanted to talk about pressure – ‘let’s talk pressure’ – no-one’s routing for him so he has no-one to let down, Ricky on the other hand…  Will the Pebble ‘turn into diamond… or will he turn into dust.’


The Acclaimed out but were attacked mid-rap by TNA’s dregs and Satnam Singh.  They held Caster for a guitar shot.  ‘Scissor this, Slapnut’ – yes, he omitted the ‘Z’, because otherwise this act would be incredibly stale.  They held the belts aloft to end the segment.


Video package showing Claudio winning the ROH title via Giant Swing as Schiavone was backstage with the JAS.  ‘The Giant Swing is barbaric, it should be banned’, complained Jericho.  He then said he was going to take out his anger on ‘some jobber’ ahead of a potential rematch.  Then cut Garcia off to tell him he needed more experience and advice: so he now has to do everything Sammy says, starting Friday, when Sammy faces Moxley.

Who did acknowledge that BCC/JAS is over but ‘not for me’.

Are they serious?  Daniel Garcia was really getting the crowd behind him, turned back heel what, two months ago?  Has done nothing since and now they’re basically doing the same angle.  We’re supposed to root for him to turn on them again? Good luck with that.

Brian Cage vs Jungle Boy

Backstory: JB eliminated Cage from the Battle Royal last week, they also showed footage of ‘Big Bill’ taking him last week (that’s W. Morrisey)

First I’d heard of this one.

They showed Cage winning one of the company’s million belts on Saturday (the trios?).

Jungle Boy went right for his springboard armdrag – Cage blocked it – then bounced off Cage as he quickly realized what he was up against.  A dropkick and kip-up saw Jungle Boy grabbing his neck.  A slow series of shots with JB on the apron led to Cage hauling him back inside via suplex before flexing.

Bicep curls with JB as the dumb-bell were next before the ads broke in.

A series of diving lariats only staggered Cage but a swinging ddt finally dropped him, both guys down as the crowd chanted ‘Jungle Boy’.  Uppercut, enziguri, release German out of the corner by Cage, full nelson driver for dessert to bag a two count.

A huge spinning lariat cut-off a comeback, Cage hauled the smaller guy onto his shoulders, JB countered into a destroyer for two, then slipped straight into the Snare Trap.  Prince Nana had one leg in the ring but Aubrey fancied a chat instead as Cage was tapping.  Jungle Boy ran Cage into Nana before bagging a deep rollup to win.

If he was going to win anyway, it should’ve been clean, especially after being rag-dolled for most of the match.

Grabbing a mic, JB said he’d beaten Luchasaurus, now Cage and next wants ‘the biggest bitch of them all’ Big Bill.  He got Stokely instead.  Hathaway called him a ‘ho’ before Moriarty and Big Bill beat Jungle Boy senseless.

The crowd were very into Jack; couldn’t have cared less about the heels.  Another chokeslam, this time in the ring, ended the segment.  Or would’ve, as Hook’s music hit and the crowd erupted.  The heels bailed as the youngster hit the ring, helping Jungle Boy to his feet.

This is the first smart booking all night: Hook needs something to do and a leg-up, Jungle Boy needs an edge.

WINNER: Jungle Boy

Mox, Yuta, Claudio backstage – Mox reiterated that last week they’d said they were going to make a statement, and they did – noting that all three were victorious – in a much more colorful and entertaining way than I have, with wild eyes and threatening intensity.

‘You think you’re good; we’re better’ exclaimed Claudio, emphasizing that next year would be their year.

Lastly, Mox noted that there’s ‘one last worm to stomp’ from the JAS.  ‘I will stomp your face into a bloody mess and leave you for dead, that’s what we do’ he said as if ordering a burger.  ‘And Hangman Page, I always say, you know where to find me.  And bring your little Dark Order buddies too’.

So f’n great.


Video package prepping Keith Lee vs Swerve ‘next week’.  Swerve doesn’t have friends or family, only ‘affiliates’.  Strickland’s a hell of a talker too.

House of Black vs The Factory

Backstory: HOB condemned the entire roster – courthouse style – in a weird promo last week

I miss Malakai’s singles music, seems ages.

Comoroto threw a toothpick at Julia who spat mist in his face.  Like a prettier starters’ gun, this kicked off a wild brawl around ringside as Malakai lay in the ring, Raven-style, staring a hole through QT.  A single kick to the head did the business.


Video package for Hayter/Shida.  ‘Hayter. Hits. Hard’.  Good clip, should be the best women’s tv match in a while.

Cut to Britt who was running down Shida until Skye Blue interrupted to challenge her for Friday before leaving.  A flustered but still arrogant Baker kept asking Rebel ‘w-was that Skye Blue?’  Before accepting as she walked off – very entertaining.

Chris Jericho vs ‘Some Jobber’ (Jericho’s words)

Backstory: Nada

After cheering him to the ring and singing his song, the crowd chanted ‘You tapped out’ at Jericho.  Who flipped them off before paint-brushing Action Andretti.  Stomps and chops in the corner followed.

A ‘Let’s go Jobber’ chant broke out, the crowd cheering wildly for a brief flurry, booing Jericho for cutting him off but then counting along with ten in the corner.

A tejeiras and tornillo combo bagged a one for Andretti.  Codebreaker, arrogant cover, kickout at two as the crowd went NUTS.


Andretti caught Jericho with a boot in the corner – the crowd absolutely erupts every time he does anything, louder than anything else all night – until a poke to the eye cut the youngster off.

A flying forearm was followed by a clothesline, backbreaker/neckbreaker combo – the crowd begging Andretti to win.  Until Jericho got the knees up to counter a split-leg, prepared the Judas Effect, Andretti ducked, rollup for two, springboard enziguri, Jericho clotheslined to the outside.

Springboard moonsault to the outside, Jericho rolled back in and caught the youngster in the Walls as it seemed the fun was over.

Until Andretti countered into a pin for another two, kipping up, sloppy sort-of-ddt off the shoulders, running shooting star. 1, 2, 3.

What started off with me barely paying attention transitioned to ‘oh this is fun’, to ‘no way’.

Jericho’s a genius.  Beginning by overlooking the youngster in his promo, he masterfully set the stage for this.  A great crowd helped a lot.

Don’t know if they actually have big plans for this kid or whether its just a part of the story but damn it was fun.

And for once they actually stuck around for a bit to bask in the aftermath.

WINNER: Action Andretti

Starks cut a very ‘homer’ promo backstage.  Promised to win tonight ‘because I have no other options’.  He’s been doing what he did last week all his life, ‘in my sleep’.  Max has to find validation in ratings, whereas he has people supporting him, rooting for him, a ‘reflection of what you wanna be’.  ‘Ricky Starks … do not forget the name, because nobody else, is gonna forget this match.’

Good work again, though not on the level of last week.


FTR package – Showing the Gunns attacking them after their loss on Saturday.  Challenged the Ass Boys.


Jericho was shown tantrum-ming backstage, screaming ‘I’m the Ocho’ over and over.


Clips of Max preparing by lounging around while Ricky was going through a workout.

Ruby Soho vs Tay Melo, Grudge Match

Backstory: Tay broke Ruby’s nose a few months back

Melo booted Ruby off the apron then belted her around ringside before the bell.  Soho looked out of it as she agreed to let the match proceed.

A couple belly-to-backs led to No Future as Melo bailed.  Halfway up the ramp, Ruby followed her but Tay used the broken nose to drop her.

Break time.

Ruby continued to beat Tay around with lackluster offense until being blasted with a hell of a pumpkick for two.  An exchange of chops and slaps culminated in a judo takedown and Gotch-style for another two.  Melo setup a Tay-KO, Soho slipped out, knee to the face, Destination Unknown.  Win.

Anna Jay marched to the ring straight afterwards, hitting Soho from behind then dropping her ‘on her face’, though it was actually a good distance away from the mat.

I just can’t get into Ruby so my outlook’s probably tainted, seemed a decent enough match.

WINNER: Ruby Soho

Alex Marvez with a medical update on Hangman.

Who said it didn’t seem like he’d be cleared to face Mox ‘anytime soon’.  Page recalled what happened that night in October – how he’d answered all the usual questions they give you to test for a concussion – until being handed his phone to check all the texts and calls.

When he opened his phone, there was a picture.  ‘Oh is that your son?  What’s his name?’  He couldn’t remember.  For an hour he couldn’t even remember his son’s name, so he’s been to hell and if Mox wants to take him to hell, ‘I’m gonna take his ass with me.’

Really liked this.  Page is great at these serious, emotional promos and it plays into the night he got concussed when Moxley talked about how he hoped Page recovered so he could play with his kid.


Backstage with Dustin Rhodes and the Best Friends to challenge Kip Sabian and Trent Seven.  Promised to ‘flatten’ them.  Dustin’s such a believable promo.

MJF vs Ricky Starks, AEW Title & Dynamite Diamond Ring

Backstory: Starks has vowed to take everything from Max, winning a tournament and a battle royal to ensure a shot at both of the above on the same night

At least in Texas vs the hometown boy, MJF was booed as he made his way to the ring.

Cagey start: MJF mocked Ricky’s pose, dropped him with a shoulder, strutted over as Ricky dropped down, all setting up Ricky nailing him with a flying shoulder, knocking Max to ringside.  Where he set out into the crowd.

Back inside, a slick exchange brought Ricky two two-counts via rollup and backslide.  Max crawled for the rope break in the corner, thumb to the eye, then ran Starks into the buckle as he began to target the recently injured ribs.  A ribs-first stun-gun continued the assault as the break beckoned.

Locked in an abdominal stretch – rope-assisted – as we came back, the crowd were incredibly hostile to the champ until the ref finally caught Max and kicked the arm, allowing Starks out of the hold.

Excalibur emphasized the diamond ring and its history.  Who cares about the world title right?

Both to their feet, Starks fired back: jawbreaker, low dropkick, running elbow in the corner, leaping lariat, swinging ddt, Starks firing up as he setup a Liger Bomb for a close two.  First to his feet once more, Ricky setup a Spear, Max moved, Starks hit the buckle and MJF began to target the elbow ahead of the Salt of the Earth.

Allowing him to counter out of Roshambeaux.  Both grabbed roll-ups, MJF’s with a handful of tights.  A powerbomb into a backbreaker bought MJF two slaps.

An arrogant Max began to toy with Starks until a stiff slap built into a brawl, MJF again targeted the eye to gain the advantage.  A rolling elbow strike saw Starks rebound into a Spear but too hurt to capitalize.

The referee at ‘nine’ when Starks crawled into a light cover, MJF had been waiting, rolling straight into Salt of the Earth, Max hooking each limb until Starks last remaining leg reached the ropes for the break.  Max went for it again, Ricky hooked a pin for two, the pair mat-wrestling in and out of two counts until Max hauled him up for a powerbomb, Starks slipped out and hit a superkick but couldn’t hit Roshambeaux.

Max hid behind the ref, hit a lowblow, hooked a cover.  Held onto his title.

Crowd were into this but not on the level of the Jericho match.  And can’t say I disagree: despite how great Ricky’s promo was last week it never felt for a second like he had any chance of winning.  Meaning I just couldn’t ‘lose myself’ in it at any point.

In its favor – it was very different to your standard AEW match.  Quite slow at times with a focus on good guys and bad guys, cheering and booing, rather than moves.

Just as Max was about to make his way back, Bryan Danielson emerged from the heel tunnel, as he usually does, to go after the heel champ.  Danielson had to pretend he couldn’t catch MJF when he nearly slipped.



Next Rampage:

  • Jon Moxley vs Sammy Guevara
  • Skye Blue vs Britt Baker
  • Wardlow will wrestle
  • Best Friends & Dustin Rhodes vs Kip Sabian, Trent Seven, Butcher & Blade

Next Dynamite (‘Holiday Bash’):

  • Jamie Hayter vs Hikaru Shida, AEW Women’s Title
  • FTR vs the Gunns
  • Death Triangle vs the Elite, 5 of 7, No DQ (if it goes to match 6, that’ll be falls count anywhere; match 7 will be ladders)


Overall impressions

A comedown after last week’s excellent show.  The same issues keep flaring up:

Clear heels and babyfaces.

Continuity for both characters and stories (where the hell was Saraya after they announced her second match in five years last week?).

Leading into feuds with wrestlers no-one cares about – Jeff Jarrett/Jay Lethal, Big Bill and the Gunns anyone?

Check Out

  • the Elite vs Death Triangle
  • Jericho vs Action Andretti (for the crowd/reaction)

Thanks for reading.



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Paul Hemming
Paul Hemminghttps://h00kedon.weebly.com/
Paul Hemming got into AEW during the pandemic, lives in Liverpool, England, and is a huge Liverpool fan, Playstation player and history lover.

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