
Dynamite TV Report for 03/07/2024

Venue: Gas South Arena, Atlanta, GA

So the Bucks have a ‘huge announcement’.  Okada?  I actually thought him coming in as a heel whose coat-tails they hang on to would be really fun.  The obvious flaw being that there’s not a single chance he’d be booed.


Dynamite has a new theme.  A new set too with a new color scheme.  Back to the separate tunnels except they kind of look like light tubes given the vibrant colors.  I like it: like the return to the separate tunnels, like the move away from a set which too closely resembled WWE between the main entrance, the reds and the blues.

You can see a sample of the lettering in the image which accompanies this review, editors and admin on top of their game.

Schiavone waiting in the ring.  For Mr Strickland.  Nana totally played to the crowd.  The same Nana JR and Schiavone talked about Swerve not being able to trust on Sunday.  They played clips of Swerve coming close in the match until Page tapped.  And looking ‘distraught’ after.

Fans loudly chanted ‘Swerve’s house’ while Tony asked what came next.  Swerve said he didn’t know if he deserved that fan reaction.  Because he just couldn’t get it done Sunday.  He said it was two years to the day since he signed his AEW contract.  When he’d first vowed to be the AEW Champion.

Yet still he stands without the gold.  Part of him thinks it’s karma – ‘I’ve done some really terrible things in AEW bro’.  He sounded a little manic as he said this and kind of giggled.  Undercutting the sincerity.

He said maybe he’s supposed to be the guy who gets close but can’t quite grasp it.  Crowd chanted ‘You deserve it’.

He said Sunday felt different though.  It felt like people were rooting for him for the first time (you deaf dude?).  He even heard some fans had flown in in to see him win, so ‘I will not let you down’.

So ‘Samoa Joe,’ I’m comin for you.  He vowed to defeat him for the world title, mere seconds after saying he’d beat him whether he had the title or not.  Speaking to the general promo – which had  the gist of a good idea but was just missing something.  I didn’t believe the words he said.  And he’s still intent on playing this slightly sinister character with the cackling and some mannerisms

This brought out the champ who deliberately waved his title high and polished it in front of Strickland.  ‘For a man I beat down the other day you sure are talkin funny’.  And is making promises he’ll never keep.  So Joe’s come out to be a reality check.

‘Unfortunately, your house exists in my world.’

So he thought he’d come out and let fans see an actual champion.  Swerve pointed out Joe didn’t beat him and hasn’t beaten him yet.  Since Joe was all parading the belt around, ‘how about we do this shit right now?’

The crowd were hype but quickly brought down by the Undisputed Kingdom’s theme.  They all came out, Cole still in his wheelchair.

He did the storytime thing and drew boos: the only story is the UK – just like they promised, Strong is the new International champ.  The Kingdom are still the greatest ROH tag champs.  Whereas Joe is only champ because the UK let it happen.  ‘And Swerve, six months from now no-one’s gonna give a damn about you,’ – there’s no way in hell he’s winning the AEW title.

Because Wardlow will.  ‘Very, very soon,’ he’s going to compete for the title and bring it back to the UK.

Swerve said he’s really taking to Cole’s new role as a manager.  He called him ‘Dr Claw from Inspector Gadget.’  Crowd laughed.  He said he even had Britt’s number if they needed new members.

Cole got hot and challenged Swerve and Joe to face the Kingdom.  Joe laughed, Swerve said ‘Why wait?’.  Cole said Swerve didn’t make the rules, they do, so the match will be next week.  Schiavone interjected to say Tony Khan had made the match ‘right now, bring out the referee.’

Really like the immediate focus on the title and presumably the build to the next ppv.  Swerve still seems to be between roles on the mic but this was definitely a strong move toward babyface.

Also the whole heels refuse the match only for it to be made anyway gimmick has been proven now and forever if it got the crowd to cheer about seeing the Kingdom.

Swerve Strickland & Samoa Joe vs the Kingdom

Backstory: See above

Joe jabbed Taven back to the corner, Bennett ran in and the same happened.  Joe avoided Taven and continued to get the better of both heels.  Big boot, senton, two.  Joe preened and refused to tag, Bennett tagged in and Taven hit a gamengiri from behind as Bennett got two.

Ads.  Busy start to the show.

Back to fans chanting ‘We want Swerve’.  STJoe out of the corner on Taven, tag to Swerve, big cheer, Strickland fluidly struck and moved, diving elbow to the back of Bennett, kick to the face of Taven off the apron, flatliner on Bennett inside, sweeping into the brainbuster, crowd going wild, Swerve preening rather than pinning for some reason.

Bad case of DBS as it allowed Taven to return and block a Stomp.  Swerve fought him off, Taven fell to the apron, the invisible teacher told Bennett to sit up straight so he did so Swerve could Stomp him.  He then hit Big Pressure (JML Driver) to win.

Then eyed and smiled at Joe who remained on the apron, irritated.

Wardlow hit the ramp, Swerve turned his back on Joe and paid for it, into the Kokina, he went out, Joe posed over him holding his belt aloft.  Very nice stuff.  A little frantic.

Winner: Swerve Strickland & Samoa Joe

They played clips of Hook and Brian Cage in Team Taz then showed their recent feud.

We then headed backstage to Hook with Renee.  She asked how he was feeling.  Jericho walked up and said his first ever match in America was vs Taz.  So he always felt a connection to Taz and thus Hook and respects him now after being in the ring with him Sunday.

‘Maybe you are the real deal, so… congrats on that’.  He offered Hook a fistbump, Hook said ‘bet’ and reciprocated.

So Jericho’s Lebron James now?  Man I told y’all, I knew from the start, took one look at Taz’s testicles and said ‘one day one of those swimmers is going to be a champion’.

Everything’s through a self-congratulatory prism.  His approval is itself something to be congratulated on.


They pushed Big Business next week then replayed Hangman destroying ref’s Sunday and said rumors had been circulating all day about what’d happen to him.  We cut to the Bucks who mimicked Tony Khan’s very wooden, painted-on smile when he does announcements.  And said they had two major ones.

But they’d announce them later, in the ring.

Enjoyed this.  Also like teasing announcement for later.  Nick in particular’s mimicking Tony was very good.

Hook vs Bryan Cage (FTW Title)

Backstory: They’ve been feuding, can’t remember why

It’s really dumb throwing this out here tonight and not having it on the ppv/pre-show either.  You make matches mean something by making them seem important.  Getting Twitter fingers hours before doesn’t come close.

Cage was wearing a weird cape for some reason.  He looked a complete doofus.  Not what a guy his size should be going for.  They really pushed that this was presented by Woo Energy.

Hook looked for a t-bone early, Cage blocked it then smashed him in the corner.  Overhead belly to belly after yelling ‘this is for you Taz’.  Taz said he’d once suggested Cage add that to his arsenal.

It’s FTW rules so Cage grabbed a chair.  The crowd booed cause dey wanted tabews.  Hook smashed Cage with a trashcan lid until Cage launched him into the steps.  But moved when Cage attacked only to be caught into a ringside powerslam after leaping off the apron.

Cage then missed another charge, crashing through the barricade.


Cage smashed Hook in the back with a chair then rolled him back inside.  Hook countered an F5 into a weak looking ddt.  Crowd chanted for Hook.  Who launched big rights and finally took Cage down with a diving shoulder.  Beautiful t-bone, trashcan shot to the head (very light thankfully), t-bone onto a guardrail propped in the corner, Cage out just before three.

Crossfaces now, Cage countered behind, cazadora into a neckbreaker, powerbomb right back up into an F5 on the chair.  No one should kick out of that but Hook did after Cage only used one arm.  Tony slammed the ‘arrogant’ cover.

Cage then grabbed a bag from under the ring.  Oh yay, tacks.  How original.

Hook countered a suplex into Redrum but was crushed against the buckle as Cage immediately escaped.  Hook grabbed a kendo stick, hit two shots, t-bone into the tacks, back to crossfaces, into the Redrum; Cage dropped Hook back into the tacks but Hook maintained the hold and Cage passed out.

Very much over dudes ‘passing out rather than tapping out’.

The Gates of Agony immediately attacked, Jericho legged it down and the heels fled.

Winner: Hook

They played a clip announcing a tag tournament for the vacant belts.  Not really making it very clear if you didn’t already know that’d happened.

And very strangely without showing Sting and Darby winning Sunday.  It highlighted lots of different teams and was voiced over by Tony Khan, who sounded like he was about to fall asleep.  Couldn’t they have someone else do this?


Renee backstage with Best Friends and Orange Cassidy.  She asked what was next and he said he wanted to fill his backpack with another championship.  Chuck’s still not cleared for the tournament but said Trent and Orange are teaming and that starts Friday.

They did a hands-in – ‘win the big one.’

Matt Menard vs Killswitch

Backstory: Killswitch chokeslammed Menard onto a chair Saturday

Literally never heard Menard’s music before.

Killswitch was on top for a bit, Menard briefly fought back but took a chokeslam.  Very hard to care about this.  Cage was on comms and argued with Excalibur about cheating to win Sunday.

Killswitch hit his lame lariat to the back of the neck.  Then did it again after hitting the ropes.

Caffeine was invented for matches like this.

Danny Garcia hit the ring but was quickly overcome by Killswitch and Nick Wayne.  Saurus held Garcia so Wayne could hit Wayne’s World.  Looks like they’re setting up a match there which should be fun, those two were awesome during a recent Collision tag.

The heels were posing atop the ramp when Adam Copeland appeared from behind.  He shoved Luchasaurus off the stage, choked out Wayne, blocked a low blow from Shayna then chased Cage all the way through backstage.

Cage carjacked somebody and fled.  Adam Copeland runs slowly.  Doesn’t he bike?

Copeland spoke to the camera and said ‘this has to end where it started’.  He challenged Cage for the upcoming Toronto Dynamite in an I Quit match.

Tony Khan made it official.

This show definitely isn’t boring but is absolutely manic.  Already forgotten half of what’s happened.

Winner: Killswitch

Rene backstage with Kyle O’Reilly.  He said he hates admitting it but he thought he’d never wrestle again.  To get a second chance to do the only thing he’s ever been good at, he’s just grateful.  He said he has nothing but love and respect for the Undisputed Kingdom.

But he wants to take his own path.

Very likeably ‘babyface’ until the whole respect for the despicable heel group thing.  Couldn’t he at least say he loves the guys but questions their methods?


They finally got around to replaying clips from Sting’s final match along with clips of his speech.

Very cool.

Back in the arena, Schiavone brought the EVP’s to the ring.

Seems they’re now using Cody’s old entrance – rising up through the stage – permanently.

Schiavone started with the ‘asskicking you guys took Sunday’ (which was very funny) and Nick lost it and told him to get out the ring.  He then ranted that Sting cheated, bringing out all his old friends and his sons etc.  But then Matt whispered in his ear and he calmed down and said they’d ended Sting’s career forever.

And are entering themselves in the tournament to get their titles back.

Nick did try but he’s not great on the mic.

Matt took over for their two huge announcements.

The first is ‘really tough’ about their ‘dear friends’ but they have to make tough decisions.  No bias.  Their hands are forced.  So Hangman’s suspended indefinitely ‘from the Elite’, for putting his hands on two officials.  And Kenny Omega hasn’t been making his dates lately (that’s tremendous), so he’s ‘fired’ from the Elite.

Matt said they still loved them.  And can sort it out in the group chat.

He was starting on #2 when Eddie Kingston stormed the ring.  He pointed out he wasn’t paying attention to the dresscode so threw money at Nick for future fines.  Matt tried to talk him down, Kingston hit first but the numbers were too much, he was about to get an EVP Trigger…

When the coin dropped.

The Rainmaker hit the ramp.  In a suit.  Uh oh.

Crowd went nuts.

They chanted ‘Oka-da’, until he gave a Rainmaker to Kingston from behind.  Wow, they’re really doing it.

This is the second announcement, the newest member of the Elite: Kazuchika Okada.  Crowd booed, Okada’s music played again.  He made the ‘belt’ gesture at Kingston.

I’m into this.  Don’t know it’ll work.  But it’s interesting.  Having him work with maybe the most popular babyface in the company will definitely help him stay heel.  If anything’s going to.  Also works since Matt can speak for him.  They’re real life friends if anyone wasn’t aware.


They pushed Big Business again and raced to clips of Ospreay’s match from Sunday.  Was wondering when they’d get to this.  Would’ve been criminal not to.  Though in typical AEW fashion they focused on the moves and not on Ospreay Pied Piper-ing the shit out of 16,000 people.

That’s such a miss.  He came off as such a star and this didn’t show that to fans who didn’t get the ppv.  Which is a minimum of ¾ of the audience.

Also think they jammed waaaaay too much in there.  Signing one of the greatest wrestlers of all time should be allowed to breathe.

Kris Statlander vs Riho

Backstory: NONE

Statlander came out with Stokely but without Willow.

Dueling chant as Statlander hit a delayed scoop slam and posed before missing a senton.  Riho avoided two sweeps then hit a dropkick, fought out of a gutwrench, tripped Stat into the ropes, fans with her as she went for a 619.  Which Statlander avoided, shoulder block, Riho bridged out of the pin but was caught trying a sunset flip, up into a bearhug then up into a delayed vertical suplex which had an awkward landing.

Riho hit a flurry in the corner, headed upstairs, cross body caught up onto Stat’s shoulders then launched off.  Both are babyfaces here.


Riho hit a low dropkick, running shot in the corner, ducked a back elbow, northern lights with a bridge for two.  Stat avoided a stomp from the top and hit a pair of big lariats, make that three.  Riho tried to fight up, was muscled up but countered a powerbomb into a rana, to the top once more, cross body, Stat rolled through, Riho slipped behind, dragon suplex with a stack, Stat out at two.

Statlander avoided a running knee and hit a big powerbomb with a stack, Riho out on the brink of three.  Stokely threw a chain in and took Aubrey.  Statlander picked it up, fans booed, she tossed the chain, countered a cazadora into a wheelbarrow German, a second, Riho countered forward on a third to snatch the pin.

Decent story – Statlander’s eventually going to decide she needs to cheat since being ‘good’ is getting her nowhere.

Riho comes and goes too often (without explanation too) for fans to grow attached.  But is generally popular when she does appear.

Winner: Riho

Clips of Toni Storm vs Deonna, including the stupid dumb – distracted ref – finish.

Backstage to her with Renee.

Mariah May is now dressing as the old Toni.  So Renee confused them.  Toni said it’s award season and on Saturday she’s presenting the first ever ‘Toni Award – with an I, so we don’t get sued’.  She then presented Mariah with her first ever shirt.  Which is of May dressed as the old Toni and Storm’s getting a cut of the sales.  Mariah was delighted.

It seemed Storm was a babyface here.  Guess we’ll find out Saturday.


Renee with Stokely and Willow.  Stokely said Stat was his favorite and Willow gave him a nasty look.  She’s facing Riho next Wednesday.  Willow said she wants to be a champ and has her sights set on Julia Hart after she beats Riho.


Back to Schiavone in the ring.  He announced Darby Allin would face Jay White next week, which got a mild pop.  Then called out the nutjob himself.  He brought a bat

Schiavone asked what things’d be like for him without Sting.  Darby paused as the fans chanted his name.  He said it isn’t going to be easy.  He’s gone from being homeless near here to main-eventing a ppv.

He’s lacerated, beat up and tired.  But next week he has Jay White then is flying to go climb Mount Everest.

He got emotional and said he’s talking from the heart: he might not come back from Mount Everest so thanked all the fans and talked about going out fighting for his life next week.  He can’t replace Sting as a partner so won’t be entering the tag tourney.  He placed the belt down in the ring.

When BCG’s banger interrupted.  Jay came out with the Gunns.  He said he didn’t want to come out and interrupt the sob story but Darby’s so elusive he wanted the chance to talk to him face-to-face.  He congratulated him on Revolution.

And said he showed he’d do anything to make sure Sting retired a champ.  He asked the crowd to give it up for Sting (this all sounded sarcastic).  He then called Darby stupid for diving through a pane of glass.  Since it left Sting to fight two-on-one.  And now Sting’s gone, and what is Darby without Sting?  A little lost puppy.  No-one to hold his leash.

And now he has a match with him, the catalyst and yada yada.  And that’s why he’s out here – their match doesn’t need to happen.  Nobody would think any less of him after what he’s been through if he doesn’t wrestle.  If he gets in the ring with him, a lot worse can happen than ‘just a few little scratches’.

Instead, why doesn’t he come back and hang out with the Bang Bang Scissor Gang?  They even have a nickname ready for him, since he looks like he loves playing with scissors.

Darby got angry. And asked if Jay was done.  He said White main evented the Tokyo Dome and won titles ‘then came to AEW, and did what…?  Play with cardboard cutouts?’.  They’re going to have this ‘fight’.  And if Jay’s as good as he says he is, he’ll come alone.  He then whispered something in White’s ear.  Then put his bat in White’s throat.  He said he’d see him at Big Business.

Darby talking about climbing Everest is really counterproductive since it makes it obvious he’s losing.  I get that he legitimately might die (he really might, look up the stats) and wanted to say goodbye, but perhaps he could’ve done so after the match?

Away to another segment, there is no time for anything to settle here.  Its ridiculous.  White was great on the mic btw.  Pointing out that he’s done nothing so far in AEW is fine as long as it now leads to him actually being impactful.


Backstage to Julia Hart with Skye Blue.  She has an open challenge for Rampage.

An open challenge.  That’s definitely worth racing away from the previous segment.


Back-to-back House of Black blather in the dark.  Blah blah blah blah blah re: Mark Briscoe.  Pain and threats couched in too many words.  Brody asked if he should dig one grave or three.

Briscoe instantly replied and vowed to take them on by himself Saturday in a streetfight.  Jay Lethal appeared and said it’s time he ‘man up’.  Briscoe insisted he didn’t want to tag with Jeff Jarrett though (my kinda guy).

Lethal called Jarrett ‘a low down grimy bastard’.  The announcers then suggested Jarrett was actually the partner.  Haven’t we done all this before with Briscoe and those jokers?

Kyle Fletcher vs Will Ospreay

Backstory: The announcers pitched Fletcher as Ospreay’s ‘best friend’ Sunday, they hugged after the match and threw up the United Empire sign; the announcers also noted Callis was pitting his guys against each other

Fans chanted Ospreay’s name as they locked up, the announcers talked about Ospreay barely being cleared.

They grappled on the mat, riding one another up into an Ospreay headlock, he gave Fletcher a shoulderblock and took an almighty one back but sprang to his feet.  Crowd loved that.  He ducked a pair of lariats, step-up headscissors.  Fans chanted for him again.

Fletcher took a chop but then sent Ospreay to the buckle hard, the Brit really sold his back as we went to break.

Love watching Ospreay but have a feeling I’ll hate documenting him.  Rapid.

He’d recovered as we returned, vaulting cross body with a little snap.  He almost hangs in the air on that.  Callis is on comms btw.  Will got two after a suplex.  Fletcher deadweighted to block a piledriver, took a chop but recovered to nail a half and half, brainbuster, near fall.

Ospreay stayed down.  Chop fight as they returned to their feet, Fletcher talked a little trash, they clutched wrists before continuing the chopfest, a stinging one sending the Aussie to his knees.  Begging for another, Ospreay put his hands behind his back, Fletcher nailed a thrust kick instead and yelled ‘psyche’.

Ospreay hit back with a snug elbow strike, heel kick, oscutter blocked by Fletcher taking Will onto his shoulders, Ospreay tried a rana, Fletcher held onto the legs, Ospreay did a situp into a ddt.  Crowd ‘oohed’.

Pad down, Blade coming, Fletcher sensed it, ducked, hit snake eyes on the middle buckle, both down.  Now on the apron, Ospreay wriggled out of a powerslam, heel kick, oscutter on the apron.  Dude why!?  Your poor damn back.


Callis said he feels ‘like a proud older brother’ watching this.  He’s amazing.

Fletcher fired forearms, Ospreay flipped into a step-up enziguri, countered a tombstone, Fletcher countered back but Ospreay sprang up into a poisonrana.  Dude is incredible.

Fletcher cut him off up top, Ospreay landed on his feet out of an avalanche half and half, floatover into a Liger bomb, Fletcher out at 2.9.  Series of kicks to the jaw, Fletcher escaped a stormbreaker, double underhook slam for a near fall, big last ride for the same.

Can’t believe some of these bumps given how bad his back looked the other day.

Fans chanted ‘AE-dub’ as both recovered.

Fletcher running kick in corner before trying the same buckle buster Takeshita injured Ospreay’s back on the other day (btw, is he seriously just being forgotten again?), Ospreay hit a Nando’s kick, springboard poisonrana, running back elbow, Fletcher kicked out.

Will hit Kawada kicks, Fletcher stumbling to his feet, they went head to head before stiff Fletcher forearms, Ospreay landed a hook kick, Fletch countered another floatover powerbomb, ducked and dodged, hit a thrust kick, Ospreay nailed a Spanish fly out of nowhere, Fletcher kicked out, oscutter finally landed, Fletcher out again.

Crowd losing their ish.

Fletcher on his knees, nodding his head, knowing the ends coming, Hidden Blade, win.  No-one should kick out of that for a long time.

So this was very good.  I was too busy trying to keep up to properly appreciate just how good.  Full of spectacular sequences and a story of Fletcher knowing his friend well so avoiding the oscutter all match and even sensing the Hidden Blade early despite having his back to the Brit.

They were exchanging a hug when Bryan Danielson’s music interrupted and he headed to the ring.  They’re wasting no time here.  They went face to face as the show ended.  Hell of a tease.

Winner: Will Ospreay

It was exhausting trying to keep up with that whole show.  There’s a lot I’d clean and tighten up: little details, slowing down to focus on the really important things.  But it’s inarguable it was exciting and they’re already positioning future matches between Joe/Swerve, Okada/Kingston and Ospreay/Danielson.


Next Collision:

  • Mark Briscoe, Jay Lethal & Jeff Jarrett vs House of Black (Streetfight)
  • Jericho vs Titan (Yet another CMLL dude)
  • Debut of the Elite
  • Mariah May vs TBA
  • Danielson vs Shane Taylor

Next Dynamite (Big Business):

  • Joe vs Wardlow (Wow, that’s soon for Wardlow to lose, me suspects shenanigans)
  • Darby Allin vs Jay White
  • Riho vs Willow Nightingale

Thumbs Up/Down

  • Bucks’ ‘huge announcement’ was indeed huge. As noted above, I like Okada being with them as a heel – he can be the centerpiece of the act – which makes him seem a big deal, Matt can speak for him… all as long as the audience will actually boo him
  • World title was highlighted, clear direction for it and seemingly, finally, for Swerve – ending with him being choked out
  • Jay White badly needs heating up so a win over Darby will be a good start – was good on the mic as usual and that segment built the match nicely
  • They’re beefing up Collision a little – did wonder if some of these new stars would make their way over and Okada is
  • Ospreay vs Fletcher
  • Having Ospreay main event – he’s hot, he’s popular, keeping his momentum is important (and getting right to Danielson continues that: the big stars see him as one of them)


  • However, they didn’t make him main eventing enough of a big deal, and not highlighting what a megastar he came off as Sunday is such a miss – they have a hot babyface for the first time in years, they really can’t afford to screw this up
  • Lots of uninteresting matches with obvious outcomes
  • Mark Briscoe tried to actually murder the HOB Saturday and it wasn’t even worth a recap.  And this feud was uninteresting enough before adding the Js

Appreciate you reading.  Hope you’re having a good week.

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Paul Hemming
Paul Hemminghttps://h00kedon.weebly.com/
Paul Hemming got into AEW during the pandemic, lives in Liverpool, England, and is a huge Liverpool fan, Playstation player and history lover.

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