
Dynamite TV report for 04/19/2023

AEW Dynamite tonight comes to us from the Petersen Events Center in Pittsburgh, PI.  After last week drawing 866,000 & a 0.28 in the 18-49 demo.

Presumably it’s numbers like these leading to Tony Khan’s willingness to give CM Punk another chance ahead of the tv negotiations later this year.


Jack Perry out to begin the show, the crowd enthusiastically waving along.  Continuing to sing as Perry held the mic out.  Barely a word was uttered before Sammy’s superior entrance music cut him off.

Who received the same treatment courtesy of Darby Allin.  Schiavone noted how serious Darby looked, contrasting him with the other two.  Allin said he’s known Sammy the longest, but likes him the most.  Confusing the crowd a little.

And that Guevara is seen by the fans as least deserving of a title shot since he’s a ‘follower’.  He and Sting view each other as equals, unlike Sammy and Jericho.  Who Allin feels is holding Guevara back.  Sammy won the TNT title by himself, he can do the same for the world title.

Before turning to ‘whatever you go by nowadays’ as the crowd chanted ‘Jungle Jack’.  Allin said Perry had the easiest path here because he’s part of the ‘California Clique’.  Darby was a little jealous but quickly lost that because nothing intimidated him about Perry – ‘nothing’ he emphasized.

Perry said he wished the little kids with Allin’s facepaint knew what he was really like – antisocial and rude to anyone he doesn’t think is ‘cool’.  And that AEW wasn’t even Darby’s first choice.

He then said that he too ‘respects’ Sammy more than the others.  Because at least Sammy ‘what you see is what you get’ and he puts his body on the line in matches.  Perry ‘respects that’.  But then called him a ‘scumbag piece of s’.  Sorry?  You ‘respect’ a ‘scumbag piece of s’?

Guevara said Perry was just like MJF, handpicked to be here.  At the first ever ppv, Bret Hart was in the ring with MJF and Perry.  He was on the pre-show.  And neither he or Darby were on the most recent ppv.  Unlike Perry and Max.  He said he and Darby were more alike than the other two.  They’re risk takers.

Then talked about ‘they’ and ‘glass ceilings’.  Eugh.

Now it’s time for Darby to watch him become world champ.  Perry disagreed.  Vowing to do it for all the people who’d supported him.  As Max came out to a huge cheer.

Though did get cheers once he arrived.  And immediately made Perry’s mic skills seem even weaker by contrast.  Explaining that he’d spoken with his ‘good friend’ Tony Khan about the rankings issue.

There’s going to be a Pillars Tournament.  The winner of which will face Max at Double or Nothing.  One will get a ‘bye’ to the next round.  He pulled Darby’s name out of a hat.  Meaning it’ll be Sammy vs Perry tonight.

As with the first of these segs, there were good and bad parts.  A lot of insider hints merged with some good mic work – particularly by Allin.  Actually liked the two babyfaces going at it amid the prize of the world title.

They advertised the main event of Perry vs Guevara in the Four Pillars Tournament.

Britt Baker & Jamie Hayter vs Toni Storm & Ruby Soho

Backstory: The AEW Originals vs Outcasts feud continues

Britt Baker’s mom just happened to be in the crowd.  Saraya tried to wrestle away her towel.  For the second week in a row the champ came out first, though it makes more sense in Baker’s hometown.

Fireworks still poppin, the Outcasts attacked on the ramp as the crowd yelled ‘DMD’.  Hayter and Storm finally reached the ring, the bell rang, and the champ ran through Storm with shoulder blocks until Soho doubled up.  The champ fired back by charging through both heels, flinging them to the corner then hauling them out via double suplex.

Saraya grabbed the boot, so you can drink at home.  The distraction didn’t work, Hayter caught Storm coming off the apron, crushing her against the barricade.  Double teaming behind the ref’s back led to Jamie being superkicked off the apron.

Bringing Baker across to eat more of the same, heel-tripped to the floor right in front of her mom.

Hayter dumped Toni via ushi-goroshi, finally bagging the tag to Britt who ran wild: clotheslines, slingblade, thrust kick, neckbreaker off the bottom rope.  Much to the crowd’s delight.

The glove out, Lockjaw ready, Soho hit the apron, Storm took advantage but Baker countered Storm Zero into an air raid crash.  Hayter in illegally for stereo elbow strikes, then a Haytbreaker, sliding lariat, Soho shoved Hayter into the pin to break it at two.

Then hit something in the corner (the crowd groaned a little), Baker was crushed via hip attack, hit with the belt by Saraya but kicked out of Storm Zero.  Toni took out Hayter against the steps, targeting the shoulder, Hayter screaming in pain as Britt fought off both heels, Panama Sunrise to Soho, who kicked out at 2.9.

Curb Stomp followed, Soho kicked out again.  But couldn’t resist Lockjaw, tapping as the hometown girl got the win.

This was fun.  Helped by a crowd much more into the ladies than is the average crowd.  Though a belt shot not needed in a mid-show tv match if it’s not going to be decisive.

Winner: Britt Baker & Jamie Hayter

Renee with Wardlow.  Who’s brought an insurance policy for tonight.  In Arn Anderson.  Dismissing what QT and co. did to the big man as ‘kid’s stuff’, he said Tully probably taught Wardlow how to be the best checkers player in the company.  ‘But tonight, we’re playin chess’.  Good to see Arn back.


The Elite out next, the crowd singing along as Omega looked very serious, almost emotional.  He ran through everything the BCC had done to he and his friends.  He’s having trouble sleeping because he missed with the screwdriver last week.  He wished it’d gone through Moxley’s skull.

They’ve come out to issue an invitation – ‘lets squash the beef once and for all’ he added, interestingly.

Bryan Danielson appeared on the screen.  Ranting about amateurs again as the rest of the BCC attacked from behind.  The crowd yelping a gave it away.

The Bucks quickly took out Claudio and Yuta, Nick flinging his body over and at everything in sight, Matt hitting Yuta with locomotion northern lights.

Mox snatched Omega in a choke, the Canadian fought free, Matt flexed his injured arm as Mox and Omega got into a hockey fight.  In-ring, Yuta went after Matt’s arm, damage done before Nick made the save.  Only to be snatched into a gut wrench slam by the ROH champ as the heels took over.

Danielson conveniently hitting the ramp as they did so.  Again calling them amateurs, he said he thought Omega was the exception.  As Don Callis hit the ramp with a chair but thought better of it.

But if Omega’s not going to make the most of his potential, he needs getting rid of.  Pulling out a screwdriver, as Callis re-emerged with Konosuke Takeshita.  Who dropped Yuta with one punch, sent Claudio and Mox outside before going face to face with Danielson.

Yuta attacked again from behind, Takeshita cut him off, Omega blasted him with a V-Trigger right into a Takeshita blue thunder bomb before the two clotheslined Mox back outside.

Callis raised the arms of both his guys as the BCC fled.

This was really good.  Nothing was settled, the heels got more heat and a new player was introduced.  And one desperately in need of a big angle after being forgotten about lately.

Presumably either as insurance for Matt or as a way to further stall the Hangman/Elite reunion.

Will Hobbs vs Wardlow, TNT Title

 Backstory: Hobbs cheated Wardlow out of the title with help from QT Marshall, then stole his identity, his car, his wallet, his favorite snacks, his pet cockatoo and his squeegee; Wardlow smashed up Hobbs’ new car

Wardlow now has a wolf-howl begin his music.  Accompanied by Arn as they showed footage of QT sucker punching Anderson back in 2021.  Hobbs was indeed accompanied by AEW’s top heel.  And Harley Cameron.

Staunch ‘Wardlow’ chant as the belt was raised by the ref.

No messing, Wardlow charged Hobbs to the corner; the champ took advantage of a ref-break to hit three belly-to-bellys.  The challenger shoved him out through the ropes, whipped him into and over the barricade, pursuing him through the crowd.

Excalibur talked about the ref’s discretion given the lack of count.  As Wardlow saw a Symphony blocked but hauled Hobbs back to ringside as the ads arrived.

Before a quiet crowd, Hobbs had Wardlow perched up top, a superplex blocked, Wardlow taking to the air for a senton bomb.  Unable to follow-up after hurting his own back in landing.

To their feet, yay/boo in the middle, clubbing forearms from both, Hobbs getting the better, Wardlow popping up to lariat then German the champ.  Another.  Before Hobbs slipped out of a suplex, Wardlow did the same to an Oklahoma stampede, then did his weird rear-back punch.

Cameron distracted every man in the state, QT hit a Diamond Cutter, Wardlow kicked out, QT got in the refs face.  Bringing Anderson in as the crowd erupted.  The mere threat enough to send QT packing up the ramp, right into a Penta thrustkick, back into the ring to a waiting ddt.  Crowd loved it.

Wardlow snatched Hobbs into a powerbomb, another.  The title on the verge of changing.  Stinks of a cheap finish.  A third powerbomb, cover, new champ!  Fair enough.

Crowd were into it when it mattered and loved the finish involving Arn and Penta.

No time to celebrate though as Christian Cage’s music hit.  He and the Dinosaur simply stood and looked.

Now where does this leave Hobbs?  Who after disappearing for months was handed the title by QT, lost it quickly after only a couple defences and was de-emphasized by the booking in favor of Marshall.

Winner: Wardlow

Renee with Sammy.  MJF immediately interrupted, trying to kiss up to Guevara.  Sammy wanted none of it.  Repeatedly insisting Max ‘get to the point’.

The champ offered Guevara a guaranteed spot against him at the ppv, all he has to do is lay down.  Guevara turned him down, saying he’d win the belt anyway.

Max said Sammy’s better than both of the others combined, but warned that it was risky trying to beat both men by himself, so maybe think about his offer.  Sweetening the pot with a ‘blank check’.  Guevara filled it out on Max’s back.  MJF said he had a deal.

Sammy spurned a handshake, insisting that ‘friends hug’.  With a big cheesy grin on his face.

The announcers wondered if Sammy was really going to take the easy way out.

Jay White vs Komander

Backstory: White’s in-ring debut

White came accompanied by Juice Robinson, to his same music, same gang, same gimmick – the catalyst etc.

‘Too sweet whoop whoop’ from the crowd as the two went for a stiff lockup.  White backing Komander to the corner, offering a fake handshake, stomping away while screaming at the Mexican.

Crowd quiet once more.  As Shawn Spears was shown watching.  That’s not good for Jay White.

Using his speed, Komander avoided a charge, hit a spin kick, some stomps of his own in the corner.  Then hit a flipping something, looked like it went a little awry, before jumping from the middle to the top rope several times then launching a sluggish hurracanrana.

White bailed outside, avoiding a moonsault and sending Komander to the apron to bring the break.

(Was enjoying the early going and a less rope-obsessed performance before those leaps from rope-to-rope totally took me out of it.  Athletically impressive yes.  But for what purpose?)

Ten punches in the corner and a stiff chop saw White back on top as the annoucners noted Shawn Spears was distracting White.  Kicks and chops saw Komander fight back, a beautiful springboard armdrag into a cradle pin bagging two.

An irritated White thought Bladerunner, Komander slipped out, then did so again to kick White from behind with the New Zealander on the buckle.  Komander looked for an elevated arm-wringer up there till White broke it by gouging the eye.

Spilling to the outside, White ran back in to eat a thrust kick then a spectacular rope-run into a dive as Spears held up a ‘10’ placard.  Rope-walk shooting star, White kicked out at 2; springboard phoenix splash, White kicked out again.

Missing another, he fought off a Bladerunner, back to the armwringer, was snatched into a cutthroat suplex then the Bladerunner for the 1,2,3.

Spears held up a ‘5’.  Sparking a brawl with Robinson, the heels on top until Ricky Starks hit the scene: spear for Juice, White headed up the ramp.

Strange match to book.  Always difficult trying to establish two guys at the same time.  This really felt like a compromise with Komander taking most of the match but White winning.  Would imagine White’s backers hoped for bigger things.

Winner: Jay White

Renee with FTR, who were shown footage of Mark Briscoe being attacked earlier.  FTR rushed to check on him, Jarrett et al. said they had it covered.  Both sides bickering until Briscoe asked the two sides to team.  Both reluctantly agreed.


Chris Jericho made his entrance pre-break.  Leaving Cole to do so afterward.

Cole talked about how much he was a fan of Jericho, even his catchphrase is thanks to the vet.  He has ‘a ton of respect’ for Jericho.

Jericho offered a handshake, quickly revealing he has ‘zero’ respect for Cole.  The audacity Cole showed in interrupting his post-match celebration last week was too much.  Cole’s lucky he doesn’t slap him.

Cole called Jericho a hyprocrite.  Is this the real Jericho?  A guy who has his goons win his matches for him?  He thinks Jericho is an ‘insecure, fickle, stupid idiot’.  The crowd oohed then repeated the words.

‘You wanted my attention and you’ve got it, so now what?’  Yelled a fired-up Cole, right in the vet’s face.

Cole doesn’t impress Jericho.  Never meet your heroes.  ‘You don’t wanna meet me, you don’t want anything to do with me’.  Before ordering Cole to vacate the ring, shoving Cole, who quickly got on top, stomping away until Daniel Garcia attacked from behind.

The pair beat down Cole until Britt Baker pulled Jericho off.  Giving the Ocho a slap as the Outcasts snuck in from behind.  ‘Under the ring’ apparently.  Taz said this was all orchestrated by Jericho.

As Garcia cuffed Cole to the bottom rope, beating on Cole as Baker watched.  The crowd booing surprisingly lightly, not really into it.  A cane was brought in, Cole begging Jericho to hit him.  Instead, Jericho handed it to Saraya, who wailed away at Britt as Cole begged them to stop.  Baker yelling ‘Auuuustin!’ because this is ‘real’.

A ‘piece of s***’ chant kicked up as the heels left.

Not as good as it probably seemed on paper.  The Outcasts allying with Jericho doesn’t hurt them, even if brief.


Matt Hardy told the Firm they’d find out when the ‘Firm Deletion’ match was when he was ready.

Jeff will address the fans on Rampage.


The Acclaimed & Billy Gunn vs 2.0 & Jake Hager

Backstory: Acclaimed have to join the JAS if they lose

Britt was still being helped to the back as the JAS came out.  The preceding big angle already run over by a promo and a match beginning.

Caster threatened to stomp the heels ‘like Draymond Green’.  Big one for the Warriors tomorrow.

The faces quickly on top, they beat on Parker with quick tags as Excalibur tried to jam in a reference to the Baker angle.  Bowens hit Scissor Me Timbers then the trio did indeed scissor.


Billy Gunn ran wild as we returned, Hager avoiding a Famasser, bagging two with a leg-sweep slam.  Bowens and Menard in, flinging fists, Bowens took over with chops and thrust kicks, Parker hit Bowens with ‘a loaded comb’.  S*** you not.

Bowens kicked out at two.  2.0 then mistakenly took out Hager with the comb, Gunn crushed the item, Acclaimed hit the Arrival and Mic Drop to win.

Assuming that’s the end of the feud, that was a lot of fuss for nothing.  Hopefully the Acclaimed move on to more fitting opponents.

And possibly the start of the end for the JAS?  It’s about time.

Winner: Acclaimed & Billy Gunn

Sammy Guevara vs Jack Perry, Four Pillars Tournament

Backstory: Winner will face Darby Allin next week for a chance to face Max at the ppv for the title

This crowd was so quiet even Guevara didn’t draw boos.  After a quick kiss – by these two’s standards anyway – Tay Melo headed backstage.

After hearing Sammy’s banging theme through the ads, the fans were subjected to eighties pop as Perry emerged.  Though they again seemed to enjoy it.

Immediately Perry kicked Guevara outside and hit a suicide dive; Sammy quickly responded with a flip dive as MJF watched backstage.  Perry came back with a hurracanrana off the apron, headed to the top, Sammy met him, Spanish fly, both guys down.

Wasn’t even any foreplay here.  Right to the big moves.

Guevara to the apron, Perry saw a sunset bomb blocked, caught Sammy’s leg, Guevara flipped backwards onto his feet to escape.  Still on the apron, a fistfight was ended with a Perry thrust kick but he was met by a leaping knee coming off the top.

Sammy striking with a Spanish fly off the apron to the floor as the ads arrived.  Damn that looked painful.

Slowing briefly, Perry got an elbow up in the corner, was whipped in again but snapped back with a lariat.  Back to the corner, he elevated Sammy to the apron: another sunset bomb, this time holding on to smash him against the hardest part of the ring.  Before launching a crazy destroyer off the top rope.  That was incredible.  Crowd couldn’t have cared less.

Upstairs again, Perry was crotched, Guevara to the top, missing a shooting star, landing on his feet to hit a thrust kick, cutter off the buckle, crazy implant ddt.  Jungle Boy came down right on the top of his head.  But managed to kick out.

Up into the GTH, Perry landed on his feet, poisonrana, missed his running elbow strike, Guevara hit a poisonrana of his own, Perry popped up to land his running elbow strike before collapsing.  Both guys down.

To their knees, the two threw slaps, fistfighting up to their feet.  Knee strike avoided, Perry snatched Sammy into the Snaretrap, the tap imminent, Guevara made the ropes.  Let’s go Sammy/Sammy sucks chant.

Guevara then launched a running dropkick with Perry atop the buckle, sending Perry off the top all the way through the table at ringside.  Jungle Boy in a crumpled heap as the ref began the count.

All the way to 8, with Perry about to re-enter, Sammy literally grabbed the ref, allowing MJF to strike with his diamond ring, the heels rolling around hugging after Perry was counted out.

Max put Sammy on his shoulders a la HHH & Orton but did put him down safely.  The two bowed to each other before announcing to the camera that we were looking at the Double or Nothing main event.

A superb match spoiled by a ludicrous finish.  Not so much the idea, but the way it was done.

Guevara was actually getting a babyface reaction for the first time in years too.  Guessing Darby wins next week and we get Perry/Sammy II at the ppv.  Wouldn’t complain.

Winner: Sammy Guevara

Next Rampage (Airs Sat):

  • Vikingo vs Dralistico, AAA Mega Title
  • Jeff Hardy addresses the fans w/ Matt, Hook & Isiah
  • Lethal, Jarrett & FTR vs Varsity Athletes
  • Julia Hart vs Kiera Hogan
  • Jon Moxley vs Christopher Daniels

Next Dynamite:

  • Jade Cargill vs Taya Valkyrie, TBS Title
  • Darby Allin vs Sammy Guevara, Final of Four Pillars Tournament

Thumbs Up/Down

  • Sammy vs Perry (if you ignore the finish)
  • Elite/BCC segment
  • Fun, if OTT, finish to the TNT title match
  • Start to finish story: Darby called out Sammy for ‘following’ and not striking out on his own, Guevara doubled-down on this by the end
  • Waaaay too much interference again
  • 0 vs the Acclaimed was a nothing match and an abrupt way to presumably end this angle
  • They do know the House of Black are allowed to appear on tv right?
  • Not the strongest way to debut Jay White

Appreciate you reading.  Have a good week.

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Paul Hemming
Paul Hemminghttps://h00kedon.weebly.com/
Paul Hemming got into AEW during the pandemic, lives in Liverpool, England, and is a huge Liverpool fan, Playstation player and history lover.

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