
Dynamite TV report for 05/08/2024

Venue: Rogers Place, Edmonton, Alberta, Ca.


Right to Copeland arriving, Arkady asked how he felt facing King tonight.  Copeland said he wasn’t feeling great, his mind has been wandering to places he doesn’t want it to.  And he needs to stop it.  He just got off the phone with Tony Khan and tonight it’s no dq.

Crowd cheered.

Like last week – the entire opening package is just the Elite.

Orange Cassidy vs Trent Beretta

Backstory: Trent turned on Cassidy and ‘ended the career’ of long-term tag partner Chuck Taylor

Lights low, shots tight despite Schiavone claiming they had a great crowd.  He shouted out Taz, who isn’t there due to legit knee issues.  Trent came out to a murmur of boos.  Same music and video.  Which seems weird.  You’re gonna repackage the guy?  Then do it properly.

They raced at each other, Beretta had to bail outside to avoid a Punch but took a tope, Orange nearly crashing to the mat he was moving so fast.  He beat Trent around ringside, crowd into the action.  Already better than the fans last week.

They’re doing a countdown clock for Cage/Swerve.  Like they did for the Perry/Punk vid.

Trent got on top, shots from the mount, still outside, ref not bothering to count.  He mocked Cassidy’s pose then beat him some more till Cassidy hopped the barricade on a whip and they fought into the crowd.  This is so AEW – go to all the trouble to push the main event as no dq then have the opening match with regular rules ignore countouts and brawl into the crowd.

They’re maintaining that Tony Khan’s comms are still cut off by the Elite but he can text the announcers.

Cassidy tripped Trent atop the barricade, the latter landing hard on his surgically repaired neck.  Don’t do that Trent.  We want you to be able to walk when you’re fifty.

Finally back inside after legit 5+ mins outside the ring: Trent flying knee, Cassidy hit right back with a Punch before both plummeted to the mat.  Don Callis came out.

Break.  Presumably that’ll be a Swerve Bro! and he’ll side with Trent.

Slugging it out – yay/boo – announcers asking Callis about recruiting Cassidy.  Trent sought a suplex, blocked slumdog, Cassidy ducked a lariat and hit a tornado ddt.  Callis really putting him over on comms.  Cassidy went to work with the kicks, pulled away by the ref but rushing back to rain blows from the mount.  Certainly done a good job making this feel heated/personal.

Trent ducked a Punch, half and half, ripcord lariat.  Crowd here are small but really into this, giving Trent the business.  He hit a piledriver but the announcers pointed out that neither has attempted a pin yet – they’re just trying to hurt each other.

He hit another piledriver.  Then mocked the stupid hug, instead hitting another running knee.  Then removing the buckle pad.  Paul Turner might as well be a scarecrow, just asking Trent what he was doing with it.

Allowing Cassidy to remove the opposite pad and roll up Trent to sneak a win.  Kinda craps on the story that neither was trying for a pin.  Trent gave Orange a piledriver on the steps.  Then gave him a very weak catapult into the underside of the ring.  Orange sold these brutal moves by standing up and grabbing a chair.

Callis went and talked him out of using it, Statlander ran down to get behind he and Trent.  Callis escorted Cassidy backstage, asking if he was okay.

Good action once it got back in the ring.  Trent’s a good worker but between never winning and playing a comedy geek for the years, the damage has been done.  None of this is raising him up, it’s just sucking down Cassidy.  And will do the same to the Family if he joins.  And they need all the help they can get.

Winner: Orange Cassidy

The Elite arriving earlier.  They talked crap about Canada.  Then parked in Tony Khan’s reserved spot.


Then we went to a recap of Kenny’s superb promo last week.

And a post-show promo from Jack Perry.  Sporting a shiner courtesy of the Canadian, he said Omega hit his patented moves in his hometown for the last time in his career.  He’s ‘not the hero we needed’, the Elite don’t need him anymore and neither does AEW because ‘we’re going to change the world without you.’

He used the ‘We all have to sacrifice,’ line again… ‘and you just made yours.’

As was the case before he left, Perry’s much better taped than live.


To Kenny in the hospital.  He said the Bucks had been family for fifteen years and yet here we are.  So it’s hard not to take things personally.  So he thanked the Bucks for reminding him last week that it wasn’t personal, it was just business.

Which made him think, May 26th marks the five-year anniversary of AEW.  So challenged them to Anarchy in the Arena against ‘Team AEW,’ starting with ‘the greatest team in AEW history,’ FTR.  As for the others, they’ll reveal themselves tonight, ‘sooner than you might think.’

He did his goodbye/goodnight thing.

Not as good as last week – never gonna be – but solid nonetheless.


None of this was allowed to sink in or be talked about because we raced to Tony bringing Serena Deeb to the stage.

Deeb played to the crowd.  And Schiavone and the fans at home.  She said she’s a fan of Toni and is aware that people are saying she won’t beat her.  So she wants to explain why losing at DoN is not an option.

She was out for the hardest fifteen months of her life.  The crowd chanted ‘Let’s go Oilers.’  She said she had three seizures.  It was incredibly scary.  She saw doctors, did scans, no-one could figure out why it happened.

She said the hardest part is often we don’t know what causes them.  The thing that stuck in her mind was a dream of being women’s champ.

Toni Storm came out.  She said she thought she was hearing from her challenger but instead heard from a charity case.  Deeb said she suggested that Toni ‘give a shit’ and take things seriously, since she’s been fighting for her life.

Crowd lightly chanted for Toni.  Storm said she didn’t give a ‘single solitary shit’ about what Deeb’s gone through.  Crowd chanted louder for Toni.  Toni tried a cheap shot but was laid out with a right.

Utterly dreadful.  Pretty sure they were in opposite roles last week.  Roles which better suit them.  Going to legit medical issues two weeks in a row is overkill.


Rocky Romero came to check on Orange and said if he wins tonight against Jay White, he, Orange and a third get a trios title shot.  Then suggested they could even mend things with Trent.  Cassidy almost got angry but said they’d figure it out.

Apparently that makes that match ‘high stakes’ per Excalibur.  Nice he thinks so.

Callis made the only reference to the whole Omega promo by saying he was glad Kenny was in the hospital.  Forget pushing a huge ppv match and the mystery of who Kenny’s sending after the Elite, we’ve got the Best Friends to get to right?

Mariah May vs Harley Cameron

Backstory: NONE

Mariah came out without Storm.  So seems they’re positioning her as the babyface now?  Both here, since Cameron came out with Saraya.  And in the wider sense vs Storm who was just demonstrably at-least-supposed to be a heel.  What a mess.

Cameron hit an early running knee strike for two.  May hit strikes in the corner, running forearm, spinning slam, shotgun, nice flurry.  Cameron went outside and hit May with weak kicks as she reached over for her.


Both hit the deck looking for the same move.  As we went to Saraya yelling outside for a change.  Boy, haven’t missed that.

They exchanged rights from their knees, to their feet – yay/boo – wild flurry from May, Cameron followed her to the ropes with a lariat, May reciprocated then hit sky high for two.  May blocked a Cameron kick and absolutely nailed her with a headbutt.

Shotgun from the top, hip attack coming, Saraya pulled Cameron outside to freedom.  But was laid out by May.  Cameron got a ‘near fall’ with a rollup after the distraction.  Cause she totally might win right?  May immediately hit Mayday to win.

May was very good here.  Cameron’s talented in many ways but did not look ready to wrestle on tv.  Saraya attacked immediately after the bell.  Mina Shirakawa ran out, levelled Harley with a spinning back elbow then leapt into May’s arms.  They teased a kiss, Mina pulled away, May looked disappointed.

Mina then asked for champagne and the two danced and drank.  This story could be intriguing if the roles weren’t so frustratingly vacillatory (probs not a word but you get it).

Winner: Mariah May

Arkady was with Pac backstage.  Pac looked like he was sedated, staring blankly the same way he was after his loss to Okada.  She asked about Death Triangle.

And was interrupted by BCG.  Jay White said no one was concerned with Death Triangle because they were dead.  White said Pac had lost to Okada but there was somebody who does know how to get the job done against Okada, so maybe he should go after the Continental Title and add goal to their haul (they’re carrying all six belts around).

White said Pac should watch him against Rocky and learn about winning.

God Jay White’s good.  He talks and you almost forget he’s been made into a nobody.


Malakai Black spooky promo.  Fires and darkness and polysyllabic words aimed at Adam Copeland.


To a deliberately saccharine package pushing the Bucks and the Elite as the creators of AEW who’d ‘change the world.’

To the Bucks, who said the guy who made that needs a raise.  They looked at the format and yelled ‘Go get em!’ to Swerve.  Sarcastically of course.


Swerve stomped to the ring, face fixed, no Nana, no nonsense.  He said he was in a foul mood.  And a fighting mood.  He sent to a replay of Cage attacking him last week then said that was why.

He said everyone wants a piece of you when you’re AEW champ.  Which must be news to most of us who wonder why top names never seem to want it.

He said he can understand seeing someone at the top and going after them.  He said he’s the Connor McDavid of wrestling.  Sparking another pro-Oilers chant.  Swerve demanded Cage bring ‘the rest of the Addams Family’ and get out here.

Btw Callis is just staying on comms for the show.

Cage obliged.  Cheap heat at the local crowd.  So very creative.  Cage said every week he’s going to take something from Swerve, starting with the dread last week.  Crowd chanted over him re: the Oilers.

Cage said Swerve’s ridden a wave to the top but waves always crash and that’ll happen at DoN.  Swerve’s not in his league, he deserves to be the champion.  But Strickland can take comfort in knowing that when his house crashes down, he can see gold whenever he wants by looking in the mirror at his teeth.

‘Unless I take those from you right now.’

Swerve said he’d told Cage he wasn’t coming alone.  Bryan Cage and the Gates appeared behind him.  Swerve compared Christian Cage to Drake, saying he’d whoop him like Kendrick Lamar.  Cage got to where he is by politicking; Swerve fought his way there.

He dared Cage to come in and take his gold, as the crowd chanted ‘Swerve’s house.’  He said that’d put Cage in an uncomfortable position though and we all know when Cage ends up in uncomfortable positions, he’s gonna say ‘I quit.’

Cage was speechless until the very predictable beatdown from behind happened by the rest of the Embassy.  Though they did need separating from Swerve so it at least solves that.  They gave Swerve a triple powerbomb then ran off refs who tried to help.  Christian Cage just watched all this.

Bryan Cage then tossed Swerve out over the ropes via military press.  Then setup the steps.  So presumably there’ll be a Cage/Strickland match we’re supposed to care about sometime soon.  Might have been an idea to not have him lose easily to Claudio last week.

The Gates then slammed Swerve through the announce table off the steps.  As Cage and co laughed and left.

Strong angle.  Easily the best thing on the show so far.  Swerve came across as well as he’s done in months and the heel was a coward who had to cheat to get his way after being verbally outdone.

Backstage, the Bucks congratulated Cage and Cage thanked them for the idea.  They all said it was the start of a fruitful relationship.  The Bucka asked each other whether what happened to Swerve could be considered ‘a bitch move?’


Wow we are racing through segments amid zero wrestling tonight.  Clearly they’re reacting to the ratings.  They showed Willow beating Skye last week.

Arkady brought Willow in.  The champ said she wasn’t great physically but emotionally and spiritually she’s good.  Arca asked whether she was ready for Mercedes.  Willow said she’s ready for her and any challenge – international or other.  Almost downplaying her match with Mercedes.

And asked whether Mone was ready for her, ready for DoN, because last time they wrestled, Willow won.  She respects Mone and feels bad Mone got hurt but since then she’s been on the run of her life.  So Mone might win all the red carpet attention but in ‘a professional wrestling match I am going to be the winner.’

At DoN, ‘you better be ready.  So, are you ready for the fight of our lives?’

Killer.  Great stuff.  Haven’t done it justice here.  Willow still seemed nice but had an edge and carried herself like a champion should.

Jay White vs Rocky Romero

Backstory: If Rocky wins – which he won’t – he gets a shot at the trios titles

Excalibur said there was lots of history between the two.  Glad he’s aware of it.  He then made fun of Callis for explaining ‘Azucar.’  Again, I didn’t know that, it’s never been explained on AEW tv.  Shows Excalibur’s whole approach.

White talked smack, got smacked and rolled up for two.  They aimed knees back and forth, Romero made White follow him outside then ran back in, dropkicking White off the apron then aiming a tope.

Romero headscissors, rights in the corner, White ducked a lariat and absolutely decapitated Rocky with one of his own.

Ads.  Has it always been White’s approach to just get his ass whupped no matter who he faces?  It’s so counterproductive.

Rocky in a chinlock, big chop from Jay, Rocky slipped behind, boot up, uppercut, springboard tornado, both down.  White toppled outside, Rocky aimed a rana off the steps then flung White back in, to the top, cross body for two.

White boots up in the corner, Rocky countered a sleeper suplex into a cradle for two, big right, White blocked sliced bread, into a Blade Runner, Rocky again countered into a rollup for two.  Best sequence on the show so far, tremendous.

Romero running sliced bread for another two.  Callis is so good on comms. So understated but adds so much.  White hit a high angle suplex before dragging Romero up into a Blade Runner for the win.

Some good action given their limited time.  Also, why would this earn someone a trios title match

The heels were beating down Romero when Pac decided to continue their chat from earlier.  I hate that I’m so excited for Pac and Jay White, it’s everything AEW bank on – regardless of how each has been used and/or forgotten about, fans will love the match.

Winner: Jay White

To a Samoa Joe package, training with pads, voiced by the former champ.  He said ‘fear’ is what drives a warrior.  Fear of not being good enough, meeting an opponent you can’t beat.  But he’s not the warrior that fears others, ‘I am what these men fear in the first place.’

Good stuff.  Glad they’re not forgetting joe.  Part of what makes a title belt is the strength of previous champions.

Chris Jericho & Big Bill vs Jabari? & ???

Backstory: Bill’s petitioning to get under Jericho’s wing and helped him beat Shibata last week

Jericho’s basically playing his cheesy babyface character from 1996 again.  ‘Jabari’ took him down via armdrag; he tagged out to Bill.  The White Guy tagged in, Bill ran through both opponents.  To cheers – which will happen when a name whoops on nobodies.

He tagged Jericho in to take the glory – Judas Effect, win.  At least they don’t seem to be making this a faction.

Jericho took a mic and thanked the fans.  He called the place Calgary (deliberately), so got some boos.  The fans were dumb so chanted that he’d F’d up.  He said that learning from mistakes is what the Learning Tree does.  He said he’d be on Dynamite for two hours straight if he could.

And reiterated his For The World title is for all of us.  He complimented Bill and said he’s already learning how to win.  And thanked Shibata for their match last week – saying it got the highest rating on cagematch.  Fans quiet cause yeah.

He said we still haven’t seen Hook since he essentially hit himself in the face with a baseball bat – great line.  Schiavone entered the ring to say Hook’s back next Weds.  Jericho said he was excited and thanked everyone again as Excalibur asked how disingenuous someone could be.

Winner: Chris Jericho & Big Bill

Adam Copeland vs Brody King (No DQ, TNT Title)

Backstory: The entire House are utilizing the Cope Open to challenge the champ for his title while trying to goad him toward the dark side after misting him

Brody nailed a shoulder block to leave Copeland down.  And the House actually drew some boos for once.  Copeland slipped behind but was elbowed to the mat, blocked a powerbomb, sent Brody to the apron, hit a shoulder to the gut but took a punt attempting a second.  Then a neckbreaker in the ropes.


Fighting outside, Brody set Copeland on a chair, prepping his cross body against the barricade.  The vet smartly had no intention of taking it and moved, Brody crashing.  Before Copeland grabbed a chair.  Had forgotten it was no dq.  Copeland aimed several shots to the back before they brawled to the apron where Copeland landed an impaler.

‘Remember we’re still going to hear from Matthew and Nicholas Jackson,’ mentioned Excalibur casually.  We are!!?? When did that happen?

Brody a bloody mess now, he smiled and spat at the Canadian.  Who hit a cross body off the top for two as they finally moved back to the ring.  Copeland went to grab another chair and broke the legs off before jamming it in the buckle.

Allowing Brody to nail a lariat, both down.  Excalibur said if he’d missed that would’ve been it since it was all he had left.  Nice work.


Back to Brody grabbing his apron choke, looking to drag Copeland out there but being brought in via snapmare.  King just pouring blood as they crashed with several lariats before dropping.  TiA from the crowd.

They finally mentioned the Kenny/Elite thing.  Just piss poor promotion.  Again.

As Copeland dragged Brody onto his shoulders but collapsed under his weight, King getting two.  Then nailing a wince-inducing cannonball in the corner.  For the same.  Copeland slipped out of a Gonzo Bomb to hit a reverse facebuster.  Readying a Spear, Brody grabbed and rode him back to the corner then hit a piledriver.

To the apron, Copeland again dragged Brody onto his shoulders, dvd on the apron.  Before Spearing Brody through the ropes, off the apron and through a ringside table.  Crazy.  And doesn’t seem to be the finish.  Crazier.  Though back inside, Copeland immediately hit a Spear to win.

Strong match.

King attacked immediately after the bell, raining blows.  Kyle O’Reilly ran out to murmurs, aiming a flurry at King before he and Copeland removed Brody together.  Just don’t get using tv time on Kyle.  There are so many guys who could benefit from associating with Copeland.

No mention of the spooky mist which is a big plus, though Copeland did hint at it opening the show.

Winner: Adam Copeland

To Mercedes with Arkady.  She asked the same question, is Mercedes ready?  Mone said she’s so excited about making her return to the sport she loves.  Where the best wrestle.  She thrives under that spotlight and pressure.

Tomorrow she’ll be front row at the Celtics game then is throwing out the first pitch for the Red Sox.  Before heading back to the gym to get ready.  Willow took something from her she’ll never get back – time.  She’d kept wondering why her injury happened and had questioned whether she’d ever be as good again.

Then said damn right she would, better than ever.  And said there’s an asterisk over Willow’s win.  And vowed to wipe the ‘stupid smile’ off Willow’s face.  At DoN, ‘money changes everything.’

Woeful.  In stark contrast to Willow, didn’t believe a word Mone said.  Just terrible acting.  On top of which – she went back and forth from wrestling-loving-babyface to smarmy-spotlight-seeking-heel to concerned-for-her-career-babyface to money-changes-everything-heel.  In one minute.


Rushing to Lexy with Copeland.  She asked about Kyle helping him.  Copeland said it was a relief and thanked Kyle.  Kyle asked for a favor, Saturday he wants to face Copeland for the belt in his hometown.  Copeland wasn’t impressed – I think – at Kyle being so obvious at helping him just for that.  Though intimated that he was.


The Elite came out.  The Bucks said the show doesn’t end till they say it does.  Matt said he’d got an overrun from the network.  Nick heeled on Canada.  Okada addressed Omega – he called himself the Best Bout Machine and said ‘Get well soon,’ then aimed a kiss a la Kenny.  With just the best smarmy look on his face.

Such a phenomenal prick.

Matt said speaking of unwell people, Tony Khan’s the best boss he’s ever had and wishes Tony could’ve recognized they were here to help AEW.  But he got in their way.  And Kenny decided last week to end a fifteen-year friendship.  So they had to take him out too.

Nick said FTR only saved him because they hate the Bucks, not because they like Kenny.  He agreed to Anarchy in the Arena then said good luck finding two guys to team with them.  FTR came out.  Dax said after a bit of convincing, they’d found a couple of guys with big enough balls.  Eddie Kingston came out.  Crowd very happy to see him.  Mox next?  Nope, Bryan Danielson.  That’s a weird foursome, Danielson’s somewhat feuded with all three this year.

Schiavone said he was on a text chain with Khan and Kenny: Danielson’s cleared and will return to wrestling this weekend.

The four headed to the ring, a brawl broke out and they announced the match as the show ended.


Double or Nothing:

  • The Elite vs FTR, Kingston & Danielson (Anarchy in the Arena)

Next Collision (On TBS, didn’t say a time, Rampage is in a block with it again):

  • Didn’t announce anything, but presumably Copeland vs O’Reilly

Next Dynamite:

  • Hook’s back

Thumbs Up/Down

  • Swerve/Cage angle
  • Willow’s promo
  • Decent job hyping Swerve – both via the countdown and the Bucks
  • Generally entertaining – not a ton of wrestling which I don’t mind if it’s not every week but others might
  • Copeland/Brody


  • Again, a show full of predictable finishes – nothing intriguing ahead of time
  • Storm/Deeb – when you have someone cheered for saying they don’t give a shit about a babyface having seizures, your booking’s a mess
  • Mixed promotion – better job hyping Swerve but almost no mention of who Omega’s other guys might be – which is the sort of thing that can hook viewers to stay tuned if actually brought up
  • For the second week in a row, where’s Ospreay? Mox?  Don’t mean much if their absences aren’t felt
  • Jack Perry has become backseat already
  • Mercedes promo

Appreciate you reading.  Hope you’re having a good week.

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Paul Hemming
Paul Hemminghttps://h00kedon.weebly.com/
Paul Hemming got into AEW during the pandemic, lives in Liverpool, England, and is a huge Liverpool fan, Playstation player and history lover.

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