
Dynamite TV Report for 07/24/2024

Venue: Bridgestone Arena, Nashville, Tennessee


Marvez in a parking garage ‘trying to get the scoop from Will Ospreay’ after last week’s loss to MJF.  Ospreay came out, about to head to the arena, so presumably Marvez was stalking him?  Someone had slashed his tire, so he demanded Marvez’ keys, handed him his case and raced to Alex’ vehicle.

A little goofy.  But at least they followed up on last week and told us Ospreay’s coming.

Okay, a lot goofy: AEW can’t help themselves, everything’s an opportunity for comedy: ‘Will, have you ever driven in America?’ Asked Marvez to a guy he’d just seen about to get into his own car.  Then, ‘Ahhhh!’ as Will set off.  With acting skills such as we at least know it’s live.

Crowd were chanting ‘Ospreay!’


We then went to clips of last week’s match.  Focused on the finish, Ospreay unwilling to use the tiger driver; MJF happy to cheat.  A bunch of cheerleaders were on the ramp – ‘Gimme a ‘M’ etc, ahead of Max’s entrance.  He came out with a shit-eater on his mush, belt on his waist.

Good number of boos.  ‘Will Ospreay did not hit the tiger driver ’91 because he’s a gutless coward,’ his first line.  The idea Will could beat him when he couldn’t even beat Swerve is laughable.  ‘By the way Shane,’ he hasn’t forgotten about ‘my’ world title.

This f’ing dude just cannot help himself with the insider crap can he?

‘STFU’ from the crowd.  I concur.

He said he’s just waiting for the right moment to pounce on Swerve.  When the spotlight’s on Max, he shines.  When it’s on Ospreay, he melts.  He called last week the easiest match of his life, he won quickly, in dominant fashion.

Audio’s not great again.

He told Will to kill himself.  Then brought up his dead grandma, so he can dig a grave next to her’s.  Then called her a ‘fat old skank.’  Then asked Ospreay to come out, since he knew Will wasn’t here yet.

He said fans loved the International title because it was held by workhorses who worked hard, he started to dry heave.  Fans were quiet here before a brief chant of ‘asshole.’  He said he deserves a title worthy of him, the International title was unpatriotic.  He called fans ‘white trash hicks,’ about the third cheap heat term for them in five minutes.

The International title is garbage, like Garcia, like Ospreay and like the fans.  He dropped it into a trash can.  He needs a title that symbolizes him and the greatest country in the world.  He introduced the new ‘American championship.’  With predictable results: ‘USA! USA! USA!’

Max said he appreciated those chants but when he talks America he’s talking about ‘real America, the only America that matters… Plain View, Long Island, New York.’  He asked god to bless America, his title and him – ‘your American hero, Maxwell Jacob Friedman, thank me later.’

Stars and Stripes Forever played and tricolor streamers were fired into the air.  And a massive US flag unveiled, to another big cheer. Max’s face was in place of the stars.  Ospreay appeared through the crowd, MJF legged it.

This is some weird ass booking.  Sure, in the UK (which he also heeled on at one point) it’ll play well.  But the entire build takes place in the US.  It’s hard enough for heels to get booed in AEW without draping them in a belt with the US flag.

A fired up Ospreay yelled that ‘we ain’t eating’ your ‘horseshit’ (bleeped).  And said what was going through Max’s mind in minute 59 which was that he knew he couldn’t beat him.  So he reached in his trunks, past his tiny little dick (also bleeped, fans chanted it) and grabbed the ring.  ‘You’d rather cheat than admit a guy like me is on your level!’

He said he’s had a meeting with Khan and Daniels.  And has himself a rematch.  ‘On home soil,’ he pointed to the All In banner.  Fans cheered.  Max was rattled.

There were some really good elements here.  It’s creative and interesting with a clear story.  And tbf, Ospreay was cheered so it’s not like the US/UK stuff turned fans against him.  And there was more than enough on the bone here such that insider terms and cheap heat weren’t needed, but Max gon’ be Max.  Nice mic work from Will.  Overall a very good segment.

Ospreay took the International title out of the trash and carried it backstage.


Backstage, coin flip for who gets the advantage later.  Ref entered Chris Daniels’ office and the Elite were stood over his broken body.  Matt flipped the coin, the ref said they had the advantage.

Nick asked where Hangman was.  Matt said they’d made a deal and a deal’s a deal.  Then showed a two-sided coin to the camera.  Tony Khan apparently powerless to do anything about this in the next ninety minutes.  If someone wants a match with Lee Moriarty though…

The announcers weren’t even all that bothered about Daniels’ being dead.  Fittingly full of holes, in keeping with the storyline.  From one pile of crap to another:

Jericho out, they showed the Learning Tree taking out Hook and Joe.  Suzuki got a nice pop.

Chris Jericho vs Minoru Suzuki (FTW Title, Big Bill & Bryan Keith banned from ringside)

Backstory: Last week, Suzuki presented Jericho with a letter granting him this shot and banning his minions from ringside

So Jericho’s winning but his goons are banned.  Surely not him and Sammy part 319?  Taz was rooting for Suzuki.  Excalibur emphasized that anything goes.

Chants for the Japanese, none for Jericho.  Who launched a chop, Suzuki ignored it and backed Jericho up with one.  Rinse and repeat x several, Suzuki cackling loudly at Jericho’s efforts, urging him to try harder.

He waved then nailed another chop before ignoring another of the Ocho’s.  Excalibur took this time to explain the B&G rules.  Flurry of chops in the corner from Suzuki, Jericho stepped through to the second ring but was caught in the gap between the two, his chest bleeding.

Schiavone said what happened to Daniels was horrible and they’re checking on him.

Suzuki offered his chest for a flurry, Jericho’s hand gave up before Suzuki’s chest did.  Schiavone’s never seen a match open with chops like this.  ‘Chop forever!’ from the fans, who cheered as Suzuki rallied them.

The chops continued.


Suzuki’s commitment to not bumping is something else.  Though at a cost to his pecs.  Also have to wonder what irregular viewers tuning in for the cage think of this.

Back to more chops.  Schiavone’s still never seen anything like this.  Jericho finally aimed a kick, breaking the chopfest, booed heavily, chest pouring blood.  He tried his springboard dropkick but was caught in a rope-assisted armbar, Suzuki wrenching the fingers till releasing Jericho outside and slamming him into the announce desk.

Chair to the gut and across the back, Taz openly routing for Murder Grandpa.  As he Pillmanized Jericho’s hand.  Fans chanted ‘one more time.’  Suzuki wrenching back on the fingers again, then inviting a chop with said hand.

Back inside, Suzuki snatched an armbar, again working the fingers.  Until Jericho raked the eyes, codebreaker, Suzuki out with fire at barely one, crowd cheering and chanting his name.

Exchange of forearms from their knees, yay/boo to their feet, Suzuki getting the better, hitting the ropes, dropstep, choke, Jericho countered a Gotch-style into the Walls, Suzuki rolled front pretty quickly, kicking free, dropstep right back to the sleeper.

Gotch-style nearly hit, Jericho dead-weighted and hit a low blow and Judas Effect to win.  That must be one hell of an elbow, because Suzuki barely took any damage the rest of the match.  In a company where finishers are kicked out of willy nilly.

An entertaining match, psychologically at least re: the chops and heel heat.  And one which will allow Jericho to claim he still draws reactions.  Though he can’t wrestle Suzuki and take ten minutes of chops every week.

He posed with his belt, Suzuki up behind him, ducking a lariat, sleeper, Gotch-style, Jericho left laying, fans cheering the Japanese.  As the goons arrived now that the match has finished.  Until Shibata’s music played.  He came in from behind, Jericho bailed, Shibata bridged Bill out and gave Keith a knee to the gut to achieve the same.

This is one of the reasons folks get tired of Jericho.  It’s been five years of his stablemates taking beatings while he flees, none are ever elevated to his level.

Winner: Chris Jericho

Renee backstage with Willow, the new CMLL champ.  Stokely said ‘Hi,’ this was enough to distract Willow as Statlander attacked and dumped her lightly on a pile of cases.  Willow sold like she’d broken her back.  Hathaway challenged her for the belt (seen elsewhere that he asked for an eliminator?  Why would you?  Anyway…) next week then cockily said, ‘She’ll let us know,’ since Nightingale was unable to speak.

Nothing like a dumb babyface.  And nothing like challenging for a belt viewers may never even have heard of before explaining to us what it means via the new champ.  And immediately establishing that title shots are cheap.


They played a clip of a Danielson interview from earlier today with Renee.  Right now his neck is fixable but he has to make sure it stays fixable, insinuating he might need to take it easy.  Jeff Jarrett interrupted.  He was crushed he didn’t win the Owen.  But Danielson overcame the odds he couldn’t, he was proud to raise Danielson’s hand.

He said Danielson had to heal up mentally as much as physically.  And that it sounded like he was making an excuse.  ‘If you’re going to go all in, freaking go all in.’  He said a lot of people believe in Danielson and he’s at the top of that list.

Renee asked how he felt after that, Danielson said he had some work to do.

Again, interesting way to build a match.  Still think he’s damaging the brand (drink at home), but Jarrett was effective here getting across the gravity of the match.  Even if the messaging was a little mixed.

Plus the idea of Jarrett talking to Danielson like he’s a rookie, or he’s on or above his level was just funny.  Like a local chippy telling McDonald’s how to do fast food.  And of course, there’s the fact that about two months ago, he was a goon hired to take out BD.

Britt Baker vs Hikaru Shida

Backstory: Shida challenged Britt Saturday

Britt didn’t get pyro.  Is that more cost-cutting or does that only happen on big shows?  They played clips of their prior matches, including Shida making Britt bleed 4+ years ago and Baker winning the title.

Not a great reaction for either, brief ‘DMD’ chant as this started.  Dueling chant now, about even.  As Britt got a hammerlock, headlock takeover smoothly into a rollup for two.  Back to the headlock, nearly losing her balance, another rollup as Shida attacked in the corner, Baker looking for lockjaw, settling for another cradle for two, Shida rolling through to free herself from a headscissors.

Stalemate.  Fans clapped, more cause they were supposed to than anything else.

Brawling outside now, another dueling chant, Shida aimed rights against the barricade, fans counting along.  Then set Baker hanging off the apron for a very nice leaping knee, Britt about dead…


Shida waiting in the ring, Baker struggling against the barricade, weird moment as the announcers insinuated Shida was going for the cross body she used Saturday where Skye Blue got hurt.  Except she wasn’t, she just stood on the ropes, almost waiting for Britt to attack from behind.

Baker hit a neckbreaker and slingblade, nasty landing for Shida as Taz noted.  Britt pulled the glove out, did ‘D-M-D,’ allowing Shida to attack, more dumb babyfaces.  Britt hit weak forearms, took a knee to the gut and rolling German through into an armbreaker.  Baker rolled free somehow until Shida grabbed a guillotine, apparently releasing it and hitting a knee strike (they went to a wide shot).

Shida upstairs, leaping off to very deliberately miss Baker who hit a thrust kick, missed another, Shida hit a nice forearm, took a thrust kick, both dropped to their knees.  A few fans tried to get TiA going.

A series of back-and-forth cradles got near falls, Britt countered falcon arrow into an armbar, Shida got the ropes.  She eyed her kendo stick in the corner, nearly using it but ultimately deciding not to.  Baker hit a neckbreaker for two.

Shida fought off Lockjaw again, question mark kick and falcon arrow, just decided not to hit the Katana (the idea was Britt countered it but it was not smooth and Shida had to wait) and Baker countered through into Lockjaw to win.

At no point did this feel like a contest.  Mone has work to do.

Winner: Britt Baker

And she was out immediately to interrupt Britt’s music.  She mockingly congratulated Baker.  It’s amazing how false everything she says sounds.  Perfect for a heel.

She knows Britt wants a shot at her title and everyone here is waiting on her answer, which is… ‘No!’  Kamille attacked from behind with a pump kick, Mone laughed.  Kamille grabbed a torture rack, spinning out into a powerbomb/slam.  Mone joined her in the ring, they stood over Britt.

Decent way to debut Kamille, the announcers really put her over as dangerous, and gives Britt a roadblock to overcome.


The Patriarchy promo backstage.  Cage had all the belts on his shoulder.  Nick Wayne is in Royal Rampage Friday for a shot at the world title.  Cage said he’d earned the right to speak for himself so left him to it.

Wayne said he’s a trio champ and soon to be the #1 contender.  But was distracted/interrupted (that makes every promo so far) by Kip Sabian standing nearby.  Wayne got in his face.  He knows Sabian is in Royal Rampage too (how prestigious the AEW title must be) and plans to throw him out.

Then said no-one cared Sabian’s dad was dead, he should suck it up.

That’s two dead relative jibes in one show.  Wayne’s getting more comfortable in front of the camera.

PAC vs Boulder

Backstory: NONE

Boulder was already in the ring.  That name’s up there (down there?) with Big Bill.

The announcers debated Pac being the #1 contender to MJF but Ospreay getting the shot at Wembley.  And whether MJF could actually rename the International title or not.  Without reaching a conclusion.

Short but still longer than it needed to be, the Geordie won via a suplex-like brainbuster.

Winner: PAC

Backstage, Team AEW, Swerve up front.  He said the spirit of AEW is on the line tonight (it’s about the only thing).  He talked about violence and being the leader when Darby snapped and said this isn’t about him, it’s about getting even with the Elite.  They’re not going to see eye to eye on any night.

They went face-to-face.

Swerve said if he wants to get violent he’s more than happy to.  Caster again called himself the best wrestler in the world and bickered with them too, he doesn’t like Darby’s ‘weird ass.’

Bowens said this is about the Acclaimed getting their titles back.  Mark Briscoe interrupted to say they’re putting it all aside.  He knows the Elite’s gameplan is divide and conquer and they can’t let that happen.

He said they were violent and coming.

‘B-Briscoe, Briscoe got them back on track there,’ stuttered Taz, understandably.  Another mess in this mess of a storyline.  When exactly did the Elite try to divide and conquer?  Maybe if we’d been shown them sewing seeds…

And cannot wait to route for a bunch of bickering pricks.  If they win while being this disunited, what does that say about the heels?

Kaitlynn Alexis vs Mariah May

Backstory: NONE

Mariah’s back to being ‘The Glamour’ and has new music.  Excalibur put her over as despicable.  She’s still carrying Storm’s white shoe with her title.  Guessing at the spelling of her opponent since she didn’t even get a graphic.

May viciously aimed shots to the back of the head after Alexis was basically already done.  Knee strike, Mayday, May smiled and didn’t go for the pin.  Hip attack instead, Storm Zero, win.

Maybe limit the # of women’s feuds where they use e/o’s moves to one?

Winner: Mariah May

Storm’s music played afterward, May feigned panicking then laughed.  But then a ‘worker’ slipped into the ring and de-masked.  It was Storm of course (could swear they’ve used that recently in another women’s feud?  Oh right, it was last week).

Fans went wild.  Storm looked like she was having an epileptic fit.  They rushed one another and were separated by refs.  Despite being bundled into the corner by refs, somehow Storm got a mic and shrieked ‘Are you prepared to die? Because I am!’

Nice of Toni to wait for Mariah’s match to end before attacking.

OTT crap like most everything involving this character over the past year.  If she’s prepared to die and kill, Storm’s actions better reflect it in the build to Wembley.  Can’t have any patient promo exchanges or titty jokes.

Fans were very into it.


A package pushing/explaining B&G, voiced by Dean Malenko, recapping the stupid ‘takeover’ storyline, beginning with Perry’s attack on Khan.  Okada even got a ‘bitch’ into these soundbites.

The Elite & Hangman Page vs Acclaimed, Darby Allin, Mark Briscoe & Swerve Strickland (Blood & Guts)

Backstory: An absolute mess of a ‘takeover’ that wasn’t, combined with an ‘invasion’ with no invaders; and the continuing quest of Hangman to get his hands on Swerve

Perry out first, chair in tow.  Some Punk chants could be heard.


Darby to start for his side.  If they have any brains, they’ll save Swerve/Hangman for last.  Schiavone said Briscoe was the only guy on that team who seemed focused.  Perry chucked a chair at Darby as he entered, then powerbombed him against the cage.  Then tore Allin’s Cam’ron-esque pink fur coat off.

Before chucking Darby at the ringsteps, Allin bumping over into the crowd, nasty landing and nearly hit a fan, though she seemed pretty happy.  They brawled through the crowd, Allin clotheslined Perry back over to ringside as fans chanted for him, then ‘A-E-Dub.’

Perry met him with a trash can to the head as they finally made it inside the cage.  Then stashed it between the top buckles before lawn-darting him into it a la Marko Stunt a couple Saturdays back.

Like how aggressive Perry is when wrestling, genuinely seems pissed off.  He toyed with Allin, who fired up as the count began to the next man.  Nicholas.  Who brought a chair and metal case.  Presumably a set of altered Reeboks.

He came in via springing legdrop as Perry held Allin across his knee.  Darby blocked a double suplex onto a chair but was sent to the cage by Nick and took a running punt, leaving him stashed between the ring and the metal.


Clock up as we returned, Briscoe out.  Got a nice pop, unleashing kung fu on both heels, launching off the chair into a lariat on Perry for the biggest pop so far.  Nick caught out of the air into a throw, Darby recovering as fans chanted ‘Dem boyz.’  He set a ladder in the corner, faces whipped Nick into it.  Briscoe went after Perry with chops then cannonballed off the top onto a ladder-topped Nick.  Has to suck.

A corner splash using the ladder followed, Nick took a pratfall out onto it, landing on his nuts and really selling.  Funny stuff, maybe not the time and place?  Briscoe’s really picked this up, lifting the match and crowd.

They are not waiting long between entrants. Matthew out now.  He brought a case too.  Flung it to Nick who clocked Briscoe with it before Matt ddt’d Darby onto it, leaving the case broken.  The ‘blood’ aspect now present across Briscoe’s forehead.

Matt hit locomotion northern lights to Allin, into a Perry case shot, holding Darby across his shoulders for a Nick stomp off the top, Nick rolling through into a backstabber on Briscoe in the opposite corner.  Smooth as hell.

Bowens out, right after Nick with strikes, ducking a Matt shot, chops, strikes, thrust kick, over the shoulder fameasser, really nice flurry until he stopped to pose, allowing Matt to chuck a case into his face (note to AEW: heels can get on top of faces by cheating, rather than taking advantage when they stop to pose.  In this way, the good guys don’t look dumb).

Heels back on top now, Briscoe interrupted a TK Driver by catching Nick into a cutter, crowd went nuts.  Allin reverse ddt to Matt before grabbing his skateboard, leaping off onto Matt, whose arm was now embedded with tacks.  As Caster got the scissors and nailed Perry in the head, stabbing rapidly and repeatedly before sticking them in Perry’s mouth.

No, Perry was not utterly gouged and covered in blood.

There’ve been a few strange psychological choices tonight, beginning with MJF’s patriotic beginning.  Having the coin drop as the babyfaces towered over the heels was certainly one.  Okada has enough trouble getting booed.  And there was not a one to be heard here.  Biggest pop so far, only Storm got a bigger one all night.

He brought a ‘RAINMAKER Drive’ sign, nailing the faces in the head and upper body, running through them single-handedly.  Then nailing Briscoe in the balls, finally getting him a few boos.  Excalibur made a joke about the low blow.


Back to Caster out.  They’ve done a better job timing this out so we actually see all the big moments this year.  He ran to the ring with urgency and brought a mic, nailing the heels in the head with it and his chain.  Chair across Perry’s back.

The Acclaimed grabbed a board covered in barbed wire.  The Elite saved him from a suplex then hip tossed Bowens onto it.  And slammed him too.  Hate it.  Then sandwiched him with another barbed board and Nick hit a senton.  Hate it.

Okada poured tacks into Caster’s mouth, Bucks hit a superkick party.  Heels well on top as Hangman’s music hit.  No Page.  Heels waited for him, still no Page.  Announcers were puzzled.

He’s waiting till Swerve comes out, uninterested in anything else.  Love it.

Faces took over, Bowens put barbed wire loosely around his knee to hit scissor me timbers.  Final countdown before Swerve.  Is he going to be dumb and not anticipate Page?  Yep.  Hangman out with a chair from behind.  Bad DBS tonight.

He cuffed the champ to the outside of the cage, laying in rights as the match continued inside.  Okada sent Briscoe flying into the barbed board via dropkick, Briscoe pouring blood.

Page laid Nana out with a right to a decent number of boos.  He wailed on a helpless Swerve while yelling that the belt should never have been his and vowing to eat him alive (but not quite going as far as being prepared to die).  Matt took a mic and asked what he was doing.  Page ignored him, continuing to nail rights.

Jackson said they’d suspended him last time and if he didn’t get into the ring he was fired.  Fans kinda booed.  Page hung his head and entered.  So why can the Bucks fire him?  They couldn’t even make Perry TNT champ.  Had hoped this match would end that stupid story.

On that note, Matt ordered the ref to shut the door with Swerve still outside, ‘I’m an EVP!’ And the match started.

Okada immediately got in Page’s face and shoved him, the faces attacked from behind.


Back to a shot of Swerve cuffed to the cage, watching.  As Jeff Jarrett stormed out.  He got a big pop in the in his home-state.  Brandon Cutler came out to yell at him.  Billy Gunn came out, he nailed Cutler with a boot, Jarrett hit a guitar shot.

Of course, they freed Swerve.  Gotta get those young faces over.  To wit, the match was ignored while all this was going on.  They cut a panel in the cage and Swerve entered, running through the heels.

All the heels except one that is.

Cause Hangman was stood alone in the other ring.

They locked eyes, fans came up, chanting ‘holy S.’  As in stereo they climbed through the ropes to brawl between the rings.  Big cheer, Page clotheslining Swerve over, Buckshot countered, Swerve looking to snap the arm, Page out and grinding a barbed board into the champ till a Darby code red.

This Swerve/Page stuff is everything the rest of this match is not.  A clear issue fans know and understand.

Okada took out Allin, Briscoe the Bucks, Perry him, Swerve him.  Match feels a little broken up now between focusing on Gunn/Jarrett and wide shots.  Strickland brought out a stapler, Nick saved Page with a low blow then opened his case.  Which was full of the things.  The heels sans Page surrounded the champ, puncturing him over and over.

Strickland came up laughing, fought off the Bucks and Perry, doling out staples after various moves, Okada struck from behind but r/t hit his lariat, stopped to flip Swerve off and took a staple.  Announcers cackled as we moved toward the culmination of a supposedly heated, meaningful cage match (not criticizing them btw).

Page tried a Buckshot, Swerve avoided it and it hit Okada.  Strickland then stapled Page in the mouth.  Crowd loved it.


Back to a massive pile of tables at ringside, Nick and Bowens scaling the outside of the cage.  Announcers said Page and Swerve had taken e/o out during the break.  Nick smacked Bowens’ head into the side of the cage, he crashed through the pile of wood.

Briscoe hit Jay Drillers to all the faces.  Crowd loud, as into him as anyone here.  He placed Matt on a table, Darby did the same to Perry.  Briscoe hit a froggy bow off the top, Darby though climbed the cage and feel from the underside of the roof onto Perry, in a sort-of Coffin Drop.

Caster handed cuffs to the other faces.  Who haven’t shown any signs of bickering during the match.  They cuffed Perry to the cage, Briscoe nailed him repeatedly with a kendo stick, barking ‘Say ‘I quit’!’  Darby mumbled something into a mic about getting the party started.

Briscoe then nailed Perry, arms tied to the cage, in the head with a chair.  Crowd oohed but quieted afterwards.  Should never happen.

Matt tried to reason with Briscoe as Darby brought out gasoline and poured it over Perry.  Who I had forgotten till now was set on fire a couple months back, cause they never made it mean anything.  Outside of Page/Swerve, not a single aspect of this match is anywhere near heated enough to justify this.

Darby said Perry had to quit or he’d set him on fire.  Then changed his mind: if Perry didn’t give him a title shot, he’d set him on fire.  Perry spat.  This is so stupid.  Matt gave Darby the match, cause he’s an EVP with random power.  Darby then said that wasn’t enough, he had to quit.  Matt did.  Excalibur acted like this was a momentous, decisive victory.

Perhaps things have reached a stage where the wrestlers believe that a submission or something is no longer enough in these matches?  If that’s true, it’s a bed AEW have made over the past five years.

But then these things are really not for me.  Would love a big gang brawl with maybe the odd weapon shot but these are too much.  Crowd seemed to enjoy it.  Page/Swerve stuff was very effective.  Based on his reaction, they should probably do more with Mark Briscoe.

Winner: Acclaimed, Darby Allin, Mark Briscoe & Swerve Strickland

To sum up,

Every interview was interrupted; the nonsensical power/takeover story was in full flight, nothing was on the line in the cage but the babyfaces bickered in a can they co-exist manner anyway; dead relatives; death threats; more new belts introduced; title shots are cheap; and babyfaces are dumb.

AEW may not directly insult their audience but we sure need to turn our brains off a lot.

Thank god for Ospreay/MJF and Swerve/Page.

All In:

  • Will Ospreay vs MJF (International/American title)

Check Out

  • I guess Blood and Guts if that’s your thing

Appreciate you reading.  Hope you’re having a good week.

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Paul Hemming
Paul Hemminghttps://h00kedon.weebly.com/
Paul Hemming got into AEW during the pandemic, lives in Liverpool, England, and is a huge Liverpool fan, Playstation player and history lover.

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