
Dynamite TV report for 10/18/2022

AEW Dynamite ‘Title Tuesday’, Tues 10/18/22

Arena: Heritage Bank Center

City: Cincinatti, OH

Last Week’s Rating: 983,000 overall; 0.32 in 18-49 demo

There’s a little talk about MJF ‘cashing in’ tonight.  From a heel’s perspective, it makes perfect sense: a beat-up champ, Cincinnati.  Though AEW don’t usually do the screw the babyface in his hometown thing.

On top of which, Jay White’s been tweeting dynamite emojis while NXT prepares for an appearance by former Bullet Club members.

While Jon Moxley continues to jab at the guy from Chicago: ‘I don’t think anyone hates Hangman Adam Page… he’s a good dude.’

Finally, after three years, Tuesday Night Dynamite is now a reality.  And to celebrate, we’ve got a brand new, totally fresh and original final line to close out the intro:

It’s Tuesday night, it’s Dynamite.  Let’s go.


Welcomed by Excalibur, Tony & Taz, we were straight to the ring.

Best Friends vs Death Triangle, AEW Trios Titles

Backstory: Cassidy took Pac’s All-Atlantic title last week, can he take another here?

Cassidy came complete with backpack – carrying his new title being too much like hard work.  Announcers continued the ‘Is Pac burnt out?’ storyline.

The Brit wasting no time, beelining for Cassidy, booting him off the apron despite Trent being the legal man.  A couple leapfrogs ended with Pac being clotheslined, tagging in his partners, double-team Penta monkeyflip/Rey dropkick, senton atomico from Fenix, two slaps of the mat.

Chops in the corner, Rey and Trent, until Chuck broke it up from behind, nearly dropping Fenix out of a double-team crucifix bomb as Cassidy finally made it back inside.  Pac again straight on the attack; Death Triangle launching synchronized dives to the outside.

Back inside, Pac attacked a downed Cassidy, grinding the head, stomping away – the Brit in a bad mood as he tagged in both compatriots to launch more kicks to Cassidy.

The violence continued until a Stundog Millionaire saw Cassidy fire back, leading to a melee: Penta in – slingblade, Fenix armrag off the top into a stomp, Trent tornado ddt, he and Pac the last men left.  Double thrustkick from the Bros, who then hung Cassidy upside down for Pac to dropkick.

Crazy sequence followed on Orange: casadora, lungblower, stomp, deadlift German, close two broken up by the Friends.

After Fenix was posted on the outside, Pac was caught coming off the top and hit with a soulfood/half & half, while Penta ate a stuffed piledriver then a stalling one courtesy of the Friends.

Setting up  for the triple team raised splash they used in the tournament – Pac broke it up, angry in his movements, stomping and kicking away, tagging himself in, heading outside for the hammer.  Fenix interrupted, telling Pac he didn’t need it, Cassidy rollup for 2 3/4.  After an Orange Punch, both dropped, Cassidy tagging Trent, met by Penta, step-up destroyer blocked, into Strong Zero, Fenix the desperation save.

Incredible sequence.

Rolling, leaping cutter to both Friends by Rey, who missed with a springboard but not with his reflex heelkick, before nailing the sit-out piledriver for the victory.  Nice to see both Rey get a win and a piledriver get it.

Pac didn’t look totally on-board as they celebrated.

Lightning opener continuing the story of Pac’s descent into heeldom.

WINNER: Death Triangle

Moxley/Page preview video – they’ve beaten just about everyone but each other, Hangman pointed out that they were the last two in the Casino Battle Royal last year, and Hangman won, leading to him eventually taking the belt.

Good stuff.

Britt & Jamie Hayter with Tony.  Both promised that one of them would close out the year as women’s champ.

Toni Storm vs Hikaru Shida, AEW Women’s Title

Backstory: Shida got victory in a tag last week

To reiterate – aware this is interim; over it.  As is Toni judging by recent comments.

Nice reaction for Shida.

Quick handshake got us going before a tentative start with brief lockups.  Storm grabbed a headlock, holding on despite Shida’s best efforts, running through the challenger with a shoulder.  Until Shida ducked a clothesline, right into a dropkick, firing up the crowd but slugged by Storm then sent off the apron via hip attack.

Nasty landing.

Slugfest in the middle, Shida hurracanrana as Storm rebounded, leaping knee next.  To the corner for ten of the best, the champ reeling, nailed with a missile dropkick for a count of two.

Back to the slugfest, dead center, step-up enziguri from the challenger leaving both on their backs.  Shida headed back to the top, Toni cut her off, was setting up the avalanche Storm Zero but Shida fought her off with headbutts.  Following with a Meteora off the top, then a gutwrench into an X-Factor for another close count.

Stnading switch, Storm snatched a German suplex, genuinely bad landing on her left shoulder for Shida.

Gutting through, a Katana attempt led to a series of roll-ups/counters and another 2 for the challenger.  Storm came back with a tornado ddt off the middle rope, then Storm Zero for three.

Finish felt a bit out of nowhere but really good, hard-hitting action.  It does finally seem like the women’s division is improving.

Straight after, Hayter and Rebel attacked from behind as Britt made her entrance from the top in Wiz Khalifa’s favorite colors, pursued quickly by Saraya, who wasted no time attacking Baker, sending her into the crowd.

Riho came to clean-out Rebel, then bridged Hayter outside to a loud ‘Riho’ chant as she cross bodied off the top onto Jamie.  We were told, but not shown, that Saraya and Britt were still brawling as Riho and Toni fist-bumped to end the incredibly busy segment.

AWFUL use of Saraya, yet again.  A tree amongst the forest.  She didn’t get much of a reaction coming out, and Riho was the one who ended the segment.  This isn’t going well.

WINNER: Toni Storm

WarJoe video interview addressing the Kingdom, who debuted on Friday.  Joe said they ‘were given six million ways to die, and you still chose the wrong ones’.

Renee was joined by FTR, putting over the titles, the contender-ship etc.  Dax said they wanted the fourth belt – to loud cheers from the crowd – as Swerve interrupted.  Lee apologized for the interruption, though said they deserved a match for the contendership.  Dax agreed.  Cash ended things with ‘It’s FTR’s house b****’.

Darby Allin and Jay Lethal with Alex Marvez.  Lethal challenged him to a rematch.  Dutt said they know his weakness, a close friend told them.  The pair then doubled Darby before sending him into a garage door and lowering it onto his stomach.  Lethal then locked on the Figure Four.  And I rolled my eyes.  Whole thing was stupid.  Why couldn’t Lethal just attack him backstage instead of the whole interview/agreed to no violence crap?


Back in the ring, Regal was about to be interviewed re: tonight’s match but was immediately interrupted by MJF.  To a pretty nice reaction.  Max told Regal he could put the knucks away; he wasn’t there to fight.  Mix of boos and cheers.

MJF recounted a story from wrestling school.  One day he was told he had work as an extra for WWE, where all the extras were greeted by the Brit.  Max was set for the second match, ‘shaking like a leaf’ because ‘professional wrestling is my life!’.

After, Regal pulled him aside – ‘you got three minutes to sell yourself’.  ‘Kid, I’m gonna get you a job here today’.  Excited, Max thought ‘I was gonna be a superstar!’  After asking his age, Regal then told him he was ‘much too young’.

You f***** up chant.

Regal told him he would personally vouch for him when it was time.  After three months, Regal sent an email that MJF still has and will read now, live.  Essentially, the vet, after telling him to stay in touch, fobbed him off, telling him he was busy and Max was a long way off.

‘A child with a dream… and you squandered it!!!’  Max legit sounded about to cry.  ‘That email made me wanna kill myself.’

Crowd quiet, an awed hush.

But then realized, if he did, Regal and all the naysayers would’ve won.  Called Regal a ‘sad withered old man who got fired.’  A flea-ridden rat who clings to talents for a job.  While MJF is a top guy.  Referenced the ‘bidding war of 2024’ again.  Now MJF reads that email everyday when he needs a laugh.  Because ‘Now I’m about to become the AEW champ, because I’m better than you, and you know it!’

F*** me.  Literal chills.  If Max has done better, I don’t recall.

Regal’s riposte: he saw a lot in MJF; wanted to light a fire.  Comparing it to his own entrance in the business where he was being beaten up by older men at the age of sixteen and crying himself to sleep covered in his own blood, MJF’S ‘had it easy.’

MJF had let him down by taking shortcuts.  He hires people to do his work for him.  He uses a ring to win.  ‘You want to be a real bad guy, you want to be the devil, beat everyone who stands in front of you’.

Turning his back, the vet baited Max to take his shot.  ‘You still… have a lot to prove.’

Appreciative clapping from the audience for one HELL of a segment.  That was masterful.  Incredible storytelling: a character at a crossroads.

You have to watch this.


Renee with the Acclaimed, in their new Acclaimed Every Wednesday tees with the ‘A’ forming a pair of scissors.  They’ll face Sterling’s boys on Friday.

Seemed like a nothing after the previous segment.  Which should’ve been given room to breathe.  The announcers should’ve been talking about it.  It was epic and presumably the real start of the build to the main event of their final ppv of the year.


Danielson and Yuta sit-down with Renee.  Very realistic discussion of last week’s match.  Danielson quietly voiced his disappointment with Garcia as Yuta looked annoyed.  Him and Claudio could see it coming, how couldn’t Danielson?  The BCC means something to the other members, does it to Danielson?

Dalton Castle vs Chris Jericho, ROH World Title

Backstory: As part of his quest to destroy ROH, Jericho’s vowed to beat all former champs: Castle made the challenge Friday

It’s no secret I’m not a fan of the recent focus on ROH.  That said, I am enjoying this ‘Ocho’ persona.  And Dalton Castle almost makes up for the rest of ROH.  The gimmick, the look, the hissing promos – it’s a refreshing character.

So this one should be fun.

God, Castle’s entrance is amazing, even more epic than usual.  Cruise ring announcing; Riccaboni on comms.

Meanwhile, the best part of Jericho’s absolutely done-to-death entrance was Jake Hager still rocking that purple bucket.

Castle rustled round in his trunks before flipping off the champ when he offered a handshake, running over Jericho with shoulder blocks and a hip toss but missed stampeding-in and went through the ropes to the outside.

Where the Boys helped him collect himself.  Inspiring.  The crowd were going nuts for this.

Straight back in, he continued to take down the champ, dropping him with various suplexes, ending with multiple gutwrenches before dropping the Ocho on his back.

Then he literally launched the Boys at Hager, who was beginning to interfere.  I LOVE THIS MAN.

Break time.  Which is perfect because I’m having almost too much fun.

Things had changed as we returned, Jericho being vigorously booed, Castle in trouble in the corner, fighting back with heavy chops but taking a nasty spill to the outside.

Continung to fight, he caught Jericho in the middle of his springboard dropkick.  Then hit the champ with a hurracanrana off the apron.  Which is when the Boys and Hager, went at it, the Boys getting the better of it until they stole his hat, pushing Jake too far as he began to toss them around ringside.  Hager’s amazing too, a legit badass willing to poke this much fun at himself.

All of which distracted Castle, Jericho looking for the Walls, Castle countering into the Julie Newmar, Jericho fighting free with shots to the face, back to the Walls on Castle’s formerly broken back.  Finally clawing his way to the ropes, Jericho as usual thought he’d won.

Duck under and a clothesline bagged two for the contender, the pair then slugging it out on their knees, up to their feet, Castle on top, snatching Jericho into a high-angle German out of the Lionsault.  Another count of two.

‘This is awesome!’

Codebreaker caught, into the Bang-a-rang, Castle’s finish, for a very close two.  Back to their feet, a flurry from Castle, Jericho ducked a clothesline, vicious Judas Effect as the champ snatched victory from the jaws of defeat.

In case I’ve been too subtle, I adored this.  Jericho is playing his part to a tee, being totally outwrestled, making the younger guys look good, but grabbing the win in the end.  Totally understand that lots of people will think this was too silly for a title match.  Which it probably was.  But boy was it fun.

Sign Dalton Castle NOW.

Post-match, Riccaboni remarked that Jericho had finally won without cheating as the Ocho took the mic.  Noting the ROH guys he’d taken out before turning his attention to Riccaboni.  Until Jerry Lynn interrupted.  The vet eating a piledriver on the stage.

They also announced that Final Battle would be happening before the end of the year, Riccaboni noting that Castle beat Cody at that show to win his title.

WINNER: Chris Jericho

Christian and Luchasaurus video promo.  Christian said they’ve moved on from Jungle Boy.  If you’re a champ, you’re on notice.  Wardlow should be fine then because most people have forgotten he’s holding a belt.

Renee tried to talk to the Baddies, who can’t find Nyla as they hunt for Jade’s belt.  Jade’s going to demand her belt back Friday.  If Tony Khan doesn’t get this sorted, she’ll highjack the show for sixty minutes.  She knows that many moves?

Jon Moxley vs Hangman Adam Page, AEW World Title

Backstory: Page won a battle royal, setting the two on a path three years in the making as two of only five AEW champions

Pretty good pop for Page considering.  Smattering of boos.  Schiavone said this had a big fight feel.  Better pop for the champ as MJF looked on, holding his chip.

Not willing to wait, Hangman headed right into the crowd, fists thrown, boot to the face, chorus of boos as he suplexed the hometown boy on the hard arena floor.  Bell yet to sound as Page tentatively made his way to the top of Moxley’s entranceway, from where he launched a perfect Ourihara moonsault, beckoning the crowd to bring it as they booed.

Hot start as the ads arrived.

Bleeding already, the champ was down on the outside.  Planting Mox atop the ringsteps, Page fired down shots to the head, Moxley staggering inside, collapsing into the ropes, in big trouble.

Snap suplex for the first two of the match for Page.  Stiff kick to the spine, then to the side of the face, the challenger fired up, the champ beckoning him to bring it, keeping the crowd alive.  Flipping off Page from a Figure Four, Mox gathered himself, forehead full of blood as Page pursued him corner to corner, flinging chops.  Until Moxley had enough, firing back with a flurry until the challenger used his strength to fling the native into the buckle.

A fallaway slam followed, Page kipping up, again basking in the boos, allowing Mox to catch him with a cutter out of nowhere, starting another ‘Moxley’ chant.

Champ coming back now: to the corner, ten punches, bite to the head, stiff chop then the back-rake.  Culminating in a superplex as Mox got two.  Breaking the cover to start kicking Page’s head in.

Camera panned to show MJF had left his position in the crowd.  Just as Moxley was blasted with a Dead Eye on the apron, collapsing down to ringside as the final break came.

Superb action so far.

Hell of a scrap from atop the buckle, Hangman winning out, fallaway from the top, only enough for two as a fatigued challenger crawled to the cover.  ‘Let’s go Moxley’ chant urging on the champ as Page looked for another Deadeye, flipping out of a German, spinning lariat, Moxley responding, catching the challenger with a KKL running in.

Doctors in to check on Page after that.  Quickly calling for the bell as Justin announced Moxley the winner.  Regal making his way to ringside.

Still haven’t shown a replay so it seems this is legit.  I really hope this isn’t an angle.  Doesn’t seem like it is as they’ve begun to push Rampage, suggesting there’s nothing to properly end the show.

Chants of ‘Cowboy Shit’ could be heard but there was no live video as they continued to announce next week’s matches.  Taz looked visibly shaken.

After Page had been stretchered out, Moxley took the mic, hoping that Page could walk, talk, perform and play with his kids again.  Then talking about how dangerous wrestling was before quickly moving on to address MJF, who he usually ignores but now he’s got his attention.

MJF came straight out, dragging a ref, pokerchip in hand, Regal beckoning him into the ring.  After stripping off his shirt, Max bailed, getting in Regal’s face, handing him the chip as he raced for a microphone.

‘These people know Im a man’ and he wants Mox at ‘110%’.  ‘When I beat you, there’s not a god-damn question that I’m better than you, and you know it.’  He’s cashing in for Full Gear:  ‘For the first time in my miserable life… I’m gonna earn it.’

Face-turn accomplished.  Great story with the final push coming from Regal.

MOx said he’d earned alot: his boot in his teeth, his fist up his ass, his larynx getting squeezed until he turns purple.  Im gonna make you an example, getting in the ring with me is dangerous as all hell.

Don’t know what to make of that.  It was an excellent match while it lasted, Page looked better than ever as the aggressor, and the post-match angle was very good and continued some excellent medium-term and show-long storytelling.

Let’s just hope Hangman’s okay.  And if I’ve been suckered, I’m alright with that, as long as he is.

WINNER: Jon Moxley


Next Rampage:

  • Acclaimed vs Varsity Athletes (Tony Nese & Josh Woods)
  • Penelope Ford vs Willow Nightingale
  • Rush vs Ten
  • Hook vs Ari Daivari

Next Dynamite:

  • FTR vs Swerve in our Glory, No.1 Contendership
  • Riho vs Jamie Hayter
  • Jericho & Garcia vs Claudio & Yuta
  • Danielson vs Sammy Guevara


Overall impressions

What happened to Hangman aside, this was a fantastic episode.  Maybe the best they’ve ever done, it had something for everyone: great wrestling, great storytelling, even great comedy.  Title Tuesday lived up to the hype.

Now let’s hope that’s all we remember it for.  Best wishes to Adam Page, who to bring it full circle, is renowned as a ‘good dude’.  And deserves to be okay.

Check Out

  • Watch the whole damn show, maybe the best they’ve ever done

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Paul Hemming
Paul Hemminghttps://h00kedon.weebly.com/
Paul Hemming got into AEW during the pandemic, lives in Liverpool, England, and is a huge Liverpool fan, Playstation player and history lover.

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