Home WWE An “injured” Roman Reigns shows up at live event in Providence and...

An “injured” Roman Reigns shows up at live event in Providence and attacks Strowman


After Monday’s vicious beating at the hands of Braun Strowman, Roman Reigns appeared at the non-televised live event in Providence, Rhode Island.

After the third match, it was announced that Roman Reigns would not be wrestling on this show since he wasn’t medically cleared to compete. Braun Strowman came out to a nice pop from the crowd. Sure enough, Roman Reigns’ music kicked in and the two engaged in a brawl on the entrance ramp.

With his left shoulder all taped up, Reigns started to gain the upper hand but Strowman eventually beat up Reigns some more much to the enjoyment of the crowd. The cheers turned into boos though as Strowman got a table in the ring and ended up getting speared through it.

You can see the video below.


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