Home WWE DirecTV drops WWE pay-per-views from schedule

DirecTV drops WWE pay-per-views from schedule


DirecTV has followed DISH Network in dropping WWE pay-per-views going forward, reserving the right to broadcast any show on an event-by-event basis.

DISH Network was the first company to drop WWE, refusing to broadcast Elimination Chamber but then putting WrestleMania XXX on their schedule since it’s one of the big money-making events for PPV providers.

PWTorch.com is now reporting that DirecTV will not carry Extreme Rules or anything following that due to the unfair advantage of the WWE Network, where all twelve pay-per-views are available as part of the $9.99 a month package.

WWE admitted to the Torch that DirecTV has dropped them both commercially and residentially. DirecTV were the first company to speak out against WWE’s new business model after the Network was launched and told the LA Times that they will re-evaluate their business partnership with WWE.

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