Home WWE John Cena on the cover of the September 2019 edition of Muscle...

John Cena on the cover of the September 2019 edition of Muscle & Fitness magazine


A ripped John Cena is gracing the cover of the September edition of Muscle & Fitness magazine and shares his routine for magazine readers.

“WWE Legend John Cena rebooted: 20lbs leaner and stronger than ever!” reads the headline of the magazine, along with a photo of Cena sporting an eight-pack and looking absolutely jacked!

The magazine features a six-page spread on Cena, including his training tips and a long interview along with photos shot exclusively for this issue.

The September edition also has a two-page interview with WWE Hall of Famer Stone Cold Steve Austin as he talks about his new show Straight Up With Steve Austin on USA Network.

You can check them out below.

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