John Cena has vowed to ruin wrestling for everyone, take the WWE title from Cody Rhodes, retire with it, and leave the rest to fight over a “brand new toy belt” when he takes the real one with him home.
Kicking off Raw with a long monologue just like the prior week, Cena continued to rip on the fans, with the Glasgow crowd chanting “F*ck you Cena” and “Shut the f*ck up.” The Netflix censors eventually gave up on muting the F word at one point.
After telling everyone he’s going to win his 17th world title at WrestleMania, Cena said, “And I finally force you to forget the name of the fun machine, jet-flying, wooooo, Ric Flair. You will forever say the name John Cena!”
Cena was given the “what” treatment as well at one point by the crowd and then was even booed more when he backed off when Cody Rhodes came out and offered to fight.
“The champ is no longer standing there,” Rhodes said, pointing at Cena who was in the aisle. “The champ is standing in the center of this ring.”
Rhodes vowed that just like Cena walked away empty-handed on Raw, he will also make him walk away from WrestleMania and WWE empty-handed as well.
The segment ran a few minutes less than last week but still topped at 20 minutes.
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