
Monday Night Raw TV report for 04/13/2015

Monday Night Raw TV Report for April 13th, 2015 – “Extreme Rules Laid Down”

Introduction Segment: Welcoming

The regular Raw video plays and the pyro blasts in the O2 Arena. Michael Cole is the first voice we hear from London, England. The next the theme song of John Cena. The United States Champion walks out to loud “John Cena sucks” chants.

Cena starts off by talking about (and putting over) the London fans. He then goes to make the Open Challenge again. The man that answers has some “Bad News!” Wade Barrett steps up, to a massive pop (and boisterous “Thank you, Barrett!”), and he will now go one-on-one with Cena for the title!


Match #1: Single for the United States Championship – John Cena (Champion) VS. Bad News Barrett (Challenger)

Cena headlocks Barrett to begin, then puts him to the mat with a running shoulder-block. He wears him down some more with another headlock, but Wade comes back with a big kick. (Thanks, Cole!) Cena gets back in the ring and spins Barrett around with another headlock, but Bad News nails him again with a big boot!

Cena misses a flying shoulder-tackle and ends up on the floor. Barrett follows up with a tribute to Cactus Jack, giving the “Bang, Bang”! signal and dropping an elbow from the apron! He continues to dominate, chucking John into the steel steps. Barrett misses another elbow, this time from the second rope, and is planted with a spin-out backdrop.

Cena goes for the 5-Knuckle, but Wade moves and catches Cena off the ropes with the Winds Of Change Slam! 1 – 2 – Cena kicks out! Both now slug it back-and-forth, then Barrett hits a kick-to-the-face for a near-fall! He hits an additional kick-to-the-gut, followed by Wasteland, but still can’t get it!

Barrett winds up for the Bullhammer Elbow, but Cena catches him in an Attitude Adjustment. He covers, but Barrett gets his shoulder up! Barrett does nail the Bullhammer goes for it, but Cena also gets his shoulder up at the two-count! Cena springs off the second rope and hits a Stunner, then the A.A. for the victory!

Winner via Pinfall and STILL United States Champion: John Cena

Post-match, Lana walks out and distracts Cena so Rusev can sneak up from behind and hit him with a chain. She announces The Authority has granted a Chain Match between the two at Extreme Rules.

The announcers recap last week’s main event, that determined the #1 Contender for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship at Extreme Rules.

Later tonight, Randy Orton face Cesaro and The Bella Twins make their way to the ring to observe the Divas Battle Royale up next!


Match #2: Battle Royal for the #1 Contender’s Spot to the Divas Championship: Rosa Mendes VS. Emma VS. Cameron VS. Naomi VS. Alicia Fox VS. Summer Rae VS. and Natalya

(Note: The Bellas are on commentary, unfortunately.) In quick order of elimination – Summer Rae and Natalya (same time by Rosa), Rosa, Emma, Cameron, and Alicia.

Paige and Naomi are the last two, and duke it out for a bit. Both just about eliminate each other on the ring apron, then Paige finally pushes out Naomi to take this one!

Winner via Elimination and #1 Contender to the Divas Championship at Extreme Rules: Paige

Up next, we will listen to Paige’s winning speech!


Segment #2: Arena Promo

Byron Saxton asks Paige what it was like to be victorious in her home-country. Paige gives a passionate speech about her family, starting her career in England in carnivals and high-school gyms, and winning the Divas Championship. She is questioned on her now upcoming bout with Nikki Bella, the Divas Champion, but before she can get another word out, Naomi charges back in and brawls with Paige all around the ring. She hurls her in to the barricade, then walks away.

Segment #3: Video Promo

“Something, someone, or somewhere. It becomes obsession. It becomes a sin. Now love, love can be blinding. It can cloud your judgment. Love can consume your well-being, and could very well cost you everything that you’ve worked so hard for. But you, you’re in luck friend. Because I have decided to reach deep inside of you and rip out that ‘love’ like a cancer. And I will fill this now-empty void with good, old-fashioned fear. For fear is much stronger than any love could ever be. Think about it, man. Sooner or later, you’re just going to have to watch anything that you love fade away. And what will you do, when that thing that you love so much, that one thing that you cannot live without with is taken from you. I ask you. I’m doing you a favor. So pay close attention, friend. I’m talking to you. Behold, the ‘new face of fear.’”


Match #3: Tag-Team – The Ascension (Connor and Viktor) VS. The Lucha Dragons (Kalisto and Sin Cara)

The Dragons quickly polish off The Ascension with their high-flying style and finishers!

Winners via Pinfall: The Lucha Dragons (Kalisto and Sin Cara)

Up next, Roman Reigns will be out to talk about his Wrestlemania match with Brock Lesnar.


Segment #4: Arena Promo

Roman Reigns walks through the fans and joins Booker T. in the ring. He talks about “Suplex City,” which the people were calling out to him. Roman says that he and Lesnar gave the fans what they wanted – a “fight.” He claims he had more in the tank, and if it wasn’t for Seth Rollins, he may have become WWE World Heavyweight Champion. He says that he has defeated Rollins before, and will do it again to be the Champion.

Booker reminds Reigns that The Big| Show cost him the opportunity last week. Reigns acknowledges this, and calls Show the WWE World Heavyweight Champion’s “giant bitch.” Show appears on the Titantron and threatens that he will destroy Reigns even more. Roman feels safe though, because Show is only saying this backstage instead of to his face.

As the announcer’s go over what Show said, the camera pans back to the stage where Show has suddenly appeared and is beating up Roman. He shoves him into the set, then twice into the car on the stage. Show then chokeslams Reigns onto the top of the taxi before walking away.


Match #4: Single – “The Viper” Randy Orton VS. Tag-Team Champion Cesaro (with Tag-Team Champion partner Tyson Kidd and Natalya)

Both lockup to start out, then measure each other out. Cesaro gains control after stomping on the gut of Orton and using a rear chinlock to wear him down. Cesaro knees him twice, but is caught in the slingshot-DDT setup. Cesaro gets out of it but is clotheslined on the apron. Kidd hastily yanks Randy off the ring, causing a dq.

Winner via Disqualification: “The Viper” Randy Orton

Post-match, Director Of Operations Kane walks out and makes a new decision, based on the fact that the stipulation for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship match at Extreme Rules could be made by Orton. He Randy now face both Cesaro and Kidd!


Match #5: Two-On-One – “The Viper” Randy Orton VS. Tag-Team Champions Cesaro and Tyson Kidd (with Natalya) (Non-Title)

Cesaro and Kidd are continuing to dominate, particularly with a flapjack/uppercut combo! Cesaro tags in Kidd, who rolls up Orton backward for two. Randy catches Tyson with the sling-shot DDT and plants him! Cesaro pulls Kidd onto the outside and manages to backdrop Cesaro on the barricade, but Tyson quickly hits a running knee from that same fencing area. Kidd rockets back into the ring with an elbow-drop, but misses a jumping legdrop on the apron. Kidd springs from the top rope but Orton pops up with an R.K.O. and covers for 1 – 2 – 3!

Winner via Pinfall: “The Viper” Randy Orton

Segment #5: Office Promo

WWE World Heavyweight Champion Seth Rollins, Director Of Operations Kane, and J & J Security are watching this. Rollins is not too pleased with Kane’s booking, but Kane retorts that he should just defeat Dolph Ziggler and all will be fine. Rollins does not want to face Ziggler, and instead wants to meet Jamie in the ring and have him lie down to ensure Rollins’ stipulation.

Noble disputes this, insinuating that Kane should be the one to lay down, as he made the match. Seth agrees, which makes Kane mad to the point where he like to introduce Noble’s testicles to a car battery! Both he and Rollins continue to banter and nothing ends up being solid, even though Kane says he will look out for the WWE World Heavyweight Champion.


Match #6: Single – Adam Rose (with The Rosebuds) VS. “The Lunatic Fringe” Dean Ambrose

Ambrose finishes Rose with a clothesline and the “Dirty Deeds” DDT!

Winner via Pinfall: “The Lunatic Fringe” Dean Ambrose

Segment #6: Backstage Promo

The Big Show talks to Kane in the hallway, and tries to convince him to remain on Team Authority’s side.


Match #7: Single – Fandango (with Rosa Mendes) VS. Stardust

Fandango misses a top-rope legdrop, which allows Stardust to hit him with the Disaster Kick to take this one!

Winner via Pinfall: Stardust

Post-match, Fandango realizes why he hasn’t won lately. It is because he hasn’t been dancing with all of us. He begins his dance, much to the happiness of the fans in the arena.

Segment #7: Office Promo

Daniel Bryan is now trying to persuade Kane onto being “the monster” again. Kane yells at him to get out.


Match #8: Single – WWE World Heavyweight Champion Seth Rollins (with J & J Security [Jamie Noble and Joey Mercury] ) VS. Director Of Operations Kane (Non-Title)

Kane walks into the ring in full-on suit, then begins to take it off. (Don’t worry, he only removes his shirt!) Rollins says he doesn’t need to do this, as he’s just laying down. Kane struggles back and forth with his decision, then lays down. Rollins covers, but Kane shoves him off at two! J & J run in, but Kane shoves them away. Rollins yells at Kane more, which starts to infuriate him, so he slaps Seth hard.

Kane signals for the chokeslam, but Rollins convinces him to not by telling him to “think about your job.” Kane gets on bended knee, but clutches the WWE World Heavyweight Champion by the throat and drops him with a chokeslam! He signals for the Tombstone, but stops half-way through the sign and lays down. Kane drapes Rollins’ arm over and the referee counts to three!

Winner via Pinfall: WWE World Heavyweight Champion Seth Rollins

Damien Mizdow is walking through the hallways and will be out next!


Match #9: Single – The Miz VS. Damien Mizdow (with Summer Rae)

The two start by mimicking each other, with Mizdow getting the best. He manages to trick Miz pretty quick and roll him up for the victory!

Winner via Pinfall: Damien Mizdow (with Summer Rae)


Match #10: Single – “The Big Guy” Ryback VS. Luke Harper

Harper delivers a harsh boot that almost put Ryback out, but “The Big Guy” comes back with a military press. He winds up for the Meathook Clothesline, but Luke slides out and takes off the announce table cover. He bashes Ryback with it, causing a DQ.

Winner via Disqualification: “The Big Guy” Ryback

Post-match, before he can go further, Dean Ambrose runs out and punches on Luke, making the save. Harper retreats through the fans, leaving Ambrose in the ring.

Segment #8: Backstage Promo

Byron Saxton interviews Naomi about her actions against Paige from earlier tonight.

Dolph Ziggler makes his entrance and will face someone next!


Match #11: “The Show Off” Dolph Ziggler VS. ???

Dolph is upset that he isn’t facing Rollins as previously scheduled, so he

Elbow/collar tie-up starts out, then Neville flips out of a wristlock and turns Dolph over. He clamps on a wristlock, which Ziggler gets out of and hits a smacking dropkick. He whips Neville into the corner, but Neville leaps over him and kicks him hard. He lands a standing-shooting star press for two, but then is planted hard with a DDT!


Dolph is wearing Neville down, but Neville battles out of it and flapjacks Ziggler to the canvas. On the outside, he uses the ropes to hit a springboard standing-moonsault! Neville hops on the barricade and walks all the way to Dolph, then 450-Splashes him! In the ring, he covers but Dolph gets the shoulder up!

Neville waistlocks Ziggler from behind, but Dolph works out of it. He strikes with a superkick but Neville gets his shoulder up at the last moment! Neville kicks him down and goes for the Red Arrow, but Ziggler moves, so Neville lands on his feet and rolls through. He runs at Ziggler, but meets the post instead. Dolph capitalizes with the Zig-Zag for the victory!

Winner via Pinfall: “The Show Off” Dolph Ziggler

Post-match, Sheamus jumps in the ring and ambushes both. Ziggler fights back, but Sheamus gets the better by running him into the post. Sheamus poses on the announce table.

Up next, it is the “Extreme Decision.”


Segment #9: Arena Promo

Seth Rollins is out first, and with J & J, sits in a comfy chair. Rollins talks it up then asks Randy to come on out. Rollins makes it known that the R.K.O. will be banned at Extreme Rules, while Orton challenges the WWE World Heavyweight Champion to face him in a Steel Cage! Orton gives the fans a previous and engages in a punch-up with all three. He R.K.O..’s Mercury, but Seth slithers away to end the show.

End Of Raw.

Reporter’s Rumblings – By Moe Tapp

Despite being an over-the-seas show, Raw still felt somewhat average. There were definitely a lot of good points, moreso than last week, but some were kind of boring and or too quick for me. Onto the in-depth review.

Excellence: Love Naomi’s turn and assault on Paige; she comes across awesomely as a cocky, “in-it-for-myself now” heel; looking forward to more of her as a “bad woman.”

At first, I didn’t like the fact that Miz & Mizdow had a bout last week, as I felt it was too soon. However, loved their segment on Smackdown! that kept them going, and liked Mizdow winning tonight. not sure what type of match they’ll have at Extreme Rules, but that is inevitable and I’m looking forward to finding out!

Once again, Prime Time Players were very entertaining and I’m enjoying their new gimmick. Cool for the Chain Match too; this type makes sense for both to show their toughness.

Also liking the feud between Harper and Ambrose, as well as Sheamus and Ziggler. Both are going to be very physical, as will Show and Reigns, which I’m also liking. Loving the matches that both The Lucha Dragons and Neville are putting on, particularly with their fantastic aerial moves! Glad they are very over with the crowd too!

Cena/Barrett was a well-wrestled match and the fans were really into it, which helped a lot.

Kane’s emotions on how to deal with Rollins were well played-out. He turned up the personality a little bit more and really had me on if he was going to lay down or not. This was great in-ring psychology and story-telling!

Bray Wyatt’s promo was very cryptic and great again; and I like how he hasn’t named who he’s talking about yet. I think he should reveal it by showing up and attacking his target out of no where, not just naming them in a promo.

Bogus: I definitely agree with Naomi – why was there a Divas Battle Royale for the #1 Contender’s Spot when she has already beaten Nikki twice?

While I stated above that I loved the matches Neville is having, I don’t like that he’s lost to two top guys already, while he’s beaten a lower-carder twice. He should’ve been built up week-after-week, winning over the lower/mid-carders, then challenging top tier talent a month or two down the road. I think he’ll be the next Dolph Ziggler – a wrestler who puts on phenomenal matches and will end up being so close, but won’t ever reach the pinnacle. And this is too bad, as I could see him being a top guy a few years later.

Didn’t like that some of the matches were too short, especially Neville/Ziggler and Cesaro/Orton. Not sure on Fandango’s face-turn; it might only last one week but it could be longer and bring him back to a little prominence.

The beginning was a bit backwards; I honestly though that they should’ve started off with The Authority and/or WWE World Heavyweight Champ Seth, because of the ending from last week – straight into continuity. Also, even though Barrett/Cena was a great contest, it still felt mid-card to me.

I was not a fan of the ending of Raw; it just felt kinda boring and usual. Rollins and Orton were good on the mike, and I like the stipulations, but I was really expecting Kane/Rollins to be the main event and then have them tease us for Smackdown or next week’s Raw to determine the stipulations. That would’ve been much better.

All-in-all, a better Raw from last week, but still somewhat mediocre in general. Let’s hope they pick it up as next week is the “go-home” show before Extreme Rules. Until 7 nights from now, Be Excellent Wrestling-Online Readers and Wrestling Fans!

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