
Monday Night Raw TV report for 11/09/2015

Monday Night Raw TV Report for November 9th, 2015 – “A New Path”

Introduction Segment: Welcoming and Arena Promo

Michael Cole addresses us from Manchester, England, and talks the huge, unfortunate, news that WWE World Heavyweight Champion Seth Rollins has injured his knee and will not be able to compete for the next several months; he has had to be stripped of the championship and there is a tournament up to Survivor Series to get a new WWE World Heavyweight Champion.

The COO of WWE is out to outline the situation. Triple H first gives props to Rollins, who has battled to keep the WWE World Heavyweight Championship since WrestleMania XXXI in March; the crowd are on his side too, yelling “thank you, Rollins.” He then brings out the former #1 Contender to the WWE World Heavyweight Title, Roman Reigns. “The Game” tells Reigns that it is not right that he should be in this tournament after already fighting for the #1 Contender’s spot. He gives Roman a pep talk, citing that he was actually thinking of him first instead of Rollins to join up with The Authority; the only different between he and Seth was that Rollins was willing to do absolutely anything to be “the man.”

He continues to pump-up and dress-down Reigns, but tries to entice him to join after all and take an offer of only defeating his guy to be the new champion. Roman travels the clean road though, and declines, citing he wants to work for everything he gets, not be given it blatantly. HHH accepts his response, and then puts him at “the back of the line.” Reign’s now takes on The Big Show in a First-Round Qualifying Match.


Match #1: Single (WWE World Heavyweight Championship Tournament First-Round) – Roman Reigns VS. The Big Show

Show is aggressive early with a couple of punches in the corner and slinging Reigns across the ring. he gives him a shoulder-block, then continues to punish him. On the outside, he goes to ram Roman into the post, but Reigns slides out and shoves back. It doesn’t phase Show much, as he tosses Roman back in the ring and works him over more.


Reigns is now hitting back with right hands, but gets caught in a bearhug submission as he ran off the ropes. Roman gets out of it with a Samoan Drop, then kicks Big on the outside. Show counters one with a big (no pun intended) chop, but Reigns hits back with two double-boots. He hits a couple of Drive-By running front-dropkicks, then goes for the Superman Punch but Show grabs him by the throat and chokeslams him! 1 – 2 – Reigns kicks out! Big winds up for the K.O. Punch, but Reigns stops him with a Superman Punch then Spears and covers for the victory!

Winner via Pinfall and Advancing: Roman Reigns

The brackets are shown, with Cesaro and Sheamus wrestling later tonight for a spot.

Segment #2: Video Promo

A mix of The Undertaker’s and Kane’s careers are shown with The Wyatt Family


Match #2: Single (WWE World Heavyweight Championship First-Round) – Intercontinental Champion Kevin Owens VS. Titus O’Neil (Non-Title)

Before the bout, Kevin cuts a promo ripping the English fans and everyone but himself. A lockup begins with Owens shoving O’Neil back. Titus hits a few punches and a big-boot which sends Kevin rolling to the floor. O’Neil follows and shoulder-blocks Owens into the corner of the barricade!


The I.C. Champ has O’Neil in a rear chinlock and prolongs the beating while yelling at him. He whips Titus off the ropes, but “The Big Deal” reverses and gives him another shoulder-block and a clothesline! He leaps over Owens in the corner and then scoop-slams him. He splashes Kevin in the corner, but is almost beat with a roll-up by the I.C. Champ after Kevin moved! O’Neil counters again and flips Owens around with a pump-handle-slam, and then covers for a near-fall!

Owens counters a pickup and plants O’Neil with the Pop-Up Powerbomb and gets the 1 – 2 – 3!

Winner via Pinfall and Advancing: Intercontinental Champion Kevin Owens

Segment #3: Backstage Promo

Rene Young is with Paige and asks her about facing her former partner, Becky Lunch. Paige is all too happy to do away with her, and then Divas Champion Charlotte when they square off for the Title at Survivor Series.

Segment #4: Video Promo

Another recap of Undertaker’s and Kane’s career, this one with them both winning the Heavyweight Championships, at WrestleMania 13 (1997) and Money In The Bank (2010) respectively.


Match #3: Single – Becky Lynch VS. Paige

An elbow-collar tie-up starts and the two roll to the floor and back in and around the ring. Paige hits a few forearms but Lynch hits back. Paige holds onto the ropes after a whip, but is arm-dragged down a couple times and locked in an armbar.

Paige tosses Becky in the opposite direction then slams her head against the canvas and takes control. She ties Lynch upside down in the corner and stomps, then pulls her back from the outside. She puts an Abdominal Stretch on Becky, which Lynch reverses, but Paige elbows out of and throws Becky. Lynch uppercuts, clotheslines, and dropkicks back for two, but is kneed in the corner and on the mat. Lynch grabs Paige’s leg and suplexes her over, then hits a running legdrop.

Paige hits back with a back-kick, but Becky kicks out and springboard-kicks Paige in the corner. She can’t pick her up though and Paige drops Lynch with the Ram-Paige DDT in the corner; Becky grasps the bottom rope to stop the count! She argues with Charles Robinson, the referee, then tries an O’Connor roll-up, holding onto Becky’s tights, but Lynch reverses it and does the same, taking this one!

Winner via Pinfall: Becky Lynch

Post-match, an irate Paige secures Becky on the announce table in her P.T.O. hold until Divas Champion Charlotte charges out and breaks it up.

Up next, Miz will face Dolph Ziggler in another Qualifying Match!


Match #4: Single (WWE World Heavyweight Championship First-Round) – The Miz VS. Dolph Ziggler

They commence evenly, trading moves until Miz kicks at Dolph’s left knee. He works on that appendage for a while, but misses a run in the corner and hits the turnbuckle. Ziggler’s knee appears to be hurt as he hops around on it, clotheslining Miz in the process. Dolph almost gets this twice with different roll-ups, then Miz tries to make Ziggler tap a Figure-4; Ziggler pursues out of it and then smacks him with a superkick to finish this!

Winner via Pinfall and Advancing: Dolph Ziggler

Segment #6: Video Promo

Undertaker’s return at Survivor Series 2005 and Kane’s Tag-Team Championship win with Daniel Bryan at Night Of Champions 2012 are shown.


Segment #6: Arena Promo

Zeb Colter and United States/Mexican-American Champion Alberto Del Rio come to the stage. Zeb criticizes the England crowd and pronounces Alberto as “the first Mex-American Heavyweight Champion.”

Team B.A.D. are dancing through the halls as Naomi will face Natalya, next!


Match #5: Single – Natalya VS. Naomi (with Team B.A.D. partners Sasha Banks and Tamina)

Naomi slaps Natalya right away then chucks her to the floor. She follows with a hop to the apron, but Nattie pulls Naomi down. With referee John Coan distracted, Sasha shoves Natalya into the ring post, allowing Naomi to take over. She tears at Nattie with a chinlock, then smashes her head against the mat. She misses a rear-end splash and Natalya clotheslines her.

She taunts the fans and Sasha, then tries a Sharpshooter but is pushed away. Naomi tries the Rear-View, but Nattie doesn’t move and instead throws Naomi into Tamina, who stepped up on the apron, then rolls Naomi up for the finish!

Winner via Pinfall: Natalya

Post-match, Banks tries to give Natalya the Bank Statement at first, but Nattie counters and ties her up in The Sharpshooter. Tamina enters and kicks Natalya in the head, then Sasha stretches her with her Bank Statement Crossface.

Segment #6: Video Promo

‘Taker/Kane’s demonic ways are shown next, with Undertaker slamming Edge through the ring at SummerSlam (2008) during their Hell In A Cell match, and Kane disrupting Edge and Lita’s “wedding” in 2005 on Raw.

Sheamus and Wade Barrett make their entrance for Sheamus to take on Cesaro next in another Tournament Contest!


Match #6: Single (WWE World Heavyweight Championship Tournament First-Round) – Sheamus (with King Barrett) VS. Cesaro

They both wrestle, exchanging holds evenly. Cesaro takes over quickly, particularly with an uppercut. Sheamus moves and gives Cesaro a backbreaker, then hammers away on his chest with 10 Beats Of The Bowron. He clotheslines Cesaro on the apron.


Sheamus is dominating now with a rear chinlock and flip-over slam from the top turnbuckle. He mocks Cesaro and slaps him around, but this just fires up the “Swiss Superman” with slaps and a backwards torture rack drop! Cesaro signals and sweeps up Sheamus for the Big Swing, but Sheamus squirms to the bottom rope to break it.

Both slide in the ring just prior to the ten count-out, then Sheamus drops Cesaro with his White Noise slam! He goes for the Brogue Kick, but Cesaro slides under and grabs him in the Sharpshooter! Sheamus now hits a few uppercuts, but Cesaro hits back with a few of his own. He places Sheamus on top of the turnbuckle then dropkicks him, which sends Sheamus tumbling to the floor!

Cesaro follows with a running uppercut, flooring Sheamus over the timekeeper’s area. Cesaro poses with fans, but Barrett gets in Cesaro’s face, which allows Sheamus to clothesline him. Sheamus and Barrett argue with Wayne Rooney – Manchester United Football (Soccer) star who is at ringside – until Rooney slaps Wade. In the ring, Cesaro catches Sheamus in a pin combo to take this!

Winner via Pinfall and Advancing: Cesaro


Match #7: Single (WWE World Heavyweight Championship Tournament First Round) – Dean Ambrose VS. Tyler Breeze (with Summer Rae)

Prior to this, during Dean’s entrance, Tyler and Summer Rae are interviewed. Breeze vows to send Ambrose “back to that trash heap where he found that awful ensemble he wears.” Rae concurs, and calls Tyler “a blessing” if he was to be WWE Champion.

Dean ties-up Tyler in a hammerlock and tries a clothesline but Breeze stops him. Ambrose clotheslines Tyler over the ropes and goes for a dive, but Summer gets in the ring. Dean switches sides and rockets through the ropes onto Breeze, then poses on the barricade with the fans.


Ambrose has Tyler in a suplex-position on the top turnbuckle, but Breeze pushes him off and soars with a crossbody for a near-fall! He kicks Dean hard and almost gets him again, then stomps away in the corner. He chucks “The Lunatic Fringe” into the barrier then punches in the ring.

Dean begins to make a comeback, and they trade pin combos for twos, then Ambrose kicks out of a pin while Breeze had his feet on the ropes! He clotheslines Tyler down, then flies off the top with a front-dropkick! He appears to have hurt his knee or shoulder, then is run into the ring posts by Tyler.

“Prince Pretty” brings Ambrose backward with knees-to-the-back, then works over that hurt shoulder with an armbar. He argues with the referee after he is told to top the knees against the ropes, then is chucked to the floor. As Breeze re-enters, Dean traps Tyler in an inside cradle for the 1 – 2 – 3!

Winner and Advancing: Dean Ambrose

Segment #7: Video Promo

Undertaker and Kane’s power is shown, with clips from ‘Taker’s Hell In A Cell “End Of An Era” match at WrestleMania XXVIII (2012) with Triple H, and Kane’s 2001 Royal Rumble then-record of 11 eliminations.


Match #8: Six-Man Tag-Team – Tag-Team Champions The New Day (Kofi Kingston, Big E., and Xavier Woods) VS. Neville and The Usos (Jimmy and Jey)

Before this, The New Day are angry that they were left out of the tournament, especially since they have been taking out top stars like The Dudley Boyz and John Cena.

Jimmy and Woods begin, with Jimmy already going for a superkick but Xavier ducking back and quickly tagging out.


The New Day are now in control, triple-stomping Jey in the corner. Kofi stomps on his back, then bring him to the mat with an armlock while paint-brushing his face. Big E. is in and gives Jey a big splash for a near-fall!

Jey manages to leap and get the hot-tag to Neville, who cleans house and flies from the top turnbuckle with a twisting-splash on to everyone on the outside! He kicks Woods down, then goes up for the Red Arrow. The trumpet is slid in, which distracts the referee, and Neville tripped up by E, and this gives Xavier the opportunity to pin Neville with his feet on the ropes for the victory!

Winners via Pinfall: Tag-Team Champions The New Day and The Usos

Segment #8: Video Promo

The last Undertaker and Kane promo airs, this from Hell In A Cell of this year.


Segment #9: Arena Promo

Bray Wyatt is out alone and wants to “celebrate change.” He talks about the command that Undertaker and Kane have had for almost twenty years, but now he controls it. Wyatt says “there was no passing of the torch.” Bray claims that he “owns” the brothers. “The apocalypse is here.” He gets on his knees and yells “follow the buzzards,” but the video of Undertaker and Kane is shown and “lighting” sets the ring post and stage ablaze.

A gong is heard, and The Undertaker and Kane return! The “Brothers Of Destruction” saunter to the ring and face-off with Bray. The lights go out, and then the rest of the Family is surrounding the ring. ‘Taker and Kane are too strong, taking out Luke Harper, Braun Strowman, and Erik Rowan, and Wyatt himself! The “Brothers Of Destruction” walk to the top of the ramp and pose to close the show.

End Of Raw.

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