
Monday Night Raw TV report for 11/10/2014

Tonight, Raw makes its bi-annual stop in England, and this evening’s show is from Liverpool. Usually, the cross-continent productions hold up really good, so here’s hoping tonight meets expectations.

Last week, Rusev became the new United States Champion (off the air, mind you – bad, bad, bad!); what will Lana and the big “Russian” have to say about taking America’s Title?

Tag-Team Champions Goldust and Stardust defeated The Usos last week on Smackdown!, seemingly putting an end to their rivalry for the titles. Los Matadores are supposedly next in line, so what, if anything, will happen between the two teams next?

Also on Smackdown! last week, Bray Wyatt really tormented the mind of Dean Ambrose. What will “The Eater Of Worlds” have in store for “The Lunatic Fringe” in England?

All this and much more, so read on!

Monday Night Raw TV Report for November 10th, 2014 – “Teams: Set and Match!”

Introduction Segment: Video Promo

Footage of last week’s destruction of Randy Orton by The Authority starts off, as does speculation on who will be on Team Authority VS. Team Cena; and the scheduled match between Cena himself and Ryback

Segment #2: Arena Promo

Captain Cena’s music kicks off, as does a loud but no-so-warm welcome for John Cena. He acknowledges the fans’ reception, then rips on The Authority for doing everything they can to intimidate the boys in the back and not side with Cena. The former “Dr. Of Thug-A-Nomics” announces the two men who have joined him so far, I.C. Champion Dolph Ziggler and “The Real American” Jack Swagger. Cena cites both of his partners as people with tremendous talent, but have always been put down by the “powers-that-be.”

Cena also talks about Ryback, calling him a “monster” and invites him to have a chat face-to-face before they wrestle later tonight. He obliges, but before he can utter more than one sentence, The Authority walks out. Kane, Seth Rollins, Jamie Noble, Joey Mercury, Stephanie McMahon, and Triple H introduce a new partner for Survivor Series – “The World’s Strongest Man” Mark Henry.

Stephanie takes a shot at England’s National Anthem, “God Save The Queen,” saying she is considering using that as her next entrance music. “The Game” says that Team Authority will demolish anyone in their way to remain the power of WWE. He threatens that Ziggler “won’t even make it to Survivor Series,” booking him to face “The World’s Strongest Man.”

McMahon speaks to Ryback, enticing him to join Team Authority and put him over big. HHH offers him “more, more, more of anything you want,” and Ryback smiles at that. Cena retorts and says that he might be a few men short, but he’d rather that than be a sell-out. He also tries to convince Ryback to link up with him; Ryback replies that he’s not scared of The Authority, but that John doesn’t pay him at the end of the day. Ryback turns around and spinebusters Cena, then marches off. The Authority stand around, looking pleased.

Up next, Seth Rollins will take on Jack Swagger!


Match #1: Single – “Mr. Money In The Bank” Jack Swagger (with Zeb Colter) VS. “The Real American” Jack Swagger (with Joey Mercury and Jamie Noble)

Swagger starts with a side-headlock takedown, but Rollins quickly comes back with punches and kicks. Jack hits back with a shoulder block, then Seth takes a break on the outside. Back in the ring, Swagger suplex Rollins, then snapmares him over and drops a running leg. He wears him down with an armlock, but is dropkicked off the ropes. Swagger carries Rollins to the corners and chucks him across the ring, but misses the Swaggerbomb corner splash as “Mr. Money In The Bank” rolled out of the ring.


Rollins is now in control, whipping him over and clamping on a grounding rear-chinlock. Seth runs at Jack, but is tossed over to the floor. Again in the ring, Rollins is setup for the Swaggerbomb, and this time gets flattened by it. Swagger covers but only gets two! Rollins leaps onto Jack and rolls into a sunset flip pin for a near-fall!

“The Real American” manages to clutch on the Patriot Ankle Lock, but Rollins gets to the ropes. They go to the outside, where Jack again grabs Seth’s ankle, but Noble and Mercury distract him, allowing Rollins to jump off the barricade and push Swagger into the ring post. He follows up with the Curb Stomp in the ring to gain the victory!

Winner via Pinfall: “Mr. Money In The Bank” Seth Rollins (with Joey Mercury and Jamie Noble)

Post-match, Rollins Curb Stomps Swagger again, then threatens Colter that he’ll get one too for joining Team Cena.


Segment #3: Video/Backstage Promo

After a recap of Dean Ambrose’s/Christian’s/Bray Wyatt’s promo from Smackdown!, “The Lunatic Fringe” appears on the Titantron. He talks about all the “demons” and “skeletons” throughout his career, then threatens that Bray Wyatt will go down with him. “I hope he’s right, I hope there’s a special place in hell for both of us.”

Segment #4: Locker Room Promo

Ryback is warming up when Kane walks in. The Director Of Operations is happy “The Big Guy” has seemingly joined Team Authority and decides to be at ringside for his match with Cena. Ryback brushes him off at first, then tells him more bluntly to “stay out of my way.”


Match #2: Single – Alicia Fox VS. Paige

Fox leaps on Paige right off the bat with a Lou Thesz Press, but Paige knees back repeatedly, using the ropes. Alicia nails Paige with a boot, knocking her to the floor. Alicia drags Paige back inside the squared circle and begins to work her over. She almost takes this with a Northern Lights suplex pin, but Paige kicks out! Fox stretches Paige, then gives her a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Suddenly, Paige takes this one after the RamPaige Implant-DDT!

Winner via Pinfall: Paige

Segment #5: Backstage Promo

New U.S. Champion Rusev and Lana are walking through the hallway, when Stephanie walks up and wants them to be a part of Team Authority. Lana is not sure and will give the idea some thought, but McMahon sweetens the deal with the old cliche “I’ll scratch your back if you scratch mine.”


Segment #6: Office Promo

Triple H and Stephanie are reviewing Mr. McMahon’s announcement for Survivor Series, and ponder what his motives are. They wonder if it is motivation or division Vince is trying to conjure up between them. They conclude that if they stick together, all will be well.

Segment #7: Arena Promo

United States Champion Rusev and Lana are out, with a man standing in the ring who is holding a portfolio. The ring is decked out with the Russian Flag and a red carpet. Lana takes the microphone first, declaring the irony of Rusev being the U.S. Champion. She proclaims that he represents “Mother Russia’s superiority over the United States.” Lana reminds the English fans that if it wasn’t for Russia, Germany would’ve dominated England.

The unnamed man now reads a “proclamation” from Russian President Vladimir Putin. The President is happy with Rusev’s win and congratulates him on behalf of “The World’s Super Power.” Rusev then commands everyone to stand for the Russian National Anthem. While it is playing, former U.S. Champ Sheamus charges out and chases Rusev to the floor. Up next, the two will collide in a U.S. Title rematch!


Match #3: Single for the United States Championship – Rusev (Champion) (with Lana) VS. Sheamus (Challenger)

The two big men tussle for a bit until Sheamus gains a bit of control with punches. He kicks Rusev off the ropes, then runs at him with a high-knee! He holds him against the ropes, and starts off the Ten Beats Of The Bowron, but Rusev catches his arm. On the floor, Rusev tosses Sheamus backwards, right onto the announce table!

In the ring, Rusev kicks Sheamus down hard a couple times, then locks on a grounding front facelock. He turns it into a guillotine choke, then into a grounding rear chinlock! Sheamus tries to fight back, but the Champion drops him with a spinning-wheel kick!


Rusev is still working over Sheamus, while both Noble and Mercury are shown watching this bout at ringside. In the ring again, Sheamus and Rusev punch it out until Rusev hits a high, impressive dropkick. Rusev runs at Sheamus again but is caught and scoop-slammed down! 1 – 2 – Rusev gets the shoulder up! Sheamus stands on the apron and hits at Rusev repeatedly with the Ten Beats Of The Bowron fists. He then springboards in with the Battering Ramp shoulder tackle! Sheamus tries to lock on a Texas/Irish Cloverleaf, but Rusev is too big to turn over. Instead, he floats over with a jackknife cover but still only gets two!

Sheamus manages to carry Rusev off the top turnbuckle and plant him with the White Noise slam. Rusev kicks out again, then moves when Sheamus attempts a Brogue Kick! Sheamus follows up with a rocketing dive to Rusev on the outside! He throws Rusev into the barricade twice then into the ring, but both Mercury and Noble prevent Sheamus from getting back in the ring in time!

Winner via Count-Out and STILL United States Champion: Rusev (with Lana)


Segment #8: Backstage Promo

Rusev and Lana are walking back from their contest when Stephanie approaches again and questions whether they will be on Team Authority. Lana confirms their participation, which pleases Stephanie so they can “crush Team Cena.”

Segment #9: Locker Room Promo

Ryback is still warming up when Seth Rollins comes in. he is a welcoming party for “The Big Guy.” He also wants to put aside their differences and tells him to “take orders from me.” Ryback notes his strategy, and predicts that John Cena see that himself.

Los Matadores make their way to the ring and will be in action next.


Match #4: Tag-Team – Los Matadores (Fernando and Diego) (with El Torito) VS. The Miz and Damien MizDow (with Horn-Miz-Dow)

Miz controls most of the match, with Damien mocking his moves, both winning and losing, on the outside. MizDow gets the tag to a loud cheer, but quickly tags out. A Matador rolls out of a kick, then tags in his partner. The other Matador is all over Miz until Mizdow breaks up the cover. Miz tosses one Matador out then boots the other.

El Torito front-dropkicks Horn-Miz-Dow, but Miz pushes him off the apron. A Matador suplexes Miz, but Miz lands on top while Mizdow holds the Matador’s foot, allowing Miz to get the 1 – 2 – 3!

Winners via Pinfall: The Miz and Damien MizDow (with Horn-Miz-Dow)

Segment #10: Locker Room Promo

John Cena walks in on Intercontinental Champion Dolph Ziggler. He tells “The Show Off” that he is OK with Dolph switching sides, but Ziggler confirms that he is still on Cena’s side. Triple H interrupts and bans Cena from ringside when Ziggler takes on Henry.


Match #5: Single – Intercontinental Champion “The Show Off” Dolph Ziggler VS. “The World’s Strongest Man” Mark Henry (Non-Title)

(Note: It is revealed that Jack Swagger is unable to compete after the beating he took from Seth Rollins, so there is another spot open on Team Cena. Also, during Dolph’s entrance, the same creepy promo with the eyes [who I think is Luke Harper] appears for a few moments)

Henry shoves Dolph across the ring right away, but Ziggler hits back with a dropkick. Henry nails him again with a clothesline, then whips him hard into the corner. Dolph moves from a running splash attempt, then leaps over him with a roll-up, but Mark grabs the ropes. Dolph leaps on him again and plant shim down! On the outside, Henry runs at Dolph in t barricade corner, but Ziggler moves and Henry tumbles over.

“The World’s Strongest Man” grabs a chair and swings at Dolph, hitting him and causing the dq.

Winner via Disqualification: Intercontinental Champion “The Show Off” Dolph Ziggler

Post-match, Henry takes the steel steps and goes to hurt Ziggler with them until The Big Show walks out to help out the I.C. Champ. Show announces that he too will be on Cena’s team to try and even it a bit more.


Segment #11: Video Promo

Kofi Kingston is featured in the “New Day” promos that were started by Xavier Woods.

Segment #12: Backstage Promo

Dolph and Show are talking when Cena walks up and shakes Show’s hand. He says they just need two more, which is quickly down to one, as Sheamus also shakes Cena’s hand and joins.

Match #6: Single – Divas Champion A.J. Lee VS. Brie Bella (with Nikki Bella) (Non-Title)

Brie is all over A.J. for the most part, with coaching from Nikki. A.J. counters a tilt-a-whirl with a DDT, but is put back to the mat with a “Brie Mode” dropkick. A.J. quickly turns this around and forces Brie to tap to the Black Widow Octopus hold.

Winner via Submission: Divas Champion A.J. Lee

Post-match, a displeased Nikki gives Lee her Torture Rack drop and orders Brie to leave with her.


Match #7: Single – Tyson Kidd VS. Adam Rose (with The Party Posse)

Tyson gets the duke after forcing Adam to give-in to the Sharpshooter. During the bout, Erik Rowan walks through the arena and states “she’s not here.” The Bunny tried to help Rose, but he ordered the Bunny to leave, which in turn distracted Rose.

Winner via Submission: Tyson Kidd

Post-match, Adam kicks The Bunny hard in frustration.

Segment #13: Office Promo

Team Authority, minus Ryback, are in Triple H and Stephanie’s office. Kane is not convinced Ryback is a “team player,” until “The Big Guy” walks in and wonders what’s up. Stephanie gives them another “motivational” speech, imploring what is on the line at Survivor Series – not only hers and Triple H’s power, but the rest of the team’s careers and how it will affect their families. Kane orders them to go now.


Segment #14: Video Promo

“Society tells us that we are all imperfect, in our own special little way.” Bray Wyatt appears on screen, comparing Dean Ambrose to society’s way of life. “When someone is as different as, say, Dean Ambrose, well someone would rather spit on them than throw them a dollar in their direction.” He also talks about Ambrose’s father, saying he is a “dirty little rotten sinner.” However, Wyatt calls this “another lie that they teach you.” Bray warns Ambrose that he has “not seen real evil.” Wyatt says that gods and devils would turn away from Bray if they saw him. “You have a choice, Dean. You walk with me and join the path of righteousness; or you walk away and you will burn for it. Thus is the law of our society.”

John Cena makes his entrance and will face Ryback next!


Match #8: Single – John Cena VS. “The Big Guy” Ryback (with Team Authority)

The bell rings and the two circle each other. They lock up and Ryback shoves Cena to the outside. Cena comes back in and grabs Ryback in a side headlock position, but Ryback hits back with a shoulder block tackle. Cena already attempts an Attitude Adjustment, but Ryback gets out of it and turns Cena around with a tilt-a-whirl powerslam. 1 – 2 – Cena gets the shoulder up! Ryback stomps away on John, but gets in the face of Kane. This gives Cena an advantage, dropkicking Ryback into Kane.


Ryback is control for the most part, until Cena spins him around with a belly-to-belly suplex. Ryback regains domination with a Lou Thesz Press, then rams Cena’s head against the canvas and gives him a splash. He soon signals for the Shellshock, but instead has to counter a hurricanrana attempt into a powerbomb. 1 – 2 – Cena still gets the shoulder up! He places Cena on the top turnbuckle, but Cena drops out and trips up Ryback into the STF. Ryback crawls to the ropes, then soars off the top rope! Again, Cena manages to trap Ryback in the STF. Ryback reveres into a Shellshock try, but Cena reverses into a spin-out powerbomb. Ryback puts Cena to the canvas again, but an irate Kane comes in and stomps on Cena, causing the dq.

Winner via Disqualification: John Cena

Post-match, Ryback gets in Kane’s face, and knocks down Rollins, then Kane boots Ryback! Team Authority jumps in and pounds on Cena until Sheamus runs in. he quickly gets taken down, as does Big Show who tries to help out. Ryback makes a comeback and takes out Team Authority then walks off, leaving Cena to stand up and clap while Ryback stares at him from the stage.

In the office, Triple H and Stephanie are watching on the monitor, unhappily. Suddenly, I.C. Champ Dolph Ziggler is thrown into their couch. The camera peers to Luke Harper, who declares “I’m a team player.” Stephanie and Triple H look on in ponder to close the show.

End Of Raw.

Reporter’s Rumblings – By Moe Tapp

This was another great Raw, through and through. While there were no returns or big, big surprises, it really flowed smoothly and continued to set up Survivor Series very nicely. Very little to complain about, which is the way I like it! Onto the analysis:

Excellence: The Authority VS. Team Cena storyline; from the opening promo to the closing segment, they were very on point and played out the storyline well. I quite enjoyed how the enrollment of each team took place, including the twist at the end with Luke Harper; did not see him being the last Authority member.

Great matches between Rollins/Swagger, Sheamus/Rusev, and Ryback/Cena. Even though I don’t like Los Matadores, I felt they still had a good match with Miz/Mizdow, and glad Miz and Damien got the W! nice to see Paige get a win in her home-country, but wish she was allowed to do more (I.E. give a promo that starts a new direction for her)

Intrigued by the new Xavier Woods/Kofi Kingston videos – maybe this is the face version of the group they were going for in the summer. Will we see Big E. wanting “A New Day” next week?

As always, Bray and Ambrose cut some awesome oratories and tonight was more of the same. Keep it up, men!

Bogus: Ziggler/Henry bout; Dolph can have a fantastic match anytime, and Mark has really been putting on a good effort lately, but tonight kind of just flopped and was disappointing.

Don’t care about the Adam Rose/Bunny storyline, nor the Bella twins; Here’s hoping A.J. retains and moves into a real feud again soon.

All in all, an excellent Raw, that built Survivor Series well and progressed storylines beautifully. Let’s hope they keep it up next week, as it will be the “go-home show.”

In closing, WWE aired Tribute Videos throughout Raw for soldiers and their families who sacrifice their lives and livelihood, respectively, to provide freedom and protection for the United States. This was done for Veterans Day which is tomorrow; here in Canada (I’m Canadian) we commemorate the same with Remembrance Day.

On November 11th, may we keep in mind both those who have died and those who are still with us, who put their lives on the line everyday around the world to ensure safety and peace. Thank you, and God Bless all of you.

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