
Monday Night Raw TV report for 12/09/2013

With six nights to go before T.L.C. and the big Champion VS. Champion match to decide an Undisputed Heavyweight Champion, we also get … The Slammys. As I said last week, I’m not thrilled with this concept being on tonight’s show, because it takes away from the importance of a “go-home” before a supposed big pay-per-view with big stakes on the line.

Nonetheless, I really hope that Raw can be built up well enough to make me view this idea as different and keep me interested in T.L.C./the results for next week. And yes, The Slammys themselves can bring some great past stars out for special presentations and/or memories via video packages, so there are some high points for sure to the show. It’s just at the wrong time – should’ve waited until at least next week if not the last Raw of the year.

In any case, I am still looking forward to Raw; so read on to find out what goes down, as well as my picks for Tables, Ladders, and Chairs!

Monday Night Raw Report for December 9th, 2013

Introduction Segment: Opening Video & Welcoming

A montage package, that is very Oscar-esque, plays and features all the main stars, as well as special appearances from Bret “The Hitman” Hart, “The Heartbreak Kid” Shawn Michaels, The New Age Outlaws, Eve Torres, & Mick Foley.

Michael Cole and John “Bradshaw” Layfield welcome us to Seattle, Washington. they are donned in tuxedos, as Raw is being treated more like the Academy Awards.

Match #1: Single – Daniel Bryan VS. Fandango (with Summer Rae)

The bell rings, and the hometown boy locks up with Fandango. He is taken down with a shoulder block, but fires back with a leapfrog and dropkick. He uppercuts Fandango a couple of times, but is flipped over with a knee-to-the-gut by Fandango. He kicks out of a cover, but is brought down by a suplex. Three chops in the corner, followed by an Irish Whip from Fandango torture Bryan. The fan-favourite counters another throw with a drop toehold into the corner, then kicks away to massive “yes” chants from the crowd.

Bryan turns Fandango over to his stomach, then stomps on his knees in a surfboard stretch position. Fandango comes back by chucking Bryan out of the ring, but misses a springboard plancha, so Daniel runs throw the ropes with a suicide dive to the outside! He follows that up with a running dropkick against the barricade, then soars off the top rope, but is caught with a powerbomb by Fandango! 1 – 2 – Bryan kicks out!


Feeling the emotion from the crowd, Bryan riles himself up. He repeatedly kicks Fandango down in the chest and head for a near fall, then runs again in the corner with a dropkick. He goes to do the same in the opposite corner, but Fandango moves subsequently suplexes Bryan. Fandango climbs the turnbuckle and flies off with the legdrop, but Bryan moves instead!

Daniel goes back to the top rope and launches himself with the headbutt, then gears up and nails the running knee for the victory!

Winner via Pin Fall: Daniel Bryan

Post-match, as Daniel celebrates with his fans, the arena darkens and The Wyatt Family appear on the titantron. Bray tells Bryan “the clock is ticking.” “In my world, there’s no such thing as a happy ending.” He warns Bryan that they are going to hurt him horribly at T.L.C., then “prove to you that you are a monster, just like me.” “Join us, join us Bryan,” Wyatt closes and laughs maniacally.

Segment #2: Arena Promo

Justin Roberts brings out the hosts for the Slammy Awards, Hall-Of-Famers Booker T. and Jerry “The King” Lawler. They put over the aspect of what The Slammys are and what they mean to the wrestlers. Booker then announces the first category to be awarded, and asks The New Age Outlaws to come out.

Segment #3: Slammy Award #1 – “Laugh-Out-Loud Moment Of The Year”

Road Dogg Jesse James and Bad Ass Billy Gunn walk out, decked in bright white/blue and oranges suits respectively. Fans chant “one more match,” but James and Gunn ignore that and introduce the nominees: 1. Vickie Guerrero for throwing a temper tantrum after being fired. 2. Titus O’Neil for puking. 3. Santino Marella/Jinder Mahal for The Cobra trickery. 4. The Rock for making fun of Vickie Guerrero during The Rock Concert

Up next, the winner will be revealed and Santino Marella (who made his entrance) will be wrestling.


Segment #4: Slammy Award #1 – “Laugh-Out-Loud Moment Of The Year”

Winner: The Rock

Of course, The Rock is not in town, so Vickie Guerrero accepts on behalf of her own beauty.

Match #2: Single – Santino Marella VS. “The Intellectual Saviour Of The Unwashed Masses” Damien Sandow

(Note: Intercontinental Champion Big E. Langston is on commentary again.) Sandow completely dominates this bout, dropping the Elbow Of Distain, and finishing off Marella with the “You’re Welcome” Full-Nelson Slam after countering The Cobra.

Winner via Pin Fall: “The Intellectual Saviour Of The Unwashed Masses” Damien Sandow

Post-match, Langston gets in the ring and faces off with Sandow, holding his I.C. Championship high.

Segment #5: Slammy Award #2 – “Double-Cross Of The Year”

Surprisingly (truly), it is The Shield who present this award. Even more surprisingly, they are dressed up in all black suits. They talk about the award and claim fans will never see them in this category, because they will always be one unit.

The nominees are: 1. Mark Henry fooling everyone into thinking was going to retire, then turning heel on us and at-that-time WWE Champion John Cena (he should win for sure – was truly an awesome and believable moment) 2. Shawn Michaels giving Sweet Chin Music to Daniel Bryan and costing him the WWE Championship. 3. Paul Heyman shattering his alliance with C.M. Punk at Money In The Bank. 4. Randy Orton cashing in his WWE Championship MITB following Triple H Pedigreeing Daniel Bryan from SummerSlam.

That winner will be seen after the break, as well as Kofi Kingston facing The Miz.


Segment #6: Slammy Award #2 – “Double-Cross Of The Year”

Winner: Shawn Michaels

“H.B.K.” walks out and puts himself over as double-crossing people for more than 25 years. So, he did wonder why it took “four years after retirement to win a Slammy!” He thanks everyone and goes to the back.

Match #3: Single – Kofi Kingston VS. The Miz

Kofi begins by hitting a running dropkick right away, then corner Miz with quick punches and kicks. He runs again with a forearm smash, then counters a kick attempt by Miz into a high-kick. He hits Miz with a big boot-to-the-face, and a couple low kicks-to-the-head. He is really aggressive, but misses the Trouble In Paradise as Miz backs away to the outside.

Miz begins to walk out the aisle, but Kingston gives chase and brings him back toward the ring. He rams his head on the barricade, and nails him with a forearm smash off the top rope. He rolls up Miz, but “The Awesome One” kicks out and pushes Kofi into the corner. Miz rolls up Kofi and holds the tights for the 1 – 2 – 3!

Winner via Pin Fall: The Miz

Post-match, as Miz is happy, he turns right around into a Trouble In Paradise tornado kick from Kofi!

Segment #7: Slammy Award #3 – “Diva Of The Year”

Returning Diva Eve Torres is out to give this award to the hard-working women of WWE. The nominees are: 1. The Bella Twins (Nikki and Brie) 2. The Funkadactyls (Cameron and Naomi) 3. Kaitlyn 4. Natalya 5. Eva Marie 6. Divas Champion A.J. Lee

As per the night, the woman will be shown after the break.

Rey Mysterio makes his entrance prior to said break.


Segment #7: Slammy Award #3 – “Diva Of The Year”

Winner: The Bella Twins (Nikki and Brie)

The Sisters accept their statue with gratitude and surprise, wishing themselves another great year in 2014.

Match #4: 8-Man Tag-Team – Rey Mysterio, The Big Show, and Tag-Team Champions The Rhodes Brothers (Goldust and Cody Rhodes) VS. The Real Americans (Jack Swagger and Antonio Cesaro) and Rybaxel (Ryback and Curtis Axel) (with Zeb Colter)

Mysterio and Ryback start out, with the muscle-man picking up Mysterio in a military-press slam. Rey wiggles out of it and trip up Ryback into the ropes. He goes for an early 619, but Ryback rolls out to the floor and squares off with The Big Show.

He shoves Show into the corner, then Big does the same and punches in the corner. Show runs Ryback into their corner and tags in Goldust to the fans’ delight.


Mysterio and Cesaro are now going at it, with Rey-Rey spinning Cesaro around with a headscissors. Goldust back in and drops a knee on Antonio’s head. Cesaro counters and switches with Swagger who is dropped with a clothesline and uppercut. Goldust begins the punch in the corner, but Swagger gets out of it and tags Cesaro back in. On the outside, Cesaro runs over “The Bizarre One” with a clothesline, and tags in Axel. He hits a picture-perfect dropkick and works over Goldust, then tags in Ryback. He pounds away on Goldust, then gets Swagger to come back in and apply pressure with a front-facelock.

Goldust counters with a sunset flip, but Swagger had already tagged in Cesaro, who comes in and kicks Goldust in the back. He follows up with a jumping double-stops. Goldust counters another move with a backslide, then turns Cesaro around with a powerslam (Thanks, Cole!). Both Real Americans tried to cut off Goldust from tagging, but the Tag-Team Champion drives both down with a double-ddt! He gets the hot-tag with Cody, who is on fire coming in.

Rhodes takes everyone out, and springboards onto Axel with a dropkick. 1 – 2 – kickout by Curtis! The other half of the Tag-Team Champions is fired up and moonsaults off the top for a two-count before Ryback breaks it up. Big Show comes in and charges at Ryback with a shoulder block, then double-clotheslines Cesaro and Swagger down on the outside.

In the ring, Cody puts the Disaster Kick to Axel, then Rey Mysterio comes in and sets up Curtis for the 619 after a top rope hurricanrana! Rey follows with the Drop Of The Dime top rope splash and the win!

Winners via Pin Fall: Rey Mysterio, The Big Show, and Tag-Team Champions The Rhodes Brothers (Goldust and Cody Rhodes)

Segment #8: Slammy Award #4 – “Superstar Of The Year”

Booker T. and Lawler bring out the next presenter, once again it is Shawn Michaels. He shows the names for one of the biggest awards in 2013: 1. Brock Lesnar 2. C.M. Punk. 3. The Big Show 4. Daniel Bryan 5. WWE Champion Randy Orton 6. World Heavyweight Champion John Cena

Sin Cara now makes his way out for his bout next.


Segment #9: Slammy Award #4 – “Superstar Of The Year”

Winner: Daniel Bryan

Michaels’ former protege walks out to a thunderous ovation, and stares down Shawn. He hands over the award then quickly walks away. Daniel first thanks Shawn for making him who he is today, but also reminds him that he caused him to NOT be the WWE Champion. Bryan puts over his hometown people for putting him over, and says “2014 is going to be even better.”

Match #5: Single – Sin Cara VS. Alberto Del Rio

Cara ducks a right hand from Del Rio, then hits him wit a flurry of punches in the corner. He comes back off the ropes with a crossbody, but is soon brought back with a snap suplex. He rolls out of the way of a kick, then dropkicks him off the apron. He follows with a springboard plancha. He also moves from a second rope dropkick in the ring, but Alberto does them same for a break too.


Alberto now in control with a rear chinlock and furious headbutts. Cara counters a run with an elbow, then follows up with a second rope dropkick. He gets a close call, as does Alberto after a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. He snapmares Sin back into a grounding rear chinlock to wear him down. Cara tries to come back with a springboard sunset flip, but Del Rio rolls through and hits him in the face with a low double-dropkick. 1 – 2 – Cara kicks out!

Del Rio runs at Cara in the corner, but Sin moves and spins him around with a Tornado DDT! Cara turns Alberto around again with a flying headscissors, and almost gets this one after a slingshot back elbow. He picks up Del Rio, but “The Mexican Aristocrat” counters into a jumping armbreaker. He attempts the Cross Armbreaker submission, but Cara reverses into a modified t-bone suplex. He ascends the top rope again, but is crotched by Del Rio. Cara fights off a top rope suplex with a flip-over powerbomb, then flips over off the top with a senton for the well-earned win!

Winner via Pin Fall: Sin Cara

Segment #10: Slammy Award #5 – “Fan Participation”

The Prime Time Players (Titus O’Neil and Darren Young) present this one. The nominees are: 1. Fandango-ing 2. Yes, Yes, Yes 3. Let’s Go Cena/Cena Sucks (that was a surprise, but cool!) 4. What’s Up.


Winner: Daniel Bryan. He returns and hugs both Prime Time Players. Bryan doesn’t have many words, except for “yes!”

Tons Of Funk and The Funkadactyls make their entrance.


Match #6: Single – “The Funkasaurus” Brodus Clay (With “Sweet T.” Tensai and The Funkadactyls [Naomi and Cameron]) VS. Xavier Woods (with R-Truth)

Woods runs at Brodus quickly with a front dropkick and punches. He caught up and powerbombed down quickly, and splashed up on for the sudden victory!

Winner via Pin Fall: “The Funkasaurus” Brodus Clay (with “Sweet T.” Tensai and The Funkadactyls [Naomi and Cameron])

Post-match, Brodus still beats up on Woods with a couple of bi splashes. Tensai and The Funkadactyls are in shock.

Segment #11: Slammy Award #6 – “Insult Of The Year”

Appropriately, The Miz gives out this one to either 1. Divas Champion A.J. Lee 2. Zeb Colter 3. Paul Heyman or 4. Stephanie McMahon

C.M. Punk comes out to a raucous pop before the break.


Segment #12: Slammy Award #6 – “Insult Of The Year”

Winner: Stephanie McMahon. She is absolutely pleased with this accolade, as she says that “all of you has finally recognized what’s ‘best for business.’

Match #7: Single – C.M. Punk VS. United States Champion Dean Ambrose (with Shield partners Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins)

Lockup and side headlock by Punk, then he turns it into a wristlock. He works over the left arm of Dean, who counters with a hammerlock and side headlock of his own. He runs off the ropes with a shoulder block, but is flipped over with an armdrag by Punk. Ambrose gains a bit of control by popping Punk’s head against the top turnbuckle, but C.M. comes back and goes back to work on Dean’s let arm/shoulder.

Punk knees Ambrose a few times then boots him in the face. He is caught off the springboard crossbody with a knee-to-the-gut by Dean! He begins to methodically work over Punk with subtle kicks and ramming his shoulder into his gut. He goes for a third shoulder block in the corner, but Punk moves and tries a G.T.S. Ambrose wiggles out and moves to the outside, but gets pushed off the apron. Punk follows with a suicide dive for a much-needed break.


Returning, Ambrose back in domination, and brings C.M. down with a sleeper and scissors submission. Punk counters again with a backdrop and both men are hurting. Ambrose still in control, but gets countered with a neckbreaker. They both slug it out, but Punk gets the better with a calf-kick. He clotheslines Ambrose a few times then hits the running knee and clothesline out of the corner. The “Straight-Edge Superstar” soars off the top rope with an elbow and covers. 1 – 2 – Ambrose gets the shoulder up!

Punk signals for the G.T.S. and picks up Ambrose, but the U.S. Champ punches his way out. He butterfly suplexes Punk to the canvas and nearly takes this one with a cover! Ambrose sits Punk atop the rope, but is headbutted off and follows with a crossbody, but Ambrose rolls through for two! Punk nails the high-kick also for a near-fall! Ambrose counters a third Go To Sleep attempt, then hurls Punk to the outside in front of Reigns and Rollins.

They do nothing, and Ambrose gets in their face and mouths off. They walk off, while Ambrose gets taken down with the G.T.S. finally!

Winner via Pin Fall: C.M. Punk

Rollins and Reigns come back in post-match, and Reigns spears the heck out of Punk. All three Shield members leave through the crowd.

Segment #13: Highlight Promo

A video package of past WWE and World Heavyweight Champions airs, with their famous quotes and victory celebrations. It ranged all the way from Buddy Rogers in the 1960s to both Randy Orton and John Cena of now. (Nice touch and great memories from the footage!)

Segment #14: Slammy Award #7 – “Extreme Moment Of The Year”

Booker T. and Lawler bring out the man who knows this category “extremely” (yes, pun intended!) well … Mick Foley! The “Hardcore Legend” walks out to praise from the fans. He talks about the qualifications of being “extreme,” which pretty much is putting your body on the line to please the fans. The nominees are: 1. The Shield taking out The Undertaker from an earlier Smackdown 2. Ryback spinebustering John Cena through the stage during Extreme Rules 3. C.M. Punk beating the heck out of Paul Heyman at Hell In The Cell 4. The Wyatt Family abducting Kane from Summerslam

The Usos make their traditional entrance and are set to face The Wyatt Family, next!

Segment #15: Slammy Award #7 – “Extreme Moment Of The Year”

Winner: C.M. Punk. The “Second City Saint” gives Foley a hug and is holding his ribs. He gives for the Slammy, for Paul Heyman on being “one helluva target,” and tells everyone to watch what he will do to The Shield at T.L.C.

Match #8: Tag-Team – The Usos (Jimmy & Jey) VS. The Wyatt Family (Erik Rowan and Luke Harper) (with Bray Wyatt)

Erik and an Uso start out, with The Uso flying all over Rowan. He runs off the ropes and front-dropkicks Erik out of the ring, then tags in his brother. He ascends the turnbuckle and both Usos dive onto Erik and Luke. Bray laughs as he watches on from his rocking chair.


Harper is now in control, with a grounding headlock. He stomps away then tags in Rowan. Jey is being demolished with a fall-away slam. Jey moves out of the way of a corner splash, allowing him to tag in his twin. Jimmy comes in all charged up and takes out both Harper and Rowan. He Samoan Drops Luke, then runs at him butt-first in the corner like his famous father, Rikishi.

Harper gains control again and ties up Jimmy in the ropes. He goes to run at him but Jey frees up Jimmy. Harper is rolled up but kicks out at two! Jimmy nails Harper with the superkick, then launches off the top with the Superfly Splash! 1 – 2 – Rowan breaks it up! Rowan chucks Jey onto the announces table, then is pushed back to the outside by Jimmy. He turns around into a devastating clothesline by Luke that spun him around. Jimmy is rolled over into the cover and loss!

Winners via Pin Fall: The Wyatt Family (Luke Harper and Erik Rowan) (with Bray Wyatt)

Post-match, the lights go out, but unfortunately there was a technical issue, so it went straight to break.


Segment #16: Slammy Award #8 – “Match Of The Year”

Booker and Jerry introduce a man excellently (and yes, pun intended again) suitable for this final award. Bret “The Hitman” Hart walks out and talks about what this award means. He says “a good match can captivate an audience and change a night. But a great match can change WWE history.” He calls “Match Of The Year” the honour “I cherish the most.”

The nominees are: 1. The Undertaker VS. C.M. Punk at Wrestlemania 29, 2. Cody Rhodes and Goldust VS. The Shield from Battleground, 3. Triple H VS. Brock Lesnar during Extreme Rules inside the Steel Cage, and 4. The Rock VS. John Cena for the WWE Championship at Wrestlemania 29.

Natalya now walks out and gives her Uncle a hug, and will be in action following the break.


Segment #17: Slammy Award #8 – “Match Of The Year”

Winner: (after a really long drum roll) The Rock VS. John Cena for the WWE Championship at Wrestlemania 29

The World Heavyweight Champion comes out and hugs Bret, then puts of Seattle as the “home of the 12th man.” He calls W.M. 29 one of the greatest moments in his career, and a “match and a memory I’ll never forget.” He thanks the fans and walks off.

Match #9: Single – Natalya VS. Tamina Snuka (with Divas Champion A.J. Lee)

Tamina takes complete control from the get-go, whipping her hard into the corner and running at Natalya with knees. She chokes her on the middle rope, then mudhole stomps her in the corner. A.J. smiles on at ringside, but not for long as Natalya begins to fight back. A.J. tries to interfere, but is fended off by Natalya, who then manages to lock Snuka in the Sharpshooter for the tap-out victory.

Winner via Submission: Natalya

The Authority make their grand entrance as the ceremony for the World and WWE Championship will come up next.


Segment #18: Arena Promo

Stephanie and Triple-H are in the ring, along with 20 former WWE and World Heavyweight Champions. These guys are Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels, C.M. Punk, Dolph Ziggler, The Great Khali, Daniel Bryan, Booker T., The Big Show, Mick Foley, Alberto Del Rio, Rey Mysterio, The Miz, Mark Henry, Christian, Jack Swagger, and Kane; as well as Triple H himself.

In the middle of his speech of putting over the great champions in the ring, the Seattle faithful chant “Daniel Bryan” and “yes, yes, yes” really loud, completely cutting him off and drowning him out. Daniel just stands there egging them on with a big grin on his face. HHH takes a couple quick cheap-shots verbally, then gets back to the promo at hand.

He asks WWE Champion Randy Orton and World Heavyweight Champion John Cena to enter. Orton is out first, then Cena. They both stare each other down and have a microphone. “The Game” requests that they hand over their titles, as they are now going to be hung high above the ring.

Orton starts off, “better than anyone I know what you are capable of. But I also know what you’re not capable of. Remember years ago when you were making a name for yourself, you claimed you had ‘ruthless aggression.’ Well if you had it then, you don’t have it anymore, because if you did, you would’ve put me in the hospital last Monday night on Raw. But you didn’t, you couldn’t, you didn’t have the stomach, and you’re going to regret that decision the rest of your life after this Sunday.” He recalls that Cena called him “lazy,” but it wasn’t being “lazy,” it was knowing that he is better than everyone else, so he got “complacent” instead. “Fear not, I have all the motivation I need to beat your ass this Sunday at T.L.C. hanging right here.” (points to the championships.) “You say that you don’t care about being the ‘face of the WWE,’ but that, that’s a lie. I know you John, image is everything to you. But you’re going to be the man that lost the most important match in the history of the WWE.

“The Viper” calls himself “the greatest superstar in this generation, or any other,” then goes through Mick Foley and Shawn Michaels as victims of his wrath throughout his career. He proclaims that “there wouldn’t even have had to be a screwjob in Montreal if I was competing 16 years ago, where are you Bret, because I would’ve left you laying unconscious in the middle of that ring.” “John Cena, I need you to understand something, this Sunday at T.L.C. everything that you have worked so hard for, everything that you have fought so hard for, will come crashing down all around you.”

Cena retorts, “it’s funny. I couldn’t help but notice you said the word ‘work.'” He then grabs Bryan, again to loud chants. He asks Bryan himself and where he’s from, both to massive pops. Cena questions whether either of his parents were wrestlers, and of course Bryan answers no. “So since you’ve been here, you’ve had to work for everything you’ve got.” “Yes,” Bryan answers.

He turns back to Orton. “You hear that? The reason they cheer for him is because he works and he earns it. A guy like you has been given every single thing in the WWE. I’m about to hit you in the face with some truth. Ever since you came to the WWE Training Performance Center, you were untouchable. You were bullet-proof. You couldn’t be fired, nobody could touch Randy Orton because ‘they’ liked you. And then you get to the WWE and what happens? You get sheltered by the best performer in the business. Nothing’s changed Randy, all you do is hide behind Triple H. All you do is hide behind Stephanie McMahon. And you got the balls to stand in this ring and say you’re better than anybody here? Say you’re better than all of this? You have always blamed everybody else for your failures. You’ve pointed fingers and you’ve made excuses. You’ve had behavior problems inside the ring, you’ve had behavior problems outside the ring. And the sad thing is, the T.L.C. match this Sunday is the biggest in WWE history.

That’s why everybody is here tonight, this changes the very course of the WWE. But you want these championships, because you’re selfish. Because you feel you deserve it. And maybe, just maybe if you hold onto this you can walk around with the rest of the superstars and say ‘hey guys, look, I’m finally what I was supposed to be 10 years ago!’ Every single time I have held either of these championships, my business card reads the same, ‘you want some, come get some.’ And here’s the real truth: whether these guys in the ring like me or not, they respect me because they know it. Whether it’s Triple H, or it’s Shawn Michaels in a WrestlemaMania match, whether it’s Booker T. Hell, nobody wanted to give Dolph Ziggler a chance, what did I do? I said ‘let’s fight.’ Everybody said it was a bad idea to give C.M. Punk a championship match when he was going to leave the WWE. All I saw was ‘the best in the world.’ Hell, the only legitimate championship shot Daniel Bryan’s ever had was against me and he won! (Turns to Daniel) So, I’ll say it right here in front of your hometown, if I win on Sunday, I look forward to the rematch, a FAIR rematch. (Turns back to Orton). See, that’s what being a champion is about, a certain level of respect. And last week, I wasn’t looking to take you out. I just wanted to make a statement that when the chips are down, I can be just as brutal as you. So right now, I’m going to make one more statement, because I know exactly what this means.

“This Sunday, it will be physical and it will be brutal, and I will be at my very best. I just hope you will too. Because after this Sunday, the last thing anyone’s going to want to deal with is just another ‘Randy Orton excuse.’ Good luck on Sunday, you’re going to need it.”

Cena give out his hand and the two shake, then Orton blindsides Cena with a punch.. They engage in a brawl and are pulled apart by the wrestlers. Orton pie-faces Punk as he is held back, so C.M. responds with punches. Triple H pulls Punk off, but is quickly put down by the “Straight-Edge Superstar.” Shawn Michaels follows up with Sweet Chin Music on Punk, then Bryan nails him with the running knee! Orton attempts an R.K.O. on Bryan, but is shoved into Stephanie, knocking her down. Triple H is furious and Pedigrees Randy!

Cena steps in and helps HHH and Kane get Stephanie standing. Cole ponders who will be The Champion after Sunday, as Orton looks shocked at Triple H and Stephanie, while they are standing over him. “Daniel Bryan” blare out again to close the show.

End Of Raw.

Reporter’s Rumblings – By Moe Tapp

An explosive ending makes up for a so-so show. My review will be short (not even going to divide into “Excellence/Bogus”), because really the best aspect of the show was the finale, and the worst was the rest of it, presentation-wise, with the Slammys. As I stated above, I’m not a fan of the Slammys being before a big pay-per-view, and the way they were presented in short segments/between matches was a bit messy. I think they shouldn’t have the voting, and just had everything ready to go right after the other. It shouldn’t have interrupted the entrances for the wrestlers during the matches. My other grief, a slight one, is the fact that I had to type the name “Rybaxel!” That is a HORRIBLE tag-team name, probably the worst in professional-wrestling history that I know of! Lastly, didn’t like the tease split of The Shield. They have been the most consistent unit we have seen in a long time, and should stay that way for a lot longer.

On the flip side, the two positives were most of the wrestling, especially C.M. Punk & Dean Ambrose and Wyatts/Usos; and the grand promo/fight to set up the importance of the match at T.L.C. It was a fantastic segment, with a lot of realism to it, and really established the prestige of the WWE and World Heavyweight Championships. Once again, Cena pulled out all the stops in his oratory, exclaiming the passion and desire he has for this business. As much as they’ve wrestled before, Cena and Orton do have great chemistry and it was really exemplified tonight. The presence of former WWE and World Champions also added to the greatness of what John and Randy are all about. With the melee, it has definitely set up interest into seeing what repercussions could happen with all who took out each other!

Onto T.L.C. predictions: 1. Big E. Langston to retain over Damien Sandow (too soon to take I.C. Title off him). 2. Natalya to win the Divas Championship, for a change and to continue the feud with A.J./Snuka. 3. The Shield will come out on top over C.M. Punk. 4. Daniel Bryan will defeat The Wyatt Family. He is too hot right now to lose, and the opportunity for him to be changed has passed already. 5. I agree with my Dad when he says that Randy Orton should win the WWE/World Heavyweight Championship match. He needs the huge accolade more, to make him an even bigger star. Cena is already the face of the company and has won the numerous championships/big matches, so it’s Orton’s turn. This also should be a clean finish (really put the stamp on Orton), although very unlikely after the events of Raw.

Until next week, where the land of WWE will truly be changed, Be Excellent Wrestling-Online Readers and Wrestling Fans!

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