
Monday Night Raw TV report for 12/14/2015

Monday Night Raw TV Report for December 14th, 2015 – “Actions Breed Consequences”

Introduction Segment: Video, Welcoming, and Arena Promo

Footage of the suspenseful (and I truly mean that, as there were times I thought it could actually go either way) TLC WWE World Heavyweight Championship match is shown, as well as the post-match demolishing of WWE COO Triple H by Roman Reigns.

Principal Owner Stephanie McMahon marches out with a scowl on her face. She rants about Reigns’ assault on her husband, Triple H, at TLC and insinuates that she will deal with it. Before she can go further, Roman himself enters through the fans and joins her in the ring.

He first wishes his daughter, JoJo, a happy birthday, which displeases Steph because she thinks he doesn’t care at all what happened twenty-four hours ago. Roman orders her to fire him soon if that’s what she wants to do, as he’d like to get home to his birthday-girl. McMahon says she is not going to do that, as “The Game” wants him kept around. However, she reveals that the big-man of the family, Mr. Vince McMahon, may give Roman his pink slip, and will be at Raw later tonight!

Up next, new Intercontinental Champion Dean Ambrose will be wrestling!


It is announced that next week’s Raw will be the annual Slammy Awards Special.

Match #1: Single – Dolph Ziggler VS. Intercontinental Champion Dean Ambrose (Non-Title)

The bell rings and Ambrose twists Dolph into a hammerlock and standing side headlock. He puts him to the mat with a wristlock, which Dolph backs out of, but is taken back down with a side headlock. They both hit a couple quick moves, then Dean takes control with a scoop-slam and Regal-Stretch. He ties Ziggler up in a surfboard stretch, but “The Show Off” stands up and kicks out of it. He hits a running flying forearm, then a splash in the corner, but Ambrose hits a clothesline back, sending Dolph to the floor. “The Lunatic Fringe” follows with his dive through the ropes! He climbs the turnbuckle and dives back in the ring, but Dolph moves and they go back-and-forth on pin combos. Both try their finishers but counter each other and Dean gives him the “that close” sign.


Dean is on the top turnbuckle, but Dolph counters with a dropkick and almost takes this after covering! Dean does the same with a roll-up, but is soon planted with the Fameasser and near-fall by Ziggler! “The Show Off” stomps the mat in preparation for the superkick, but Ambrose counters with a face-plant and a two-count! He hits a front-dropkick from the top and running clothesline in the corner, but Dolph still continues. “The Show Off” locks on a sleeper, but Dean runs him back into the corner. Ziggler this a Superkick, but Dean turns him around with a big clothesline! Both men are down until former champion Kevin Owens walks out. he interjects himself and punches away on both competitors, causing the referee to call for the bell.

Winner: None due to Interference and a Non-Finish

Post-match, Owens continues the attack, Powerbombing both Ziggler and Ambrose, then looking at and holding the IC Title.

Recap of the opening of Raw, then picture-stills of the Triple-Threat Tag-Team Ladder Match for the Tag-Team Championship at T.L.C. is shown. The New Day, who are still Tag-Team Champions, will be out later.


Segment #2: Backstage Promo

JoJo catches up with Kevin Owens and inquires if his beating of Ambrose was “justified.” Owens tells her “I don’t feel I have to justify myself to anybody.” He warns her and Dean that he will do anything to get his Intercontinental Championship back.

Segment #3: Backstage Promo

The Dudley Boyz are talking about how they didn’t get the job done against The Wyatt Family at T.L.C., and instead were destroyed. Tommy Dreamer and Rhyno chime in about the meaning of their careers in Philadelphia; all four vow to “bring this city back to ‘the extreme’” and want to go at it again with the entire Family.

Segment #4: Backstage Promo

Stephanie is hurrying an assistant to prepare for her father’s return.

Match #2: Single – R-Truth VS. Bo Dallas

They wrestle for a bit until a limousine is shown driving up backstage. Mr. McMahon gets out; Steph wants to walk with him, but Vince is going to do this on his own.

Back to the ring, Truth and Dallas are still going at it until Vince struts out in his style. He orders R and Bo to exit, hen says that he is going to make Roman wait for a bit; McMahon takes a seat at ringside.

Winner: None due to Non-Finish


Segment #5: Arena Promo

Mr. McMahon continues to hold on, then eventually orders Reigns to join him. Vince puts himself over first then berates Roman for making his son-in-law feel pain. He commands him to say he is sorry, even to the point of begging on his hands and knees. Reigns shakes his head no, and McMahon threatens that he would “beat an apology out of you.” The Chairman goes to show him how, but WWE World Heavyweight Champion Sheamus interrupts.

While Sheamus knows that Vince can beat Roman, Sheamus wants to do it; he’ll even let Reigns challenge again for the WWE Title. McMahon fakes making the match, until Roman makes fun of his “grapefruits,” calling them “prunes” now at seventy. This irritates McMahon of course, so he books the bout, with one condition – if Roman does not succeed, he’s “firrrrrrreeed!”


Match #3: Tag-Team – Ryback and Jack Swagger VS. The League Of Nations (United States Champion Alberto Del Rio and Rusev) (w/ Lana)

Ryback knock Rusev off the apron but turns around into an enziguri from Del Rio. The U.S. Champ pounds away, then tags in Rusev who repeatedly kicks at Ryback. He chokes him against the middle rope and dominates for a while.

Ryback makes the hot-tag, letting “The Real American” clothesline Rusev multiple times and then give him a belly-to-belly suplex. He attempts the Swaggerbomb, but Rusev counters. Jack catches him in the Patriot Ankle Lock, but Del Rio breaks it up. Ryback takes out Alberto, but Lana gets involved, allowing Del Rio to kick Swagger in the head, and Rusev to do the same. He covers and gets the victory!

Winner via Pinfall: The League Of Nations


Segment #6; Video Promo

Adam Rose is back to dish the dirt on WWE. He makes fun of Divas Champion Charlotte, her father Ric Flair, and Tommy Dreamer.

Match #4: Single – Tyler Breeze (with Summer Rae) VS. Neville

Before this bout begins, The Miz walks out and demands everyone to get in their “places.” He calls for “action” and the bell rings. Tyler and Neville wrestle well and back-and-forth at first, then as Neville takes control, Miz is heard telling him what to do.

Breeze knees Neville out of the corner then punches and kicks away in the other corner. He continues to wear him down, but is tossed off a Tornado-DDT attempt. “The Man That Gravity Forgot” kicks back and flips Breeze over with an enziguri. Tyler jawbreaks Neville on the ropes, and Miz yells that wasn’t supposed to happen, so Neville hits back with a high-kick, then spins off the top turnbuckle with his Red Arrow Twisting Splash to take the 1 – 2 – 3!

Winner via Pinfall: Neville


Segment #7: Backstage Promo

Miz and Neville are discussing the previous match, and Miz also wants Neville’s help in developing an English accent for himself, so he can be the next James Bond. Neville declines the offer and walks away.

Segment #8: Video Promo

“We are the way into the city of woe. We are the way into eternal pain. We are the way to go among the lost. We are the angels of the dirt. And tonight, Tommy Dreamer, Dudley Boyz, Rhyno, we will bury you in the same city you were born. Run!” quip all members of The Wyatt Family.

The Dudleyz, Rhyno, and Tommy Dreamer make their entrance for the Eight-Man Tag, next!


Match #5: Eight-Man Tag-Team (Extreme Rulez) The Dudley Boyz (Bubba Ray and D-Von), Tommy Dreamer, and Rhyno VS. The Wyatt Family (Bray Wyatt, Erik Rowan, Luke Harper, and Braun Strowman)

They all brawl to start out, then Tommy tosses in a trashcan full of weapons. Bubba whacks Harper with the can as D-Von wields a Kendo Stick on Rowan. Both teams are even until Luke kick both D-Von and Bubba in the head. He climbs the turnbuckle but is stopped by Dreamer, then suplexed by Bubba while Rowan powerbombs, Bubba all onto a chair!


The Wyatts are in control until Rhyno cleans house and Dreamer dropkicks Harper who was hanging upside down from the turnbuckle. Bubba tumbles Bray into the crowd, and Braun soars across the announce table. Bray punches back at Bubba against the barricade and Dreamer gives Harper a Death Valley Driver from the stage through two tables!

Bubba and Wyatt are continuing to scuffle in the fans until Braun helps out. Tommy makes the save with Kendo stick shots, but Strowman carries him and over-the-shoulder slams him through the timekeeper’s barrier!

Rowan and Luke double-team Bubba, then Harper boots both Dudleyz in the ring a bit later. He props up a table, but is put through it with a 3-D! D-Von covers, but Bray pulls him out before the three. He drives D-Von down with Sister Abigail, then Rowan roundhouse-kicks Bubba! Rhyno’s back in and gives Erik a belly-to-belly and signals for a Gore but he is stopped by a Sister Abigail from Bray!

Rowan places Rhyno on a table then ascends the turnbuckle. He dives off with a splash and The Wyatts take this one!

Winners via Pinfall: The Wyatt Family


Segment #9: Arena Promo

Tag-Team Champions The New Day come out and celebrate their big win, then they call out both The Usos and Lucha Dragons. The other two teams agree to join, and Xavier Woods, Big E., and Kofi Kingston surprisingly give respect to Jimmy and Jey, Kalisto and Sin Cara. They shake hands, then New Day continue to proclaim themselves Tag Champs; The Usos and Luchas don’t take kindly to this and decide to blindside Woods, E., and Kingston!


Match #6: Tag-Team – Team Bella (Brie Bella and Alicia Fox) VS. Becky Lynch and Divas Champion Charlotte (with Ric Flair)

(Note: Team B.A.D. – Sasha Banks, Tamina, and Naomi – are at ringside.)

Charlotte and Bri3e start, with Charlotte giving Bella a neckbreaker, but she is soon flipped off the turnbuckle. Brie wears her down with a rear choke-and-scissors submission, then locks on a surfboard stretch after trying to get the pin.

Charlotte fights out and tags in Lynch, who dropkicks Alicia. She kicks her in the corner then gives her a t-bone suplex. Fox kicks out at two, but Charlotte runs in and spears Brie. Becky whips Alicia into the ropes, where Flair trips her up and puts her in a position for Lynch to lock on her Disarmer, forcing Fox to tap!

Winners via Submission: Becky Lynch and Divas Champion Charlotte (with Ric Flair)


Following an advertisement for WWEshop.com, another recall of TLC is shown. Backstage, Mr. McMahon is chatting with WWE World Heavyweight Champion Sheamus, United States Champion Alberto Del Rio and Rusev. The main-event is up next!


Match #7: Single for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship – Sheamus (Champion) VS. Roman Reigns (Challenger)

(Stipulation: If Roman does not win, he is fired.)

After formal intros, Reigns slugs away on Sheamus with ten clotheslines in the corner and a big boot! Sheamus cuts him off on the apron, then kicks him to the outside a couple moves later. Reigns comes back with an uppercut, but Sheamus counters and suplexes Roman onto the announce table.


Sheamus now has Roman in a grounding rear chinlock. Reigns battles out and backdrops Sheamus. They both slug away, then Roman gets the better with a couple clotheslines and a flying forearm! He runs at Sheamus in the corner but is dumped to the apron and then kicked to the floor. Roman trips up Sheamus then punches him against the bottom rope from the apron. He hits the Drive-By running front-dropkick, but Sheamus elbows out of a Samoan Drop in the ring.

Sheamus boots Reigns out of the corner, then climbs the turnbuckle. He is punched down and given a middle rope Samoan Drop, but Reigns only gets two on the subsequent cover! Sheamus jawbreaks Roman between the ropes and rolls him up, but Reigns kicks out! Sheamus plants Roman with a backbreaker, but still only gets two! He goes for White Noise, but Roman reverses into a sit-down powerbomb for a very near-fall!

Roman goes for a Superman Punch, but Sheamus catches him by the throat then powerbombs him! Reigns kicks out again though as neither Vince or Sheamus can believe! Sheamus locks on a modified Cloverleaf, but Reigns struggles to and reaches the ropes!

Roman headbutts Sheamus, and is now busted open big! He hits a Superman Punch and covers, but Vince pulls the referee out just after two! Sheamus runs Roman into the ring post and plants him with White Noise, but Roman still gets his shoulder up!

With McMahon and the referee having a talk on the outside, Rusev and Del Rio run down to help Sheamus. Reigns manages to fend them off though, and Superman Punches both Sheamus and McMahon, collapsing him to the apron. He turns around into a Brogue kick and Sheamus drapes over him! 1 – 2 – Roman kicks out! The WWE Champion tries again, but Reigns counters with a Spear and covers! The referee counts,
1 – 2 – 3! Roman receives the hard-wrestled victory!

Winner and NEW WWE World Heavyweight Champion: Roman Reigns

Post-match, Reigns celebrates as Sheamus is in disbelief and McMahon is kicked to the floor. Roman holds the championship high to close the show.

End Of Raw.

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