
Monday Night Raw TV report for 12/17/2012

Following the last pay-per-view of 2012, what has changed for tonight’s Raw? I’m guessing (and hoping) some championships. For example, it would be really cool to see Dolph Ziggler walk out to the ring with a new Heavyweight title! And Wade Barrett should be the Intercontinental vhampion. Those are my main picks.

Also, of course, the Slammys are up for grabs. I believe (if they are in the categories) match of the year will be “End Of An Era,” between Undertaker and Triple H in the Hell In The Cell from Wrestlemania XXVIII with Shawn Michaels as the special referee. And superstar of the year….C.M. Punk, 2 years in a row!

Well, why wait. Read on to find out the results of T.L.C. another Raw Report!

Monday Night Raw Report for December 17th, 2012 – “Awards and Alliances”

Introduction Segment: Video Promo, Welcoming, and Recap

A montage of past Slammy awards and a preview of tonight’s Slammys airs. We go right to the arena in Philly, as Michael Cole, J.B.L., and Jerry “The King” Lawler (even donned in suits/tuxedos) welcome us to the show. They also recap two main T.L.C. matches, where A.J. cost John Cena the Money In The Bank Briefcase (Dolph retained – yay!), and The Shield dominated Tag-Team Champions “Team Hell-No” (Kane and Daniel Bryan) and Ryback.

Match #1: Single – Rey Mysterio (with Sin Cara) VS. “The Intellectual Saviour of the WWE” Damien Sandow (with Cody Rhodes)

Lockup to begin the bout, as Damien shoves Rey into the corner and kicks away. He hurdles Mysterio two the outside on his stomach, then throws him into the ring post. Sandow drops “The Elbow of Distain” for a two-count, then clamps on a grounding rear chinlock.

Damien corners Rey again with shoulders, then attempts a suplex off the top, but Rey counters and flies off with a seated-senton! Rey hits a front-dropkick off the ropes for a near-fall, but then gets driven down with a tornado neckbreaker from Sandow!

Mysterio reverses a shoulder-move with a spinning-DDT, then sets up Damien for the 619, nailing it and the “Drop Of The Dime” top-rope splash for the 1 – 2 – 3!

Winner via Pinfall: Rey Mysterio

Segment #1: Slammy #1 Promo – “Tell Me I Did Not Just See That!”

Smackdown General Manager Booker T. is out to present this first award.

Nominees: “Brad Maddox’s Low Blow” (Hell In The Cell), “18 Seconds” (Wrestlemania XXVIII), “Kofi’s Miracle Save” (Royal Rumble), “The Rock Gets Punked” (Raw 1000)

Just before he can announce who won, a face (or creature) from his past returns – The Boogeyman! The oddity crawls out to his usual entrance like before, giving Booker the creeps.


Back live, Booker is alone again (until Brad Maddox comes out, predicting his win) and gives the award to… Kofi Kingston! (Okay, that was a surprise). Kofi comes out and thanks the fans.

Match #2: Single – Kaitlyn VS. Divas Champion Eve (Non-Title)

All-out brawl to start, with Kaitlyn dominating until Eve counters with a low dropkick. She takes control with punches on the mat and kicks in the corner. Eve sits on the top rope and chokes Kaitlyn from there, until Kaitlyn counters and takes down Eve with a gut-wrench kneedrop for the quick victory!

Winner via Pinfall: Kaitlyn

Post-match, Kaitlyn takes the Divas Title and holds it over Eve, then lays it on her and poses.

Segment #2: Slammy #2 Promo – “Comeback Of The Year”

The New Age Outlaws, “Road Dogg” Jesse James and “B.A.” Billy Gunn are out to give this award. (Cool!) They go through their routine before listing the nominees.

Nominees: “Brock Lesnar” (Raw 4/3/2012), “Chris Jericho” (Raw 1/2/2012), “D-X” (Raw 1000, 7/23/2012), “Jerry ‘The King’ Lawler” (Raw 11/12/2012)


Back live, the winner, of course and rightfully so, is Jerry “The King” Lawler. He runs up the ramp and thanks all fans for love and support.

Match #3: Single – Tensai VS. Intercontinental Champion Kofi Kingston

Pretty short bout honestly, with Tensai controlling a little bit then Kofi hitting the “Trouble In Paradise” spin-kick out of nowhere for the W!

Winner via Pinfall: Intercontinental Champion Kofi Kingston

Post-match, Wade Barrett assaults Kingston out of the blue, running him into the post twice, and with the elbow. He leaves he on the floor and walks off.

Segment #3: Slammy #3 Promo – “Kiss Of The Year”

Raw Supervising Manager Vickie Guerrero walks out for this award.

The nominees are, well A.J.! She is in every nomination, with her men of Daniel Bryan, Kane, WWE Champion C.M. Punk and John Cena.


Back live, prior to the announcement, Guerrero states that she would never be nominated for this award because she would never abuse her power for a romantic relationship. (Cha, right!)

Anywho, A.J.’s winning kiss is with John Cena. She skips out her and is asked to explain her actions from T.L.C. Instead, A.J. snags the Slammy and says she doesn’t owe anyone anything. “For the past year I’ve cared a lot about what people think about me, including you (Vickie), including them (the fans), but not anymore.”

They engage in a verbal joust before Dolph Ziggler walks out and breaks it up. A.J. says that her award it is “nothing compared to this.” She hops up on “The Showoff” and makes out with him for about 15+ seconds straight! Dolph didn’t stop her or nothing, just let her ride! She skips off and Dolph chases her to the back.

Match #4: Single – The Great Khali (with Natalya) VS. David Otunga

Ads between entrances.

Khali clubs down Otunga quickly, then chest-slaps him in two corners. David moves out of the corner and trades, stomping away at Khali. He ties up the 7-footer’s leg on the bottom rope, but gets a big elbow and boot, plus a clothesline. Chop-to-the-head finishes off Otunga for Khali!

Winner via Pinfall: The Great Khali (with Natalya)

Segment #4: Slammy #4 Promo – “Superstar Of The Year”

Despite hearing his voice, you don’t actually see “The Nature Boy” Ric Flair.

Nominees: Sheamus, John Cena, World Heavyweight Champion Big Show, and WWE Champion C.M. Punk.


Back live, he’s live in person! “The Nature Boy” Ric Flair struts out to the stage after 4 years and 8-and-a-bit-months away. He puts over the crowd in Philadelphia and being back. He then gives the award to …. John Cena (boo!)

Cena embraces Ric with a hug, then stands and listens to the mixed reaction. He goes into a “respect” promo about what a “Superstar Of The Year” means and then gives his award to Ric Flair, the two-time Hall Of Famer.

Of course, as expected, WWE Champion C.M. Punk with a jovial Paul Heyman hobbles out on crutches. He gets right into Flair’s face then takes the Slammy. “This is completely ridiculous on multiple, multiple levels.” (Agreed!) The “Second City Saint” recounts why John Cena (or Ric Flair) should NOT be superstar, mainly because he has lost most of his main matches all year, while Punk has been the WWE Champion for 393 days.

Flair just stares and smiles, then takes cheap-shots at Punk and Heyman. C.M. claims that he could beat up Ric with one leg, just like he could be everyone up in Philadelphia. Flair takes him upon the challenge, takes off his coat and marches to the ring. Punk starts down the ramp, too!


Back live, Punk gets in the ring with Heyman, and jabs Flair in the gut with his crutch, then smashes it over the back of “The Nature Boy.” Punk mocks Flair’s strut, but then gets poked in the eye. C.M. falls out of the ring, while Flair locks on the FIgure-4 on Paul Heyman!

Ric now takes the microphone. He says that he has come just to have a good time, then gives his love for Jerry Lawler. “If I die, I want to die right here, or with a woman from Philadelphia!” He puts over Philly again, until The Shield enter the arena.


Back live, an all-out war is broke again between The Shield, Kane, Daniel Bryan, and now Ric Flair. The Shield completely decimate Bryan, Kane, and Flair, then just as they go to put Ric through the announce table, Ryback interrupts.

He is on a mission, tearing apart The Shield until they retreat through the fans. Ryback, Kane, Daniel, and Ric celebrate in the ring.


Segment #5: Backstage Promo

Kane, Daniel Bryan, and Ric Flair are happy with their fight against The Shield. Ric keeps on “whooing”, while Kane says “yes” and Bryan screams “no.” Another Hall Of Famer, Ron Simmons, walks in and proclaims his “damn!”

Match #5: Single – J.T.G. VS. “The Funkasaurus” Brodus Clay (with “The Funkadactyls” Cameron and Naomi)

Pointless contest, with Brodus picking up the victory after a splash.

Winner via Pinfall: Brodus Clay (with “The Funkadactyls” Cameron and Naomi)

Segment #6: Slammy #5 Promo – “L.O.L. Moment Of The Year”

Odd couple, Santino Marella and Tensai, are out to present this lame award.

Nominees: “The Rock’s Boston Tea Party” (Raw), “Team Hell-No’s Anger Management Therapy” (Raw), “Randy Orton pouring food all over Alberto Del Rio, Ricardo Rodriguez, and Matt Striker” (Smackdown), “Vickie Guerrero Dancing” (Raw)


The winner is The Rock, however he is not here to accept. Instead, Santino wants to take it, but Daniel Bryan protests “no, no, no” until Kane comes out and literately carries him to the back.

Match #6: Single – Sin Cara (with Rey Mysterio) VS. Cody Rhodes (with “The Intellectual Saviour Of The WWE” Damien Sandow)

Elbow/collar tie-up and punches in the corner from Rhodes. He Irish-Whips Cara, but Sin counters with a handstand back elbow. He sends Cody to the outside with a top-rope armdrag, then runs through the ropes with a dive to the outside. Rhodes capitalizes with kicks quickly and takes control again. He grasps on a grounding arm submission, then stomps on Cara again.

Cody uses the ropes to help choke Sin, then delivers a stiff right hand. Cara eventually counters a running Cody with a kick, then nails a missile dropkick and hurricanrana. Cody reverses another move and drives Cara down with the Crossrhodes spinning neckbreaker to get the 1 – 2 – 3!

Winner via Pinfall: Cody Rhodes (with “The Intellectual Saviour Of The WWE” Damien Sandow)

Segment #7: Slammy #6 Promo – “Trending Now Hashtag Of The Year”

“Long Island Iced-Z” Zack Ryder and Layla give this one.

Nominees are: “#Feed Me More” (Ryback), “#People Power” (John Laurinaitis), “#LittleJimmy” (R-Truth), #WWWYKI (Zack Ryder)


The winner, appropriately, is “#FeedMeMore” for Ryback. Zack and Layla take the award to the back to give to him.

Segment #8: Arena Promo

Despite not being voted “Superstar Of The Year,” The Big Show is still not upset because he is still the World Heavyweight Champion. The crowd begins to chant “boring,” which irritates the 500-pounder, until Sheamus comes out to liven things up. He gives accolades to the match they had at T.L.C., as well as The Big Show for being the better man.

He shakes Show’s hand and starts to walk off calmly, until the World Heavyweight Champion insults him with some Irish stereotypes. This makes Sheamus unglued and he destroys Show with chair shots and a Brogue Kick!

Just now, Dolph Ziggler is running to cash in his Money In The Bank contract, but Cena chases after him and levels “The Showoff” with a clothesline. Cena chucks him barricade-to-barricade, and since the referee never rang the bell to start the match, Ziggler still has his contract.

Match #7: 6-Man Tag-Team – “3.M.B. (Drew McIntyre, Jinder Mahal, and Heath Slater) VS. Alberto Del Rio (with Ricardo Rodriguez), The Miz and ???

The mystery partner is left for after the break.


Segment #9: Backstage Promo

Dolph Ziggler is looking for Vickie Guerrero. When he finds her, they argue about T.L.C. and tonight. Ziggler says this relationship is finally over (yay!) and that he wants revenge on Cena for costing him the World Championship opportunity. Guerrero agrees, but instead puts him in a tag-team match – with his partner of A.J. taking on John Cena and his partner – Vickie Guerrero!

Match #7: 6-Man Tag-Team – “3.M.B. (Drew McIntyre, Jinder Mahal, and Heath Slater) VS. Alberto Del Rio (with Ricardo Rodriguez), The Miz and ???

The Miz announces their partner as a man that “takes it to the extreme, the heart and soul of E.C.W. – Tommy Dreamer!” The “Innovator Of Hardcore” walks out, welding a Singapore Cane.

Drew and Alberto tussle for a bit, until the Philadelphia-favourite is tagged in. Dreamer takes down Slater with a punch, and things break down fast. Dreamer flies off, impressively, to all three members of 3.M.B.


Back live, Dreamer counters a side-headlock from Mahal to a backrop, then tags in Miz as Slater is switched with. Miz all-over Heath, hitting the running-clothesline in the corner. Slater eventually counters and sends Miz into the barricade, then Miz is wrestled by all three, who dominate over the Miz for a while.

Miz finally makes a hot-tag to Del Rio, going after Slater and Drew. Miz takes out Mahal with a clothesline, while Alberto hits the running Enziguri and goes to lock in the Crossarmbreaker submission, but decides to please the crowd and switch with Tommy Dreamer. He comes in and plants Heath with the DDT for the 1 – 2 – 3!

Winners via Pinfall: Alberto Del Rio (with Ricardo Rodriguez), The Miz, and Tommy Dreamer

Segment #10: Slammy #7 Promo – “Newcomer of the Year”

Sheamus comes back out to hand out the next trophy. The nominees are: Antonio Cesaro, “The Funkasaurus” Brodus Clay, “The Intellectual Saviour of the WWE” Damien Sandow, and Ryback (Gee, I wonder!)


The newcomer of the year is … Ryback. Yep, that’s about right. He walks out, shakes Sheamus’ hands and takes to the podium. Ryback quotes the late, great Owen Hart (ok, there’s my win, right there! Very classy!) saying “enough is enough and it’s time for a change.” Ryback declares he is that “change” and leads the crowd in a “feed me more” chant. He now marches to the ring, for a bout next.

Match #8: Single – Ryback VS. United States Champion Antonio Cesaro (Non-Title)

Prior to the contest, Cesaro rips the voting, claiming it is rigged. He says that he is stronger, smart, and a champion, unlike Ryback.

Antonio starts fast with a kick and uppercut, but gets a Lou Thesz press off an Irish whip. Ryback slams his head three times to the mat and punches him down. Cesaro counters and shoves Ryback into the ropes, then hits a couple uppercut punches to Antonio’s back.

Ryback reverses a suplex into one of his own, then gives Cesaro shoulders in the corner. He goes for another, but the U.S. Champion counters with a high-knee. He then runs and slams Ryback to the canvas!

As Cesaro signals for “The Neutralizer,” Ryback backdrops him and drives him and drives him down with a spinebuster. Ryback is gearing up for a clothesline, but Antonio rolls out of the ring to collect is U.S. Championship. He turns around right into an overhead-press, sending him back to the ring. Cesaro escapes again and decides to forfeit.

Winner via Count-Out: Ryback

Segment #11: Slammy #8 Promo – “Match Of The Year”

Hall Of Famers “Mean” Gene Okerlund, Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat, and “Good Ole J.R.” Jim Ross walk out to present the final Slammy of the night, for the greatest match of 2012.

The nominees are: “End Of An Era” Triple H VS. The Undertaker (Wrestlemania XXVIII, 4/2/2012), Brock Lesnar VS. John Cena (Extreme Rules, 4/30/2012), World Heavyweight Championship Big Show VS. Sheamus (Hell In A Cell, 10/28/2012), “Once In A Lifetime” John Cena VS. The Rock (Wrestlemania XXVIII, 4/2/2012)

(Ok, this one is actually hard to pick – it’s definitely down to the two ‘Mania 28 contests, and personally, I’d like it to be the “End Of An Era” bout.) We’ll find out next!


Back live, the winner for 2012 “Match Of The Year” is … “End Of An Era” Triple H VS. The Undertaker (Wrestlemania XXVIII, 4/2/2012)! (Good)

Out to accept, Triple H returns (with his new haircut) and receives a loud ovation, and gives it right back to the fans and the three Hall Of Famers on stage.

Just as he begins his speech, loud “we want ‘Taker” chants blare. He calls the match “magical,” and puts over the two other participants as the two guys he respects more than anyone else in the business. Shawn Michaels, and calling Undertaker “the benchmark.”

The fans chant “thank you, Hunter” and he reiterates the sentiment. He then answers a “million dollar question,” saying that we haven’t heard the last of The Undertaker! Triple H walks off to his music.

Backstage, Seth Rollins, Roman Reigns, and Dean Ambrose attack Tommy Dreamer and Ricardo Rodriguez until referees and agents shoo them away.

A.J. come out next and wants a ladder set up in the ring. She ascends it before the break.


Segment #12: Arena Promo

A.J. is almost atop the ladder with the microphone in the ring. She says that she is “just full of surprises.” A.J. claims that everyone is asking her why she tipped John Cena off the ladder at T.L.C. and cost him the match. She thought it was obvious, and just before she can say so, Vickie Guerrero excuses herself. She says that no one cares and drops the mike, getting ready for the match.

Match #9: Mixed Tag-Team – A.J. and “The Showoff/Mr. Money In The Bank” Dolph Ziggler VS. Vickie Guerrero and John Cena

Ziggler and Cena start out, with Ziggler ducking a clothesline and strutting around. They chain-wrestle with headlocks and armlocks, then Dolph tags A.J. following a spin-out backdrop.

A.J. comes in and eyes down Cena, then gets in the “catfight” with Vickie Guerrero. A.J. suddenly walks off, as Dolph takes control over Cena with stomps and punches. Vickie also walks off, and this is basically a one-on-one.

Ziggler misses a corner splash, but Cena gets the Attitude Adjustment countered by a jumping DDT for a close near-fall! Ziggler drops a series of elbows (7, to be exact!) Dolph misses a superkick and Cena locks in the STF. A.J. walks back out, and this time with a new charge – Big E. Langston from NXT.

Big E attacks Cena, causing the DQ.

Winner via Disqualification: John Cena,

Post-match, Big E. slams Cena with a shoulder breaker as Dolph looks on and A.J. skips around to close the show!

End Of Raw.

Reporter’s Rumblings – By Moe Tapp

Honestly, this wasn’t a great show. It had it’s moments, but much like last year, it felt bland, really kinda just sucked! I’ll do my usual analysis, however the “bogus” will be very quickly summed up!

Excellence: Jerry “The King” Lawler, Kofi Kingston, and Triple H/Undertaker/Shawn Michaels winning their Slammys. Two out of three were surprises/hard to pick and Jerry’s was excpected, but still very nice and honourable. (Although again, they didn’t need to re-show footage of his backstage ordeal following the heart attack – a bit uneasy there.)

Dolph retaining the MITB briefcase – thank you, thank you, thank you!

Ryback/Cesaro was actually a great match, and these two look good in the ring together for future bouts. Once again, I liked WWE Champion C.M. Punk’s rant, but that was it from that segment.

Anything that “The Rhodes Scholars” do, as well as Miz and Alberto’s face turns – I could actually see this doing well.

I still like The Shield for sure, I’m just starting to wonder if they need to pick a permanent opponent now and begin an individual feud, instead of attacking everyone.

Bogus: Everything else. In particular, three stand-outs – The other awards were too predictable, the Ric Flair segment – although nice to see him back – was too long and too much involved. Plus, you won an AWARD John Cena, why would you give it away? And the ending to Raw was just too sudden. It felt like they rushed off the air.

Ah well, here’s hoping for more explanation next week. On that note, I will not be writing about Raw on the 24th/25th, due to Christmas, so I wish all you readers a Merry Christmas (for those who celebrate), Happy Hanukah (for those who celebrate) and Happy Holidays to everyone else! The next posting will be on January 1st, so also Happy New Year for 2013! Be Excellent Wrestling-Online Readers and Wrestling Fans!

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