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Premier of Western Australia writes letter informing The Rock there’s trash-talking about him!


Roger Cook, the Premier of Western Australia wrote a funny letter addressed to The Rock, informing him that there have been a lot of trash talking about him leading up to the Elimination Chamber in Perth.

Earlier this week WWE uploaded a video where The Rock says that anyone who hears people talk trash about him, they should let him know. So the Premier, who obviously wants The Rock in the country for the show, decided to take matter in his own hands.

Addressed originally to “Mr. Rock” and then changed to The Rock via pen, the letter states, “I’m writing in relation to The Rock’s recent video regarding Saturday’s WWE Elimination Chamber here in Perth, Western Australia. As Premier of Western Australia I feel compelled to inform The Rock there has been a lot of out-of-towners talking trash in the lead up to the Elimination Chamber. I am sorry to have to inform The Rock, I feel much of this trash talk has been directed at The Rock himself.”

It then continues, “On behalf of the people of Western Australia, I thought I’d let The Rock know, The State of Western Australia stands ready to assist The Rock in making ‘magic happen’ and provide logistical support so you can respond to this outrageous trash talk. Western Australians would love to smell what The Rock is cooking.”

The letter is signed by Cook, who even uploaded it on his social media for more publicity.

The government of Western Australia did make a request to possibly have The Rock as part of the Chamber show since they were coughing up a lot of money to bring WWE over.

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