Home WWE Raw ring mat now sporting sponsors in one of several changes

Raw ring mat now sporting sponsors in one of several changes


There were several changes to the presentation of Raw last night on Netflix, but perhaps the biggest one was the ring, where the mat is now covered with sponsors.

The mat, now black with white ropes, had sponsor logos around and in the middle.

In the top left and bottom right was the logo of Real American Beer, the Hogan beer which WWE now owns a minority stake in. The top right and bottom left featured the logo of Riyadh Season, a major partner for WWE considering they’re a source of hundreds of millions of dollars with their annual shows.

Epic Games’ Fortnite logo took the most prominent center spot, with the Snickers logo, another major sponsor for WWE at the top and the Netflix logo at the bottom, both centered as well. Rounding out the squared circle was the Cricket logo, which was on the two sides of the Fortnite logo.

These logos are likely to be for Raw shows only moving forward. The Prime logo will remain for Premium Live Events.

Apart from the ring, several new camera shots were also used last night, including the use of drones which did make for some epic footage. A new commentary table which will make it harder to break was also on display and referees used a new, darker uniform.

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