Home WWE Rollins to face opponent of McMahon’s choosing at WrestleMania

Rollins to face opponent of McMahon’s choosing at WrestleMania


Seth Rollins finally got his WrestleMania match but he will not find out who his opponent is until he’s in the ring.

As part of the angle, Rollins was summoned to Vince McMahon’s office yesterday morning after he threatened to crash Raw if he didn’t get his Mania match.

McMahon informed Rollins that he will get a match at Mania and when Rollins asked who his opponent is, Vince said he would pick his opponent and he would not reveal it until it’s time for the match.

Rollins had a rough few weeks trying to get a match, going through several obstacles and failing every time. McMahon told Rollins that next time all he had to do was…ask!

His opponent is rumored to be none other than the returning Cody Rhodes, who quit AEW in mid-February.

The match was planned for WrestleMania Sunday but is now taking place on Saturday.


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