
Total Divas S6 E10 episode recap: The Big Day

This episode of Total Divas showcased some important moments for everyone on the Divas roster.

For Renee Young, this episode was especially important because it showed what happened when she brought her boyfriend, WWE Superstar Dean Ambrose home to meet her family in Toronto Canada. In the beginning of the episode, Renee shared her concerns about Dean with fellow Diva Natalya. Renee explained that her family had only met Dean after wrestling events, and therefore may associate him more with his wrestling persona than with the man she had come to love. Natalia suggested that Renee might encourage Dean to be a tad bit less eccentric during their trip to Toronto. Once Renee’s parents arrived, however, it became clear that Dean had no intention of changing his personality for any length of time.

In fact, Dean seemed to act slightly more eccentric than usual, encouraging Renee’s mother, Carol, to drink heavily and suggesting that she try dangerous activities such as bungee jumping. Renee became really concerned one evening at dinner when Dean chased down a man who had stolen her hat forcing him to return it and apologize. Renee may have been embarrassed by Dean, but I found his actions to be noble and even slightly heroic.

Renee’s mother clearly shared my feelings, because after two days of Renee’s giving Dean the cold shoulder, she confronted Renee and accused her of forcing Dean to be someone other than himself I think that Renee’s mother was right when she said, “If you keep trying to stop someone from having fun they won’t want to be around you.” Renee’s mother also said that Renee couldn’t ask for a better man than one who would chase a hat thief down the street to make sure his girlfriend’s property was returned.

Meanwhile, another Diva was getting ready for a big event as well.

Lana and her fiancé, Rusev were busy making the final preparations for their wedding in Malibu, California. Lana decided that she wanted a beach wedding and a circus themed reception. Rusev loves elephants, so Lana thought be nice to surprise him by having a live elephant at their reception.

However, when Lana confided this idea to fellow Diva, Maryse she informed Lana that performing elephants were badly mistreated, and therefore by having them at her wedding Lana would be contributing to animal cruelty. Maryse even sent Lana a video about the mistreatment of performing elephants.

After seeing the footage, it is no surprise that Lana chose not to have live elephants at her wedding. While I understand the need to defend animal rights, I don’t think that Maryse should have tried to change Lana’s wedding. Lana’s wedding day did not seem to suffer because of the lack of elephants though. However, I thought that there might not be a happy bride: on Lana’s wedding day because of the lack of one thing, a flower arch.

Lana kept insisting to Rusev that she had always wanted a flower arch and that her wedding day simply wouldn’t be complete without one. Lana became even more irate when Rusev rented a Lamborghini to use and their getaway car after the nuptials were over. She claimed that the Lamborghini rental cost more than the flower arch. Little did Lana know that Rusev was waiting to surprise her with a flower arch as she walked down the aisle.

I personally think that Lana is being a little too insistent on having her own way, but their wedding flower arch included, made for an excellent mid-season finale of Total Divas. I can’t wait to see what happens next!

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